SAP Note 570471 - FAQ 2: Confirmations in the Project System

Component : Confirmation -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
pscn41 / cns41 / cne5 / cnse5 / cn47 / cns47 / cn48 / cns48    - confirmation, cn25 - individual confirmation / summary confirmationcn27 - collective confirmationcn30 - postprocessing cats transfer, cross application time sheetcat5 - cats transfer, separate process steps 'posting goods movements', error message ru510              read note 448321, symptom faq 2 - faq level 2, pscata - central cats transfer, checking failed goods movements, plant/network type combination, checking failed cost postings

Related Notes :

1246420Composite SAP Note : Cross Application Time Sheet Docum.
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