Oracle Messages

Id Message
LPX-00115 element ~1S is missing required attribute ~2S
LPX-00116 element ~1S attribute ~2S has invalid value ~3S, must be ~4S
LPX-00118 undefined entity ~S
LPX-00119 element ~1S attribute ~2S must be an unparsed entity
LPX-00120 entity ~1S NDATA (notation) ~2S is undefined
LPX-00121 undefined notation ~S
LPX-00122 undefined ID ~S in IDREF
LPX-00123 duplicate ID ~S
LPX-00124 attribute value should be one or more tokens
LPX-00125 duplicate entity ~S (ignored)
LPX-00200 could not convert from encoding ~1s to ~2s
LPX-00201 unknown encoding ~s
LPX-00202 could not open ~s (error ~u)
LPX-00203 could not read from ~s (error ~u)
LPX-00204 syntax error
LPX-00205 expected