SAP Note 1074030 - R3trans: "Duplicate key" composite SAP note (as of Rel 6.10)

Component : Transport Tools - Upgrade Tools

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses the issue of R3trans termination during imports due to a "duplicate key" error when inserting an array in SAP_BASIS Release 6.10 and later. It outlines possible causes such as multiple unique indexes, missing primary indexes, inconsistent key fields in the source and target system, and database-specific errors. Solutions involve adjusting table definitions, recreating indexes, modifying key structures, and using updated R3trans versions. It emphasizes the importance of a detailed problem analysis to identify the correct cause before referring to this composite note to resolve the issue. The note also details various conditions under specific database management systems that can lead to this error, offering solutions like database patches and correct procedures during table transport.

Key words :
db interface  2eetw000      db call info  2eetw000 function, cdmmt cosrv konv m_mbanp t622 wlk1 solution, sap service marketplace software center, ebp support package 6- sapk-603ddinsapappl, directory /usr/sap/upgrade/exe, r3transoptions = dbcalltrace=dbtrace safeandslow=yesthis, omit parallel import processes or3, /usr/sap/trans/cofiles, /usr/sap/put/cofiles, rt_mi_end function code represents

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