SAP Table TVLK - Delivery Types

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LFART X LFART CHAR 3 4 0 TVLK Delivery Type
KOPGR BIFGR CHAR 7 4 0 TVHB Screen sequence group for document header & item
UEVOR UEVOR_VL CHAR 11 4 0 F-code default for overview screen
TXN08 TXN08 CHAR 15 8 0 Number of the standard text
UMFNG UMFNG CHAR 23 20 0 Display Range
NUMKI NUMKI CHAR 43 2 0 Number range in the case of internal number assignment
NUMKE NUMKE CHAR 45 2 0 Number range in the case of external number assignment
NUMKIRULE LESHP_NUMKI_RULE CHAR 47 1 0 Rule for Determining Number Ranges for Decentralized LES
INCPO INCPO NUMC 48 6 0 Increment of item number in the SD document
PARGR PARGR CHAR 54 4 0 TPAER Partner Determination Procedure
AUFER AUFER CHAR 58 1 0 A sales order is required as basis for delivery
DAART DAART CHAR 59 4 0 TVAK Default order type for deliveries without reference to order
POBED POBED NUMC 63 3 0 Requirement for item that does not refer to a sales order
REGGR DUMMY_3 CHAR 66 3 0 Dummy function
REGLG REGLG CHAR 69 4 0 Rule for determining the storage location for picking
WAAUS DUMMY CHAR 73 1 0 Dummy function in length 1
ROUTF ROUTF CHAR 74 1 0 New route determination: with or without a check?
VBTYP VBTYP CHAR 75 1 0 SD document category
TXTGR TXTGR CHAR 76 2 0 TTXG Text determination procedure
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 78 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
KAPPL NA_KAPPL CHAR 90 2 0 T681A Application for output conditions
KALSM KALSMB CHAR 92 6 0 T683 Output determination procedure
KSCHL NA_KSCHL CHAR 98 4 0 T685 Output Type
STGAK STGAK CHAR 102 2 0 TVSF Statistics group for sales document type
CMGRL CMGRL CHAR 104 2 0 T691D Delivery credit group
CMGRK CMGRK CHAR 106 2 0 T691D Credit group for picking
CMGRW CMGRW CHAR 108 2 0 T691D Goods issue credit group
QHERK QHERK CHAR 110 2 0 Inspection Lot Origin
TRSPG TRSPG CHAR 112 2 0 Shipment Blocking Reason
TDIIX TDIIX_LIEF CHAR 114 1 0 Transportation relevant indicator for delivery
PROFIDNETZ PROFIDNZPL CHAR 115 7 0 TCN41 Network profile
EXCOK EXCOK CHAR 122 1 0 Carry out legal control for sales document type
NEUTE NEUTE CHAR 123 1 0 Reschedule deliveries
KALSP KALSP CHAR 124 6 0 T683 Shipping: Pricing procedure
FEHGR FEHGR CHAR 130 2 0 TVUV Incompletion procedure for sales document
LNSPL LNSPL CHAR 132 1 0 Perform Delivery Split According to Warehouse Number
AVERP AVERP CHAR 133 1 0 Automatic packing using packing proposal
PM_ITEM_GEN LESHP_ITEM_GEN CHAR 134 1 0 Generation of Delivery Items for HU Packaging Materials
REGTB REGTB CHAR 135 4 0 Rule for determining door and material staging area
BZOPS BZOPS CHAR 139 1 0 Staging area determination at delivery item level?
EXCBC EXCBC CHAR 140 1 0 Boycott list check of standard partners f.Foreign Trade - On
EXCEM EXCEM CHAR 141 1 0 Embargo check of standard partners for Foreign Trade - On
EXCLG EXCLG CHAR 142 1 0 Indicator: Save legal control log
J_1ADOCCLS J_1ADOCCL_ CHAR 143 1 0 J_1ADOCCLS Document Class
RFPL_SW RFPL_SW CHAR 144 1 0 Route schedule switch for delivery types
TSEGTP TSEGTPLLIK CHAR 145 10 0 Event group time segment delivery header
UVEIB UVEIB CHAR 155 3 0 T609B Doc. pricing procedure for incomplete export/import data
DBTCH DBTCH CHAR 158 1 0 Distribution Mode for the Delivery
DSFAD TVLK_DSFAD CHAR 159 1 0 Delivery Split for Additional Partners
SPOFI SPOFI CHAR 160 1 0 Rules for Shipping Point Determination
OIDELDCM OIC_SDP_DDCM CHAR 161 1 0 Active flag f. Document Change Management (DCM) f.deliveries
SPE_NUMKT /SPE/INB_NUMKT CHAR 162 2 0 Number Range for Temporary Inbound Deliveries
SPE_NR_RECYCLING /SPE/NR_RECYCLING CHAR 164 1 0 Enable Number Reuse for Unchecked/Temporary Deliveries
BORGR_LIFEX_UNQ /SPE/EXID_UNIQUE CHAR 166 1 0 Uniqueness of the External ID
BORGR_LIFEX_EEDI /SPE/EXID_ERREDI CHAR 167 1 0 Error Message Type when ID Transferred by EDI Is Not Unique
BORGR_LIFEX_EDIA /SPE/EXID_ERRDIA CHAR 168 1 0 Type of Error Message when Online ID is not Unique
BORGR_SODET /SPE/INB_SODET CHAR 169 1 0 Automatic PO Determination
HOLD_DATA /SPE/HOLD_DATA CHAR 170 1 0 Indicator Whether Inbound Deliveries on Hold Are Allowed
TDSPRAS SPRAS LANG 175 1 0 T002 Language Key
EDI_WEIGHTVOL BORGR_EDI_WEIGHTVOL CHAR 176 1 0 Adopt Weight and Volume from IDoc
SPE_ENABLE_VALID /SPE/INB_ENABLE_VALIDATION CHAR 177 1 0 Enable Validation for All Deliveries within VL60
MSR_FKARA MSR_FKARA CHAR 178 4 0 Default Billing Type

571376Official Document Numbering - new customizing tables
392333Order typs + item typs del in man transport request in VOTX
205784Text Customizing of text determin.
598799Develpmt stock transfer between stor loc - part 1 (shipping)
574841There are various errors/ms in transaction VOTXN.
481410Error VF009 during creation of intercompany billing
102104Delivery not created, without obvious reason