SAP Table T001 - Company Codes

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
BUTXT BUTXT CHAR 7 25 0 Name of Company Code or Company
ORT01 ORT01 CHAR 32 25 0 City
LAND1 LAND1 CHAR 57 3 0 T005 Country Key
WAERS WAERS CUKY 60 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
SPRAS SPRAS LANG 65 1 0 T002 Language Key
KTOPL KTOPL CHAR 66 4 0 T004 Chart of Accounts
WAABW WAABW_001 NUMC 70 2 0 Maximum exchange rate deviation in percent
PERIV PERIV CHAR 72 2 0 Fiscal Year Variant
KOKFI KOKFI CHAR 74 1 0 Allocation Indicator
RCOMP RCOMP_D CHAR 75 6 0 T880 Company
ADRNR ADRNR CHAR 81 10 0 Address
STCEG STCEG CHAR 91 20 0 VAT Registration Number
FIKRS FIKRS CHAR 111 4 0 FM01 Financial Management Area
XFMCO XFMCO CHAR 115 1 0 Indicator: Project Cash Management active?
XFMCB XFMCB CHAR 116 1 0 Indicator: Cash budget management active
XFMCA XFMCA CHAR 117 1 0 Activate Update in Funds Management
TXJCD TXJCD_NSTX CHAR 118 15 0 TTXJ Jurisdiction for tax calculation - tax jurisdiction code
FMHRDATE FM_HRDATE DATS 133 8 0 Funds center can be assigned to an account in HR from
BUVAR BUVAR CHAR 141 1 0 Company Code Variant (Screen)
FDBUK FDBUK CHAR 142 4 0 T001 Cash Management and Forecast Company Code
XFDIS XFDIS CHAR 146 1 0 Indicator: Cash Management activated?
XVALV XVALV CHAR 147 1 0 Indicator: Propose current date as value date ?
XSKFN XSKFN CHAR 148 1 0 Indicator: Discount base amount is the net value
KKBER KKBER CHAR 149 4 0 T014 Credit Control Area
XMWSN XMWSN CHAR 153 1 0 Indicator: Base amount for tax is net of discount ?
MREGL MREGL CHAR 154 4 0 Rules for Copying from the Sample Account for G/L Accounts
XGSBE XGSBE CHAR 158 1 0 Indicator: Business area financial statements required?
XGJRV XGJRV CHAR 159 1 0 Indicator: Propose fiscal year ?
XKDFT XKDFT CHAR 160 1 0 Indicator: Post translations for exchange rate differences ?
XPROD XPROD_001 CHAR 161 1 0 Indicator: Productive company code?
XEINK XEINK CHAR 162 1 0 Indicator: Purchase Account Processing is Active
XJVAA JV_ACTIVE CHAR 163 1 0 Indicator: JVA Active
XVVWA XVVWA CHAR 164 1 0 Indicator: Financial Assets Management active
XSLTA XSLTA CHAR 165 1 0 Indicator: No ex.rate difference when clearing in local crcy
XFDMM XFDMM CHAR 166 1 0 Indicator: Updating MM in Cash Mgmt/Forecast activated?
XFDSD XFDSD CHAR 167 1 0 Indicator: Updating SD in Cash Mgmt/Forecast activated?
XEXTB XEXTB CHAR 168 1 0 Indicator: Company code is in another system
EBUKR EBUKR_001 CHAR 169 4 0 Original Key of the Company Code
KTOP2 KTOP2 CHAR 173 4 0 T004 Chart of Accounts According to Country Legislation
UMKRS UMKRS CHAR 177 4 0 T007F Sales/Purchases Tax Group
BUKRS_GLOB BUKRS_GLOB CHAR 181 6 0 T001O Name of global company code
FSTVA FSTVA CHAR 187 4 0 T004V Field Status Variant
OPVAR OPVAR CHAR 191 4 0 Posting Period Variant
XCOVR XCOVR CHAR 195 1 0 Indicator: hedge request active
TXKRS TXKRS CHAR 196 1 0 Foreign Currency Translation for Tax Items
WFVAR WFVAR CHAR 197 4 0 Workflow variant
XBBBF XBBBF CHAR 201 1 0 G/L account authorization check in inventory management
XBBBE XBBBE CHAR 202 1 0 G/L account authorization check in PO/scheduling agreement
XBBBA XBBBA CHAR 203 1 0 G/L account authorization check in purchase requisitions
XBBKO XBBKO CHAR 204 1 0 G/L account authorization check in contracts
XSTDT XSTDT_001 CHAR 205 1 0 Indicator: Document date as the basis for tax determination
MWSKV MWSKZ_NSTV CHAR 206 2 0 Input Tax Code for Non-Taxable Transactions
MWSKA MWSKZ_NSTA CHAR 208 2 0 Output Tax Code for Non-Taxable Transactions
IMPDA IMPDATEN CHAR 210 1 0 Foreign Trade: Import Data Control in MM Purchase Orders
XNEGP XNEGP_ACT CHAR 211 1 0 Indicator: Negative Postings Permitted
XKKBI XKKBI CHAR 212 1 0 Indicator: Can credit control area be overwritten?
