SAP Table TFPLT - Date Type for Billing Plan Type

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
FPART X FPART CHAR 3 2 0 TFPLA Billing/Invoicing Plan Type
FPTTP X FPTTP CHAR 5 2 0 TFPLT Date category
TETXT TETXT_FP CHAR 7 4 0 Date description
FPFIX FPFIX CHAR 11 1 0 ID for adopting billing/invoice date
FAREG FAREG CHAR 12 1 0 Rule in billing plan/invoice plan
FAKSP FAKSP_FP CHAR 13 2 0 TVFS Billing block for billing plan/invoice plan dates
FKARV FKARA CHAR 15 4 0 Proposed billing type for an order-related billing document
AUTTD AUTTD CHAR 19 1 0 Autom. Date Creation in Billing/Invoicing Plan Maintenance
AUTTE AUTTE CHAR 20 1 0 Billing/Invoice Creation in Advance
PERIO PERIO_FP CHAR 21 2 0 TVRG Rule for Origin of Next Billing/Invoice Date
FPLAE FPLAE NUMC 23 3 0 Length of a standard period in the billing plan
KSTEU KNPRS CHAR 26 1 0 Pricing type
TYPZM TYPZM CHAR 27 1 0 Means of payment for classifying payment card plan lines
FAKSK FAKSP_FPK CHAR 28 2 0 TVFS Block for correction date of billing plan/invoice plan
FKARK FKARA_FPK CHAR 30 4 0 Billing type for correction date of billing/invoice plan