SAP Table VPKHEAD - Sales Pricing Header Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VPKID X VPKID NUMC 3 10 0 VPKHEAD Sales pricing document number
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 13 12 0 AUFK Order Number
VBELN VBELN_VA CHAR 25 10 0 Sales Document
KNUMV KNUMV CHAR 35 10 0 Number of the document condition
KNUMV_G KNUMV CHAR 45 10 0 Number of the document condition
VPKUS VPKUS NUMC 55 2 0 Sales pricing usage
PROFNR AD01PROFNR CHAR 57 8 0 AD01C_PROF Dynamic Item Processor Profile
PROFUS AD01USAGE NUMC 65 2 0 AD01C_PROF Usage of the DI profile
FAKTF FAKTF CHAR 67 2 0 Billing form
VPKSTEXT VPKSTEXT CHAR 69 40 0 Sales pricing short text
ERNAME SYUNAME CHAR 109 12 0 User Name
ERDAT SYDATUM DATS 121 8 0 Current Date of Application Server
ERZEIT SYUZEIT TIMS 129 6 0 Current Time of Application Server
AENAME SYUNAME CHAR 135 12 0 User Name
AEDAT SYDATUM DATS 147 8 0 Current Date of Application Server
AEZEIT SYUZEIT TIMS 155 6 0 Current Time of Application Server
DATETO VPKDATETO DATS 168 8 0 Posting date to
ANGDT ANGDT_V DATS 176 8 0 Quotation/Inquiry is valid from
BNDDT BNDDT DATS 184 8 0 Date until which bid/quotation is binding (valid-to date)
ABGRU ABGRU_VA CHAR 192 2 0 TVAG Reason for rejection of quotations and sales orders
VSNMR VSNMR CHAR 194 12 0 Number or description of a version
VPKPLERL VPKPLERL CHAR 206 1 0 Indicator: sales pricing planned revenus written
SDAUART AUART CHAR 207 4 0 TVAK Sales Document Type
SDAUARG AUARG CHAR 211 4 0 TVAK Sales Document Type for Credit Memo Request
TIMESTAMP RKE_HZSTMP DEC 215 16 0 Time created (Greenwich Meantime)
PRSDT VPKPRSDT DATS 224 8 0 Pricing date
PERIOD_RA VPKPERIOD_RA NUMC 232 3 0 Results Analysis Period
YEAR_RA VPKYEAR_RA NUMC 235 4 0 Results Analysis Fiscal Year

501156DP90/DP95: Composite SAP Note for performance notes