WT_NEWWT WT_NEWWT CHAR 213 1 0 Indicator: Extended withholding tax active
PP_PDATE PP_PDATE CHAR 214 1 0 Procedure for Setting the Posting Date
INFMT J_1AINFME_ CHAR 215 4 0 J_1AINFMET Inflation Method
FSTVARE FSTVARE CHAR 219 4 0 Funds reservation field status var.
KOPIM KOPIM CHAR 223 1 0 Foreign trade: Import data copying control for GR
DKWEG DKWEG CHAR 224 1 0 Foreign Trade: Screen ctrl of f. MM-goods rececipt
OFFSACCT GOFFSACCT NUMC 225 1 0 Method for offsetting account determination
BAPOVAR BAPOVAR CHAR 226 2 0 Additional settings variant for bus.area financial statemnts
XCOS XCOS CHAR 228 1 0 Cost of sales accounting status
XCESSION X_CESSION CHAR 229 1 0 Accounts Receivable Pledging Active
XSPLT BSPLT CHAR 230 1 0 Enable Amount Split
SURCCM J_1ISURC CHAR 231 1 0 Surcharge Calculation Method
DTPROV J_1IPROV CHAR 232 2 0 T003 Document Type for Provisions for Taxes on Services Received
DTAMTC J_1IAMTC CHAR 234 2 0 T003 Document Type for Journal Voucher (Amount Correction)
DTTAXC J_1ITAXC CHAR 236 2 0 T003 Document Type for Journal Voucher (Tax Code Correction)
DTTDSP J_1ITDSTYP CHAR 238 2 0 T003 Document Type for Remittance Challans
DTAXR DTAXR CHAR 240 4 0 T007DT Deferred Tax Rule
XVATDATE XVATDATE CHAR 244 1 0 Tax Reporting Date Active in Documents
PST_PER_VAR FAGL_POST_PER_VAR CHAR 245 1 0 Manage Variant of Posting Period for Company Code/Ledger
FM_DERIVE_ACC FM_DERIVE_ACC CHAR 246 1 0 Activate Account Assignment Derivation in Funds Management

1557631Error 06 260 during jurisdiction code check
1569108WTY: FF799 error received on posting warranty claim
882132Plants abroad: Release notes, tax base, cash discount base
1287246Intrastat declaration Romania VAT no plants abroad
335295RFDKLI20: important program restrictions
721659MBEW_EXTEND: Stock value with retail price of previous year
1029650Postings in PSCD w/ RE-FX: Adaptability of CO a/c assignment
1007549MIRO: Error M8 285 due to different tax exchange rate
1007336Billing data transfer FI: Unrequired exchange rate diff line
407592How to deactivate Cash Budget Management
841245Enhancement of the MT08L and MT08B structures
777622Incorrect output of the material price
22781Exchange rate in accounting, exchange rate type
663681PLUG: Rounding errors + valuation errors in initial stocks
398824Logistics invoice verification and extended withholding tax
487043BW: Calculated sales order stocks and project stocks
552909Dump in org. data download if R/3 version <= 31I
504918FI drilldown reporting: incorrect text for period
452497Logical database BMM: Incorrect currency format
393878Foreign currency translation Tax for '2', '3' or '4'
355295Dunning: expiring currencies as of 2002
327003J_1AF205: New version for Daily VAT report
144758Error GU093 RGZZGLUX in upgrade to IS-OIL 4.0B/4.6B/4.6C
302793RFAWVZ40 with local currency not equal to "DEM"
50481Automatically setting the business area
126857Display of amts with correct decimal places in SE16