SAP Note 571376 - Official Document Numbering - new customizing tables

Component : Argentina -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note discusses issues with official document numbering in Argentina following SAP R/3 upgrade to release 4.6C or higher, impacting the function in table T003_I. It's problematic when applying the 'Factura de Credito' functionality or certain SAP reports requiring specific entries in this table. The note describes the shift from using fields in table T003 for classification to a new customizing approach in T003_I for controlling numbering through fields like XNMRL, XAUSG, or XDTCH, transitioning towards the OFFNREL field use in the Enterprise version. Implementation requires updating T003_I with these fields and ensuring alignment with previous configurations, highlighted by detailed steps for correctly setting field values and customizing document types.

Key words :
data element   xausg           j_1aselfis   xdtch           j_1adatchk   xin68           j_1bin68rel   xoptyp          j_1bopertyp   xin86           j_1bin86rel   xforce          j_1aforcenum   xcirel          j_1acirel   offnrel         j_1aoffnrelin case, data element   doccls          doccls   offnrel         j_1aoffnrel   xin68           j_1bin68rel   xoptyp          j_1bopertyp   xin86           j_1bin86rel   xforce          j_1aforcenum   xcirel          j_1acirelin case, img path cross-application components -> general application functions -> cross application document numbering -> argentina -> define document classes, img path cross-application components -> general application functions -> cross application document numbering -> define document classes, img path cross-application components -> general application functions -> cross application document numbering -> assign document class, img path financial accounting -> financial accounting global settings -> document -> document header -> check assignment, data element, application specific information, check official document number, field 'official document numbering control'

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