SAP Table KBLP - Document Item: Manual Document Entry

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BELNR X KBLNR CHAR 3 10 0 KBLK Document Number for Earmarked Funds
BLPOS X KBLPOS NUMC 13 3 0 KBLP Earmarked Funds: Document Item
VRGNG KBLVORGANG CHAR 16 4 0 TJ01 Business Transaction
ERFAS KBLERF CHAR 20 12 0 Created by
ERDAT KBLERDAT DATS 32 8 0 Entry date
AENDE KBLAEN CHAR 40 12 0 Last changed by
AEDAT KBLAEDAT DATS 52 8 0 Date of Last Change
PTEXT SGTXT CHAR 60 50 0 Item Text
ERLKZ KBLERLKZ CHAR 110 1 0 Completion indicator for line item
ERLDAT KBLERLDAT DATS 111 8 0 Completion date
LOEKZ KBLLOEKZ CHAR 119 1 0 Deletion Indicator
WTGES KBLWTG CURR 120 15 2 Total reserved amount in transaction currency
MENGE KBLMENGE QUAN 128 13 3 Reserved quantity
MEINH CO_MEINH UNIT 135 3 0 T006 Unit of Measure
PEINH PEINH DEC 146 5 0 Price Unit
PRMEN KBLPRMEN UNIT 149 3 0 T006 Price unit
PRUMN KBLPRUMN DEC 152 5 0 Denominator for converting price unit into quantity
PRUMZ KBLPRUMZ DEC 155 5 0 Counter for converting price unit into quantity
KSTAR KSTAR CHAR 158 10 0 CSKA Cost Element
FIPOS FIPOS_XPO CHAR 168 14 0 Commitment item
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 182 12 0 AUFK Order Number
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 194 10 0 Cost Center
PSPNR PS_PSP_ELE NUMC 204 8 0 PRPS Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
FISTL FISTL CHAR 212 16 0 Funds Center
FDATK KBLFDATK DATS 238 8 0 Costs due on
MATNR MATNR CHAR 246 18 0 MARA Material Number
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 264 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
XSENDER XSENDER CHAR 292 1 0 Indicator: Sender
XEMPFGR XEMPFGR CHAR 293 1 0 Indicator: Receiver
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 294 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZL CO_APLZL NUMC 304 8 0 General counter for order
SKOSTL SKOSTL CHAR 312 10 0 Sender Cost Center
SAUFNR SAUFNR CHAR 322 12 0 AUFK Sender order
NPLNR NPLNR CHAR 334 12 0 AUFK Network Number for Account Assignment
HWGES KBLHWG CURR 346 15 2 Total value in local currency
WTABB FMWTABB CURR 354 15 2 Amount used in budget
HWABB FMHWABB CURR 362 15 2 Reduction amount in budget
CWTFREE CWTFREE CHAR 370 16 0 Available amount in transaction currency (character)
WTABG KBLWTABG CURR 386 15 2 Funds reservation amount reduced
HWABG KBLWTABG CURR 394 15 2 Funds reservation amount reduced
STATS FMRE_STATS CHAR 402 1 0 Funds Management Statistical Indicator
BLPKZ BLPKZ CHAR 403 1 0 Blocking Indicator (Item)
CONSUMEKZ FMCONSUME CHAR 404 1 0 Usage may exceed reserved amount without limit
UEBTO FMUEBTO DEC 405 4 1 Tolerance limit for overrun
ABGWAERS FMABGWAERS CHAR 408 1 0 Reduction in local currency only
WKAPP WKAPP CHAR 409 1 0 Item approved
CARRYOV CARRYOV CHAR 410 1 0 Do not carry forward open documents in the fiscal year chge
ACCHANG FM_ACCHANG CHAR 411 1 0 FM account assignment can be changed in follow-on document
LNRZA LNRZA CHAR 412 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of the Alternative Payee
REFBLTYP REFBLTYP NUMC 422 3 0 Reference doc.category: funds precommitment or reservation
REFBELNR REFKBLNR CHAR 425 10 0 KBLK Reference document number: reservation/funds precommitment
