SAP Table MARA - General Material Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
MATNR X MATNR CHAR 3 18 0 MARA Material Number
ERSDA ERSDA DATS 22 8 0 Created On
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 30 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
LAEDA LAEDA DATS 42 8 0 Date of Last Change
AENAM AENAM CHAR 50 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
VPSTA VPSTA CHAR 62 15 0 Maintenance status of complete material
PSTAT PSTAT_D CHAR 77 15 0 Maintenance status
LVORM LVOMA CHAR 92 1 0 Flag Material for Deletion at Client Level
MTART MTART CHAR 93 4 0 T134 Material Type
MBRSH MBRSH CHAR 97 1 0 T137 Industry sector
MATKL MATKL CHAR 98 9 0 T023 Material Group
BISMT BISMT CHAR 107 18 0 Old material number
MEINS MEINS UNIT 125 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
BSTME BSTME UNIT 128 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
ZEINR DZEINR CHAR 131 22 0 Document number (without document management system)
ZEIAR DZEIAR CHAR 153 3 0 Document type (without Document Management system)
ZEIVR DZEIVR CHAR 156 2 0 Document version (without Document Management system)
ZEIFO DZEIFO CHAR 158 4 0 Page format of document (without Document Management system)
AESZN AESZN CHAR 162 6 0 Document change number (without document management system)
BLATT BLATT CHAR 168 3 0 Page number of document (without Document Management system)
BLANZ BLANZ NUMC 171 3 0 Number of sheets (without Document Management system)
FERTH FERTH CHAR 174 18 0 Production/inspection memo
FORMT FORMT CHAR 192 4 0 Page Format of Production Memo
GROES GROES CHAR 196 32 0 Size/dimensions
WRKST WRKST CHAR 228 48 0 Basic Material
NORMT NORMT CHAR 276 18 0 Industry Standard Description (such as ANSI or ISO)
LABOR LABOR CHAR 294 3 0 T024L Laboratory/design office
EKWSL EKWSL CHAR 297 4 0 Purchasing Value Key
BRGEW BRGEW QUAN 301 13 3 Gross Weight
NTGEW NTGEW QUAN 308 13 3 Net Weight
GEWEI GEWEI UNIT 315 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
VOLUM VOLUM QUAN 318 13 3 Volume
VOLEH VOLEH UNIT 325 3 0 T006 Volume unit
BEHVO BEHVO CHAR 328 2 0 T144 Container requirements
RAUBE RAUBE CHAR 330 2 0 T142 Storage conditions
TEMPB TEMPB CHAR 332 2 0 T143 Temperature conditions indicator
DISST DISST CHAR 334 3 0 Low-Level Code
TRAGR TRAGR CHAR 337 4 0 TTGR Transportation Group
STOFF STOFF CHAR 341 18 0 MGEF Hazardous material number
SPART SPART CHAR 359 2 0 TSPA Division
KUNNR WETTB CHAR 361 10 0 KNA1 Competitor
EANNR EANNR CHAR 371 13 0 European Article Number (EAN) - obsolete!!!!!
