SAP Table VTTS - Stage of Shipment

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
TKNUM X TKNUM CHAR 3 10 0 Shipment Number
TSNUM X TSNUM NUMC 13 4 0 VTTS Stage of transport number
TSTYP TSTYP CHAR 17 1 0 Stage category
TSRFO TSRFO NUMC 18 4 0 Stage of transport sequence
ELUPD ELUPD CHAR 22 1 0 Change Indicator
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 23 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 35 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZET ERZET TIMS 43 6 0 Entry time
AENAM AENAM CHAR 49 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 61 8 0 Changed On
AEZET AEZET TIMS 69 6 0 Time last change was made
ROUTE ROUTES CHAR 75 6 0 TVRO Route for shipment stage
VSART VERSARTS CHAR 81 2 0 T173 Shipping type for shipment stage
INCO1 INCO1VTTS CHAR 83 3 0 TINC Incoterms for printout
LAUFK LAUFS CHAR 86 1 0 Leg indicator for shipment stage
ADRNA ADRNA CHAR 87 10 0 Departure point: Address
KNOTA KNOTA CHAR 97 10 0 TVKN Departure Point
VSTEL VSTELA CHAR 107 4 0 Shipping point at point of departure
LSTEL LSTELA CHAR 111 2 0 TVLA Point of departure: Loading point at shipping point
WERKA WERKSA CHAR 113 4 0 T001W Plant at point of departure
LGORTA LGORTA CHAR 117 4 0 T001L Departure point: Storage location in plant
KUNNA KUNNA CHAR 121 10 0 KNA1 Departure point: Customer
LIFNA LIFNA CHAR 131 10 0 LFA1 Vendor number of departure point
BELAD BELAD CHAR 141 25 0 Point of departure: Additional info (e.g. loading point)
ADRNZ ADRNZ CHAR 166 10 0 Destination address
KNOTZ KNOTZ CHAR 176 10 0 TVKN Destination point
VSTEZ VSTELZ CHAR 186 4 0 Shipping point at destination
LSTEZ LSTELZ CHAR 190 2 0 TVLA Destination: Loading point at shipping point
WERKZ WERKSZ CHAR 192 4 0 T001W Plant at destination point
LGORTZ LGORTZ CHAR 196 4 0 T001L Destination: Storage location in plant
KUNNZ KUNNZ CHAR 200 10 0 KNA1 Customer number for destination point
LIFNZ LIFNZ CHAR 210 10 0 LFA1 Vendor number of destination point
ABLAD ABLADZ CHAR 220 25 0 Destination: Additional information (e.g. unloading point)
DPTBG DPTBGS DATS 245 8 0 Stage: Planned date for start of shipment
UPTBG UPTBGS TIMS 253 6 0 Stage: Planned shipment start time
DATBG DATBGS DATS 259 8 0 Stage: Current date for start of shipment
UATBG UATBGS TIMS 267 6 0 Stage: Current shipment start time
DPTEN DPTENS DATS 273 8 0 Stage: Planned date for end of shipment
UPTEN UPTENS TIMS 281 6 0 Stage: Planned shipemnt end time
DATEN DATENDS DATS 287 8 0 Stage: Actual Date for End of Shipment
UATEN UATENDS TIMS 295 6 0 Stage: Actual shipment end time
TDLNR TDLNRS CHAR 301 10 0 LFA1 Number of forwarding agent in the shipment stage
DISTZ DISTZ QUAN 311 13 3 Distance
MEDST MEDST UNIT 318 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for distance
FAHZT FAHZT QUAN 321 5 2 Travelling time only between two locations
GESZT GESZT QUAN 324 5 2 Total travelling time between two locations incl. breaks
MEIZT MEIZT UNIT 327 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for travelling times
LGNUMA LGNUMA CHAR 330 3 0 T300 Point of departure: Warehouse number
TORA LGTORA CHAR 333 3 0 T30B Point of departure: Gate for warehouse number
ADRKNZA ADRKNZA CHAR 336 1 0 Point of departure: Origin indicator of address
KUNABLA KUNABLA CHAR 337 25 0 Point of departure: Customer's unloading point
LGNUMZ LGNUMZ CHAR 362 3 0 T300 Destination: Warehouse number
TORZ LGTORZ CHAR 365 3 0 T30B Destination. Gate for warehouse number
ADRKNZZ ADRKNZZ CHAR 368 1 0 Destination: Origin indicator of address
KUNABLZ KUNABLZ CHAR 369 25 0 Destination: Customer's unloading point
GESZTD AB_GESZTDP DEC 394 11 0 Planned total time at stage level (in days)
FAHZTD AB_EFFZTDP DEC 400 11 0 Plan: Actual duration at stage level (in hours:minutes)
GESZTDA AB_GESZTDA DEC 406 11 0 Actual total time at stage of shipment (in days)
FAHZTDA AB_EFFZTDA DEC 412 11 0 Actual duration of shipment stage (in hours:minutes)
SDABW SDABW CHAR 418 4 0 TVSAK Special processing indicator
FRKRL FRKRL CHAR 422 1 0 Shipment costs relevance
SKALSM KALSM_TRAB CHAR 423 6 0 T683 Pricing procedure in stage of shipment
FBSTA FBSTA CHAR 429 1 0 Status of shipment costs calculation
ARSTA ARSTA CHAR 430 1 0 Status of shipment costs settlement
STAFO STAFO CHAR 431 6 0 Update group for statistics update
CONT_DG ADGE_SCDG CHAR 437 1 0 Indicator: Section contains dangerous goods
WARZTD AB_WARZTDP DEC 438 11 0 Planned waiting time in shipment stage (in hrs:min)
WARZTDA AB_WARZTDA DEC 444 11 0 Current waiting time in shipment stage (in hrs:min)
ABLAND1 ABLAND1 CHAR 450 3 0 T005 Country of departure
ABPSTLZ ABPSTLZ CHAR 453 10 0 Departure postal code
ABORT01 ABORT01 CHAR 463 35 0 Point of departure
EDLAND1 EDLAND1 CHAR 498 3 0 T005 Destination Country
EDPSTLZ EDPSTLZ CHAR 501 10 0 Destination Postal Code
EDORT01 EDORT01 CHAR 511 35 0 Destination

7356352LIS_TRTK incomplete after shipment cost update
600396DRB: Implementation of additional business objects