SAP Table EMBK - Legal Control: License Master - Header Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
GENNR X GENNR CHAR 3 10 0 EMBK Internal license number
INDEI INDEI CHAR 13 1 0 Indicator: Legal Control Import / Export
GEGRU GEGRU CHAR 14 2 0 T606G Legal regulation for legal control
GEART GEART CHAR 16 4 0 T606 License type
EXGEN EXGEN CHAR 20 20 0 External license number
GENST GENST CHAR 40 1 0 Status for Legal Control
ANFDA ANFDA DATS 41 8 0 Application date
ANFUZ ANFUZ TIMS 49 6 0 Application time
ABGDA ABGDA DATS 55 8 0 Rejection date
ABGUZ ABGUZ TIMS 63 6 0 Time of rejection
EIGDA EIGDA DATS 69 8 0 Date of receipt
EIGUZ EIGUZ TIMS 77 6 0 Time received
VELDA VELDA DATS 83 8 0 Renewal date
VELUZ VELUZ TIMS 91 6 0 Renewal time
REODA REODA DATS 97 8 0 Reorganization date
REOUZ REOUZ TIMS 105 6 0 Reorganization time
GST_0 GST_0 CHAR 111 50 0 Comment for status '_'
GST_A GST_A CHAR 161 50 0 Comment for status 'A'
GST_B GST_B CHAR 211 50 0 Comment for status 'B'
GST_C GST_C CHAR 261 50 0 Comment for status 'C'
GST_D GST_D CHAR 311 50 0 Comment for status 'D'
GST_Z GST_Z CHAR 361 50 0 Comment for status 'Z'
GANDA GANDA DATS 411 8 0 Validity start date
GENDA GENDA DATS 419 8 0 Validity end date
GMAXW GMAXW CURR 427 15 2 Maximum license value
WAERS WAERS CUKY 435 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
GMAXQ GMAXQ QUAN 440 13 3 Maximum license quantity
MEINS MEINS UNIT 447 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 450 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 462 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZET ERZET TIMS 470 6 0 Entry time
GENLA GENLA CHAR 476 3 0 T005 Country of destination
EXART EXART CHAR 479 2 0 T605 Business Transaction Type for Foreign Trade
GAUFW GAUFW CURR 481 15 2 Value consumed by orders
GLIEW GLIEW CURR 489 15 2 Value consumed by deliveries
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 497 4 0 T001 Company Code
ZTERM DZTERM CHAR 501 4 0 Terms of Payment Key
GMAXA GMAXA DEC 505 4 0 Maximum number of orders
GAUFA GAUFA DEC 508 4 0 Current number of orders
GPRZW GPRZW NUMC 511 3 0 Max. value excess in percent
GAUFQ GAUFQ QUAN 514 13 3 Updated order quantity
GLIEQ GLIEQ QUAN 521 13 3 Updated delivery quantity
VBELN GVBLN CHAR 528 10 0 Number of SD document assigned to license
VBDFG VBDFG CHAR 538 1 0 Validity of export license for affiliated companies
VBDNR VBDNR CHAR 539 6 0 T880 Affiliated company number
BEHO2 BEHO2 CHAR 545 10 0 T610O Authority of exporting country
BEHOE1 BEHOE1 CHAR 555 10 0 T610O Issuing authority from importing country
BEHOE2 BEHOE2 CHAR 565 10 0 T610O Issuing authority from country of dispatch

963314RVTEXTE - Documentation for the correction report