WESCH WESCH QUAN 384 13 3 Quantity: Number of GR/GI slips to be printed
BWVOR BWVOR CHAR 391 1 0 Procurement rule
BWSCL BWSCL CHAR 392 1 0 Source of Supply
SAISO SAISO CHAR 393 4 0 T6WSP Season Category
ETIAR ETIAR CHAR 397 2 0 T6WP3 Label type
ETIFO ETIFO CHAR 399 2 0 T6WP4 Label form
ENTAR DUMMYENTAR CHAR 401 1 0 Deactivated
EAN11 EAN11 CHAR 402 18 0 International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
NUMTP NUMTP CHAR 420 2 0 Category of International Article Number (EAN)
LAENG LAENG QUAN 422 13 3 Length
BREIT BREIT QUAN 429 13 3 Width
HOEHE HOEHE QUAN 436 13 3 Height
MEABM MEABM UNIT 443 3 0 T006 Unit of Dimension for Length/Width/Height
PRDHA PRODH_D CHAR 446 18 0 T179 Product hierarchy
AEKLK CK_AEKLK CHAR 464 1 0 Stock Transfer Net Change Costing
CADKZ CADKZ CHAR 465 1 0 CAD Indicator
QMPUR QMPUR CHAR 466 1 0 QM in Procurement is Active
ERGEW ERGEW QUAN 467 13 3 Allowed packaging weight
ERGEI ERGEI UNIT 474 3 0 T006 Unit of weight (allowed packaging weight)
ERVOL ERVOL QUAN 477 13 3 Allowed packaging volume
ERVOE ERVOE UNIT 484 3 0 T006 Volume unit (allowed packaging volume)
GEWTO GEWTO DEC 487 3 1 Excess Weight Tolerance for Handling unit
VOLTO VOLTO DEC 489 3 1 Excess Volume Tolerance of the Handling Unit
VABME VABME CHAR 491 1 0 Variable Purchase Order Unit Active
KZREV KZREV CHAR 492 1 0 Revision Level Has Been Assigned to the Material
KZKFG KZKFG CHAR 493 1 0 Configurable Material
XCHPF XCHPF CHAR 494 1 0 Batch management requirement indicator
VHART VHIART CHAR 495 4 0 Packaging Material Type
FUELG FUELG DEC 499 3 0 Maximum level (by volume)
STFAK STFAK INT2 502 5 0 Stacking factor
MAGRV MAGRV CHAR 504 4 0 Material Group: Packaging Materials
BEGRU BEGRU CHAR 508 4 0 Authorization Group
DATAB DATAB DATS 512 8 0 Valid-From Date
LIQDT LIQDT DATS 520 8 0 Deletion date
SAISJ SAISJ CHAR 528 4 0 Season Year
PLGTP PLGTP CHAR 532 2 0 Price Band Category
MLGUT W_MITLEERG CHAR 534 1 0 Empties Bill of Material
EXTWG EXTWG CHAR 535 18 0 External Material Group
SATNR SATNR CHAR 553 18 0 MARA Cross-Plant Configurable Material
ATTYP ATTYP CHAR 571 2 0 Material Category
KZKUP KZKUPMAT CHAR 573 1 0 Indicator: Material can be co-product
KZNFM KZNFM CHAR 574 1 0 Indicator: The material has a follow-up material
PMATA PMATN CHAR 575 18 0 MARA Pricing Reference Material
MSTAE MSTAE CHAR 593 2 0 T141 Cross-Plant Material Status
MSTAV MSTAV CHAR 595 2 0 Cross-distribution-chain material status
MSTDE MSTDE DATS 597 8 0 Date from which the cross-plant material status is valid
MSTDV MSTDV DATS 605 8 0 Date from which the X-distr.-chain material status is valid
TAKLV TAKLV CHAR 613 1 0 Tax classification of the material
RBNRM RBNR CHAR 614 9 0 T352B Catalog Profile
MHDRZ MHDRZ DEC 623 4 0 Minimum Remaining Shelf Life
MHDHB MHDHB DEC 626 4 0 Total shelf life
MHDLP MHDLP DEC 629 3 0 Storage percentage
INHME INHME UNIT 631 3 0 T006 Content unit
INHAL INHAL QUAN 634 13 3 Net contents
VPREH VPREH DEC 641 5 0 Comparison price unit
ETIAG ETIAG CHAR 644 18 0 IS-R Labeling: material grouping (deactivated in 4.0)
INHBR INHBR QUAN 662 13 3 Gross contents
CMETH OIB_CMETH CHAR 669 1 0 Quantity Conversion Method
CUOBF CUOBM NUMC 670 18 0 Internal object number
KZUMW KZUMW CHAR 688 1 0 Environmentally Relevant
KOSCH KOSCH CHAR 689 18 0 T190S Product allocation determination procedure
