SAP Table CABN - Characteristic

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
ATINN X ATINN NUMC 3 10 0 CABN Internal characteristic
ADZHL X ADZHL NUMC 13 4 0 Internal counter for archiving objects via engin. chg. mgmt
ATNAM ATNAM CHAR 17 30 0 Characteristic Name
ATIDN ATIDN CHAR 47 2 0 Object identification
ATFOR ATFOR CHAR 49 4 0 Data type of characteristic
ANZST ANZST INT2 54 5 0 Number of Characters
ANZDZ ANZDZ INT2 56 5 0 Number of Decimal Places
ATVOR ATVOR CHAR 58 1 0 Value with Plus or Minus Sign
ATSCH ATSCH CHAR 59 30 0 Value with template
ATKLE ATKLE CHAR 89 1 0 Case Sensitive
ATKON ATKON CHAR 90 5 0 Name of Conversion Routine
ATEND ATEND CHAR 95 1 0 Aggregating characteristic
ATAEN ATAEN CHAR 96 1 0 Balance characteristic
ATKLA ATKLA CHAR 97 10 0 TCMG Chars Group
ATERF ATERF CHAR 107 1 0 Entry Required
ATEIN ATEIN CHAR 108 1 0 Single value
ATAME ATAME CHAR 109 1 0 Multilingual characteristic
ATWME ATWME CHAR 110 1 0 Values in more than one language
MSEHI MSEHI UNIT 111 3 0 T006 Unit of Measurement
ATDIM ATDIM INT2 114 5 0 Exponent display
ATGLO ATGLO CHAR 116 1 0 Indicator: Whether You Can Make an Entry for Ref. Chars
ATGLA ATGLA CHAR 117 1 0 Indicator: restrictable characteristic
ATINT ATINT CHAR 118 1 0 Interval Values Allowed
ATUNS ATUNS CHAR 119 1 0 Entry Required in Configuration
ATSON ATSON CHAR 120 1 0 Indicator: Additional Values
ATTAB ATTAB CHAR 121 30 0 Table Name
ATFEL ATFEL CHAR 151 30 0 Field Name
ATTEI ATTEI CHAR 181 30 0 Field Name for Unit
ATPRT ATPRT CHAR 211 30 0 Check table
ATPRR ATPRR CHAR 241 40 0 Name of Check Report Program
ATPRF ATPRF CHAR 281 30 0 Function Module for Checking Values
ATWRD ATWRD CHAR 311 1 0 Display Allowed Values Defined in Characteristic
ATFOD ATFOD CHAR 312 1 0 Unformatted Entry Control
ATHIE ATHIE CHAR 313 1 0 Explode value hierarchy
ATDEX ATDEX NUMC 314 1 0 Exponent Display Format
ATFGA ATFGA CHAR 315 1 0 Indicator: formatted editing
ATVSC ATVSC CHAR 316 1 0 Indicator: Display Template When Assigning Values
ANAME ERNAM CHAR 317 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ADATU ERDAT DATS 329 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
VNAME AENAM CHAR 337 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
VDATU AEDAT DATS 349 8 0 Changed On
ATXAC ATXAC CHAR 357 1 0 Indicator for Multiple Table Assignments
ATYAC ATYAC CHAR 358 1 0 Indicator: Align Characteristic Values to the Right
ATMST ATMST CHAR 359 1 0 TCMS Status of a characteristic
ATWSO ATWSO CHAR 360 1 0 Display of Allowed Values
ATBSO ATBSO CHAR 361 1 0 Display of values assigned to a characteristic
DATUV DATUV DATS 362 8 0 Valid-From Date
TECHV TECHV CHAR 370 12 0 Technical status from
AENNR AENNR CHAR 382 12 0 Change Number
LKENZ LKENZ CHAR 394 1 0 Deletion Indicator
ATWRI ATWRI CHAR 395 1 0 Indicator: Keep Sequence in Value Assignment
DOKAR DOKAR CHAR 396 3 0 TDWA Document Type
DOKNR DOKNR CHAR 399 25 0 Document number
DOKVR DOKVR CHAR 424 2 0 Document Version
DOKTL DOKTL_D CHAR 426 3 0 Document Part
KNOBJ KNOBJ NUMC 429 18 0 Number of Object with Assigned Dependencies
ATINP ATINP CHAR 447 1 0 No Entry Can be Made for Characteristic
ATVIE ATVIE CHAR 448 1 0 Characteristic Not to be Displayed
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 449 4 0 T001W Plant
ATHKA ATHKA CHAR 462 1 0 Indicator: display node in a value hierarchy
ATHKO ATHKO CHAR 463 1 0 Indicator: nodes are selectable
CLINT CLINT NUMC 464 10 0 Internal Class Number
ATTOL ATTOL CHAR 474 1 0 Indicator for Allowed Tolerances
ATZUS ATZUS CHAR 475 1 0 Indicator: Values Can Be Assigned to Ref. Characteristics
ATVPL ATVPL CHAR 476 1 0 Relevant to Planning
ATAUTH ATAUTH CHAR 477 3 0 Authorization Group for Characteristics Maintenance
COUNTRYGRP COUNTRYGRP CHAR 480 1 0 Characteristic is Country-Dependent

854095Variant conditions are missing in CBASE
943559FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the classifctn. system
410704CL02 overwrite characteristic CL056 (internal error)
1428207Problems due to incorrect Customizing
1146700Transferring the standard database structure
1269483Recipe Management: Derived nutritional values
1167456Check function and F4 help module for spec. mngmt. chars.
772295Characteristics with language-dependent value descriptions
417824DB buffering the browser based PI sheet
397059Class item: automatic specialization
590423Initial data transfer: Structural enhancement CABN
609296PI: Performance batch stocks with classification
486812Direct input: Transfer of configuration data in PP MP-DEM
427840Performance improvement in classific.system f.PI components
61049Transporting QM master data between systems
403255Classification system: Business Transaction Events (BTE)
303531Deleting classification data with ECM as of 4.5B II
394229APO and R/3 shelf life
211013Deleting classification data w. ECM as of Rel. 4.5B
10745Copying classification data to another client
42762Transport and client copy of characteristics