Oracle Messages

Id Message
LPX-00050 initialization error: NLS mismatch
LPX-00051 NLS initialization failed
LPX-00052 LEH initialization failed
LPX-00053 LML initialization failed
LPX-00054 LPU initialization failed, error ~u
LPX-00100 root element ~1S does not match DTD root ~2S
LPX-00101 parameter-entity markup cannot be split up
LPX-00102 standalone document declaration should be no
LPX-00103 document structure does not match DTD
LPX-00104 element ~S is not declared in the DTD
LPX-00105 element ~S is not empty as required by the DTD
LPX-00106 attribute ~1S of element ~2S is undefined
LPX-00107 element ~S has multiple declarations
LPX-00108 parameter-entity parenthetical cannot be split up
LPX-00109 duplicate name ~S in mixed-content declaration
LPX-00110 invalid ~1s ~2S (not a Name)
LPX-00111 invalid ~1s ~2S (not a Nmtoken)
LPX-00112 element ~S has multiple ID attributes
LPX-00113 element ~1S ID attribute ~2S must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED
LPX-00114 element ~1S attribute ~2S has invalid enumeration value ~3S
Lines 2281 to 2300 of 20375 entries
1 113 114 115 116 117 1,019