SPROF SPROF CHAR 707 1 0 Pricing profile for variants
NRFHG NRFHG CHAR 708 1 0 Material qualifies for discount in kind
MFRPN MFRPN CHAR 709 40 0 Manufacturer Part Number
MFRNR MFRNR CHAR 749 10 0 LFA1 Number of a Manufacturer
BMATN MPMAT CHAR 759 18 0 MARA Number of firm's own (internal) inventory-managed material
MPROF MPROF CHAR 777 4 0 Manufacturer Part Profile
KZWSM KZWSO CHAR 781 1 0 Units of measure usage
SAITY SAITY CHAR 782 2 0 T6WSA Rollout in a Season
PROFL ADGE_PROFL CHAR 784 3 0 Dangerous Goods Indicator Profile
IHIVI ADGE_IHIVI CHAR 787 1 0 Indicator: Highly Viscous
ILOOS ADGE_ILOOS CHAR 788 1 0 Indicator: In Bulk/Liquid
SERLV SERLV CHAR 789 1 0 Level of Explicitness for Serial Number
KZGVH KZGVH CHAR 790 1 0 Packaging Material is Closed Packaging
XGCHP XGCHP CHAR 791 1 0 Indicator: Approved batch record required
KZEFF CC_MTEFF CHAR 792 1 0 Assign effectivity parameter values/ override change numbers
COMPL CSCP_COMP_LVL NUMC 793 2 0 Material completion level
IPRKZ DATTP CHAR 795 1 0 Period Indicator for Shelf Life Expiration Date
RDMHD RDMHD CHAR 796 1 0 Rounding rule for calculation of SLED
PRZUS PRZUS CHAR 797 1 0 Indicator: Product composition printed on packaging
MTPOS_MARA MTPOS_MARA CHAR 798 4 0 TPTM General item category group
BFLME BFLME CHAR 802 1 0 Generic Material with Logistical Variants
MATFI MATFI CHAR 803 1 0 Material Is Locked
CMREL DE_CM_RELEVANCE_FLAG CHAR 804 1 0 Relevant for Configuration Management
BBTYP BBTYP CHAR 805 1 0 Assortment List Type
SLED_BBD SLED_BBD CHAR 806 1 0 Expiration Date
GTIN_VARIANT GTIN_VARIANT CHAR 807 2 0 Global Trade Item Number Variant
GENNR WSTR_SATNR_PP CHAR 809 18 0 MARA Material Number of the Generic Material in Prepack Materials
RMATP PL_RMATP CHAR 827 18 0 MARA Reference material for materials packed in same way
GDS_RELEVANT GDS_RELEVANT CHAR 845 1 0 Indicator: Global Data Synchronization-Relevant
WEORA WEORA CHAR 846 1 0 Acceptance At Origin
WHSTC CIFWHSTC CHAR 852 2 0 Warehouse Storage Condition
WHMATGR CIFWHMATGR CHAR 854 4 0 Warehouse Material Group
HNDLCODE CIFHDLCODE CHAR 858 4 0 Handling Indicator
HAZMAT CIFHAZMAT CHAR 862 1 0 Relevant for Hazardous Substances
HUTYP CIFHUTYP CHAR 863 4 0 Handling Unit Type
TARE_VAR CIFTAREVAR CHAR 867 1 0 Variable Tare Weight
MAXC CIFMAXC DEC 868 15 3 Maximum Allowed Capacity of Packaging Material
MAXC_TOL CIFMAXCTOL DEC 876 3 1 Overcapacity Tolerance of the Handling Unit
MAXL CIFMAXL QUAN 878 15 3 Maximum Packing Length of Packaging Material
MAXB CIFMAXB QUAN 886 15 3 Maximum Packing Width of Packaging Material
MAXH CIFMAXH QUAN 894 15 3 Maximum Packing Height of Packaging Material
MAXDIM_UOM CIFMAXDUOM UNIT 902 3 0 T006 Unit of Measure for Maximum Packing Length/Width/Height
HERKL HERKL CHAR 905 3 0 T005 Country of origin of the material
MFRGR MFRGR CHAR 908 8 0 TMFG Material freight group
QQTIME CIFQQTIME CHAR 916 1 0 Quarantine Period
QQTIMEUOM CIFQQTIMEUOM UNIT 918 3 0 T006 Time Unit for Quarantine Period
QGRP CIFQGRP CHAR 921 4 0 Quality Inspection Group
SERIAL CIFSERIAL CHAR 925 4 0 Serial Number Profile
LOGUNIT CIFLOGUNIT UNIT 959 3 0 T006 EWM CW: Logistics Unit of Measure
CWQREL CIFCWQREL CHAR 962 1 0 EWM CW: Material Is a Catch Weight Material
CWQPROC CIFCWQPROC CHAR 963 2 0 EWM CW: Catch Weight Profile for Entering CW Quantity