REFBLPOS REFKBLPOS NUMC 435 3 0 KBLP Item in reference document
REFSETERLK REFSETERLK CHAR 438 1 0 Used earmarked funds set to "Complete"
WTGESAPP WTGESAPP CURR 439 15 2 Item amount to be released (transaction currency)
HWGESAPP HWGESAPP CURR 447 15 2 Item amount to be released (local currency)
DELTAWTAPP DELTAWTAPP CURR 455 15 2 Amount change to be approved (transaction currency)
DELTAHWAPP DELTAHWAPP CURR 463 15 2 Amount change to be approved (local currency)
SAKNR SAKNR CHAR 471 10 0 G/L Account Number
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 481 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
KURSUP KURSU DEC 491 9 5 Last revaluation rate
DATUP DATU DATS 496 8 0 Date of last revaluation
WTFREE FMWTFREE CURR 504 15 2 Open amount (transaction currency)
HWFREE FMHWFREE CURR 512 15 2 Open amount (local currency)
EWSCOUNT FMEWSCOUNT NUMC 520 5 0 Number of history records in KBLE
RFPOS AWPOS CHAR 525 10 0 Reference line item
WTORIG FMWTORIG CURR 535 15 2 Original Amount in Transaction Currency
HWORIG FMHWORIG CURR 543 15 2 Original amount in local currency
POSLOCK FMRPOSLOCK CHAR 551 2 0 FMRESLOCKS Earmarked funds item block
PMACTIVE FMRPMACTIVE CHAR 553 1 0 Indicator: Amount Change Only with Value Adjustment Document
FIPEX FM_FIPEX CHAR 554 24 0 Commitment Item
FKBER FKBER CHAR 578 16 0 Functional Area
TOLOV FMRTOLOV CHAR 594 1 0 Indicator: Override Global (Percentage-Based) Tolerance
GSBER GSBER CHAR 615 4 0 TGSB Business Area
MEASURE FM_MEASURE CHAR 619 24 0 Funded Program
IMKEY IMKEY CHAR 643 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
DABRZ DABRBEZ DATS 651 8 0 Reference Date for Settlement
PEROP_BEG FM_PEROP_LOW DATS 659 8 0 Period of Performance Start
PEROP_END FM_PEROP_HIGH DATS 667 8 0 Period of Performance End
PPA_EX_IND EXCLUDE_FLG CHAR 675 1 0 PPA Exclude Indicator
FM_SPLIT_BATCH FMSP_SPLIT_BATCH NUMC 686 3 0 Batch to group results from an PSM assignment distribution
FM_SPLIT_BEGRU FMSP_SPLIT_AUTG CHAR 689 4 0 Authorization group for PSM account assignment distribution
VORNR VORNR CHAR 693 4 0 Operation/Activity Number
REVSUM REVSUM CURR 697 15 2 Total of all revaluations per line (approved amount)
REVAPPSUM REVAPPSUM CURR 705 15 2 Total of all revaluations per line (amount to be approved)
EF_GROUP_NUMBER EF_GROUP_NUMBER NUMC 713 10 0 Grouping Number for Earmarked Funds
MWSKZ CRMWSKZ CHAR 723 2 0 Card Document: Tax on Sales/Purchases Code
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 725 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
WMWST CRWMWST CURR 740 15 2 Card Document: Tax on Sales/Purchases Paid
MWSTS CRMWSTS CURR 748 15 2 Card Document: Tax on Sales/Purchases Paid in Local Currency
NETBTR CRNETBTR CURR 756 15 2 Card Document: Net Amount Paid
NETHW CRNETDMBTR CURR 764 15 2 Card Document: Net Amount Paid in Local Currency
GROSBTR CRGROSBTR CURR 772 15 2 Card Document: Gross Amount Paid
GROSHW CRGROSHW CURR 780 15 2 Card Document: Gross Amount Paid in Local Currency

419538Deleting commitments for earmarked funds at prod. startup
675460Reconciliation programs in FM (further improvements)
816057Runtime XPRA RFMXPR22
427546Important notes for FI-FM and PSM-FM