SAP Table TVRG - Rule table for indirect date determination for contracts

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
REGEL X VDREG_VEDA CHAR 3 2 0 TVRG Rule for indirect date determination
BASDAT VBASD_VEDA CHAR 5 2 0 Baseline date for indirect date determination
ZEITR VLAEN_VEDA DEC 7 3 0 Time period for indirect date determination
ZEITE VLAEE_VEDA CHAR 9 1 0 Time unit of time period in indirect date determination
MTEND MTEND CHAR 10 1 0 Last of the month switch for date determination
PERCA PERCA CHAR 11 2 0 TFACD Calendar used to determine dates
VKOPO VKOPO CHAR 13 1 0 Consider contract data from header or item