CWQTOLGR CIFCWQTOLGR CHAR 965 9 0 EWM-CW: Catch Weight Tolerance Group for EWM
ADPROF CIFADPROF CHAR 974 3 0 Adjustment Profile
IPMIPPRODUCT CRM_PRODUCT_ID_IP CHAR 977 40 0 ID for an Intellectual Property (CRM Product)
ALLOW_PMAT_IGNO WPM_ALLOW_PMAT_IGNO_MAT CHAR 1017 1 0 Variant Price Allowed (for Material Master)
MEDIUM MEDIU CHAR 1018 6 0 Medium
/BEV1/LULEINH /BEV1/LULEINH NUMC 1024 8 0 Loading Units
/BEV1/LULDEGRP /BEV1/LULDEGRP CHAR 1032 3 0 /BEV1/LUT906 Loading Unit Group: IS Beverage
/BEV1/NESTRUCCAT /BEV1/NESTRUC_CAT CHAR 1035 1 0 Structure Category for Material Relationship
/VSO/R_TILT_IND /VSO/M_TILT_IND CHAR 1056 1 0 Material may be Tilted (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/R_STACK_IND /VSO/M_STACK_IND CHAR 1057 1 0 Stacking not Allowed (VSO)
/VSO/R_BOT_IND /VSO/M_BOTTOM_IND CHAR 1058 1 0 Bottom Layer (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/R_TOP_IND /VSO/M_TOP_IND CHAR 1059 1 0 Top Layer (VSO)
/VSO/R_STACK_NO /VSO/M_STACK_NO NUMC 1060 3 0 Stacking Factor (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/R_PAL_IND /VSO/M_PALLET_IND CHAR 1063 1 0 Load without Packaging Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_PAL_OVR_D /VSO/R_PAL_OVR_D QUAN 1064 13 3 Permissible Overhang (Depth) of Packaging Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_PAL_OVR_W /VSO/R_PAL_OVR_W QUAN 1071 13 3 Permissible Overhang (Width) of Shipping Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_PAL_B_HT /VSO/R_PAL_BIN_HGT QUAN 1078 13 3 Maximum Stacking Height of the Packaging Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_PAL_MIN_H /VSO/R_PAL_MIN_HT QUAN 1085 13 3 Minimum Stacking Height of the Packaging Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_TOL_B_HT /VSO/R_TOL_BIN_HT QUAN 1092 13 3 Tolerance to Exceed the Max. Stacking Height (VSO)
/VSO/R_NO_P_GVH /VSO/M_ANZ_PER_GVH NUMC 1099 2 0 Number of Materials for each Closed PKM (VSO)
/VSO/R_QUAN_UNIT /VSO/R_QUAN_UNIT UNIT 1101 3 0 Unit of Measure Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/R_KZGVH_IND /VSO/M_KZGVH_IND CHAR 1104 1 0 Closed Packaging Material Required (VSO)
PACKCODE CBUNE_PACODE CHAR 1105 10 0 CCUNC121 Packaging Code
DG_PACK_STATUS ADGE_DG_PACK_STATUS CHAR 1115 10 0 Dangerous Goods Packaging Status
MCOND DFPS_MCOND CHAR 1125 1 0 Material Condition Management
LOGLEV_RETO DFPS_LOGLEV_RETO CHAR 1127 1 0 Return to Logistics Level
NSNID DFPS_NSNID CHAR 1128 9 0 NATO Stock Number
PICNUM PIC_PICNUM_SUS CHAR 1155 18 0 Supersession chain number
BSTAT WRFBSTAT CHAR 1173 2 0 Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement
COLOR_ATINN WRF_COLOR_ATINN NUMC 1175 10 0 CABN Internal Charactieristic Number for Color Characteristics
SIZE1_ATINN WRF_SIZE1_ATINN NUMC 1185 10 0 CABN Internal Char. Number for Characteristics for Main Sizes
SIZE2_ATINN WRF_SIZE2_ATINN NUMC 1195 10 0 CABN Internal Char. Number for Characteristics for Second Sizes
COLOR WRF_COLOR CHAR 1205 18 0 Characteristic Value for Colors of Variants
SIZE1 WRF_SIZE1 CHAR 1223 18 0 Characteristic Value for Main Sizes of Variants
SIZE2 WRF_SIZE2 CHAR 1241 18 0 Characteristic Value for Second Size for Variants
FREE_CHAR WRF_FREE_CHAR CHAR 1259 18 0 Characteristic Value for Evaluation Purposes
CARE_CODE WRF_CARE_CODE CHAR 1277 16 0 Care Codes (such as Washing Code, Ironing Code, etc.)
