Oracle Messages

Id Message
LFI-01520 close() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
LFI-01521 fsync() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
LFI-01522 opendir() failed.
LFI-01523 rename() failed.
LPX-00000 normal, successful completion
LPX-00001 NULL pointer
LPX-00002 out of memory
LPX-00003 duplicate entry in hash table
LPX-00004 internal error ~s
LPX-00005 ~1s buffer overflow, maximum size is ~2u bytes
LPX-00006 invalid child type for parent node
LPX-00007 unexpected end-of-file encountered
LPX-00008 invalid memory callback
LPX-00011 In line ~1u of ~2s [general entity ~3S]:
LPX-00012 Unicode data alignment error
LPX-00013 wrong node type
LPX-00014 context is not clean
LPX-00017 ~1sNodeName: <~2S>
LPX-00018 internal error nested open strings
LPX-00019 property ~s unknown
Lines 2261 to 2280 of 20375 entries
1 112 113 114 115 116 1,019