FIBER_CODE1 WRF_FIBER_CODE_1 CHAR 1297 3 0 Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 1)
FIBER_PART1 WRF_FIBER_PART_1 NUMC 1300 3 0 Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 1)
FIBER_CODE2 WRF_FIBER_CODE_2 CHAR 1303 3 0 Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 2)
FIBER_PART2 WRF_FIBER_PART_2 NUMC 1306 3 0 Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 2)
FIBER_CODE3 WRF_FIBER_CODE_3 CHAR 1309 3 0 Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 3)
FIBER_PART3 WRF_FIBER_PART_3 NUMC 1312 3 0 Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 3)
FIBER_CODE4 WRF_FIBER_CODE_4 CHAR 1315 3 0 Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 4)
FIBER_PART4 WRF_FIBER_PART_4 NUMC 1318 3 0 Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 4)
FIBER_CODE5 WRF_FIBER_CODE_5 CHAR 1321 3 0 Fiber Code for Textiles (Component 5)
FIBER_PART5 WRF_FIBER_PART_5 NUMC 1324 3 0 Percentage Share of Fiber (Component 5)
FASHGRD FASHGRD CHAR 1327 4 0 Fashion Grade

1633202Generation-/Activation errors with BP-SOLBLD 71V1
1487660SAFT-PT: Updated manuals for implmentation
322832Oil fields in the material master
1455043Invisible differences between characters
898231Stock initialization does not extract stocks in transit
1412499Floating point field not permitted in append for table MARA
1229603MM17: DFPS-specific fields cannot be changed
1166612Locking error for material during parallel goods movements
583933Reducing data exchange at sales organization level
44410Integrating cust.-specific fields in matl master
916027Archived Master Data - Manufacture part number
900380Configurable items in the SD process (idocs & bapis)
833068Numeric characteristic values are not displayed
495764Description of the status in the CRM product master
785403 MARA fields not correctly mapped into COMM_PRPRDCATR
763121 Product Data are not sent with R/3 filtering.
738836Various problems after follow-up material maintenance
720894Error when assigning a follow-up material
549563BAPI: Filling the configuration structures
593215MM17 does not work with message type OILMAT
591038Upgrade IS-BEV 461: Problems during DDIC activation
159606SAPDBA: Maximum value for NEXT; option -test
558853Long runtimes during the variant configuration
548268FAQ: Performance MM_MATNR
532914Derivation of chars: No error message, although flag is set
526980How does the filtering for object MATERIAL work?
522007CS: Not all ZVEI fields are available with direct input
507661Delivery group correlation of sales BOMS in APO
506243EAN numbers for upgrade to AFS 3.0B
446076Texts: Program icons not exploded in print (preview)
94570BOM: Update termination with message 29100
433812Media product master data transfer
425311Creation:Field & doesn't have foreign key;no intervals allow
421975CL30N: Search w/ reference characteristics finds no objects
422460Characteristics with reference to a text table
407677Incorrect structure format column long texts 3
392779Incomplete materials after delta download
352817MPGD_MASS: field MATNR does not have a foreign key
198347Performance improvement in function J_1B_SD_SH_CHANGE_LIPS
186216Incorrect low-level codes in table MDVM
52187Replace program icons in SAPscript editor