SAP Note 480180 - Download and installation of attachments for SAP notes

Composant : SAP Service Marketplace - Support Applications -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
SAP a introduit une nouvelle fonctionnalité de pièces jointes pour les notes SAP, disponible exclusivement sur le SAP Service Marketplace. Ces pièces jointes peuvent inclure divers types de fichiers tels que des documents, des présentations, des graphiques, des fichiers image et audio, ainsi que des formats d'archive comme les archives Java et les fichiers zip. Des corrections pour les langages de programmation non-ABAP sont également disponibles. Les utilisateurs doivent accéder à la note SAP spécifique dans l'affichage texte, et sélectionner l'onglet 'Pièces jointes' pour télécharger ces fichiers, dont la taille est limitée à 2 Mo. Les pièces jointes peuvent ensuite être sauvegardées et gérées localement sur l'ordinateur de l'utilisateur.

Mots Clés :
-abap programming languages archive files, java archive collapsed file formats, firstly tab page 'related notes', select tab title attachments, tab page line, graphics image files, audio files corrections, select option 'save, sap service marketplace, additional information material

Notes associées :

1641288RR Interface: Adj. due to SAMBA 4.22 (manually in advance)
1592478IS-H-CH: Enhancements for Swiss DRG - STD delta
1557400RR Interface: Manual advance adjustments for SAMBA 4.21
1554835CustConn EAM: Tech. prerequisite for Notes 1553174/1553173
1527828RR interface: Adjustments for SAMBA 4.20 (manual advance)
1504810CWS: Surgeries View Type - Calculate Function
1490187Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1490090RR Interface: Adjustments SAMBA 4.19 (manual/in advance)
1450021Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1437610RR interface: Adjustments for SAMBA 4.18 (manual/in advance)
1434314Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1425765Generating sec_info reg_info
1423313Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1405983RR interface: Adjustments for SAMBA 4.17 (manual/in advance)
1401222Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1394387Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1377745Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1377146IS-H CH: Analyseleistungsregeln - Erweiterungen
1376178RR interface: Adjustments for SAMBA 4.16 (manual/in advance)
1366434IS-H CH: Analysenliste- Leistungsregeln
1365394Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1364960Improvements to the Goals Functionality
1364669Integrating ERP with the SAP Sourcing (II)
1362404IS-H AT: Felder LV AT + CH bei neuem Geschäftspart. fehlen
1360162(Obsolete) Language issues in Goals Functionality
1359388IS-H CH: Schweizer Versichertenkarte - CH-Korr 6.03
1355103Radiology: Findings Work Station - Previewer Missing
1354157IS-H: ANA-LISTE (CH-Delta)
1354156IS-H: ANA-LISTE (SAP-Delta)
1352967IS-H CH: Schweizer Versichertenkarte - CH-Delta
1352966IS-H CH: Swiss health insurance card - SAP Delta
1345614IS-H CH: Fehlende Auftragsdaten am Subscreen für Ext.Auftr.
1345069Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1341960RR interface: Adjustments for SAMBA 4.15 (manual/in advance)
1332333Goal function (Main note)
1330228IS-H: Ext. Auftrag - Ermittlg Honaufteil.code neue Tabelle
1326618Workflow Task 04000013 is missing from the transport
1318389How to Use .SAR/.CAR files and Risks Involved
1310784RR Interface: Adjustments for SAMBA 4.14 (manual/in advance)
1306514Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1302988Medication: Various Corrections and Technical Adaptations
1302490IS-H CH: Korrekturen zu Tarmed 1.6 II
1300732CML: UI Enhancement with respect to Table Controls
1282483IS-H CH: Fallabschluss/-öffnung
1282372IS-H CH: Fallabschluss/-öffnung (SAP-Delta)
1276101Clinical Work Station: SAP Standard Function Variants
1269249RR Interface: SAMBA 4.13 adjustments (manual in advance)
1268987IS-H AT: EDIVKA - Änderungen
1267695Nursing: Nursing Plan - Performance Problem with Change Docu
1266639IS-H FR: Incorrect German field name in EDI
1265235Demand Planning: Report to display LiveCache Locks
1263623Euro: New GL split processing
1261113BUC: Enhancement of BAdI FVD_LOAN_POST with AUFNR
1256903IS-H AT: P321 - Stichtag für Name (SAP-Delta)
1252417Patient Organizer/Viewer: Health Problem - Uppercase
1237763Clinical Order: Incorrect Connection Radiological Documents
1236378RR-Interface: Adjustments to SAMBA 4.12 (manual in advance)
1229334RPCAIDP0 and RPCIIDP0 improvements
1222993Evaluation classes 18, 19 and 20 replaced
1178006IN86 - Retroactive calculation and wage type amount signs
1177980Citizen's Card - new functionality of infotype 0185
1176128MP039800:Correction for a text element, with no attributes
1173260Legal Change for CGA Magnetic File report
1172050User information contains errors in Web service consumer
1168230Missing 7.00 DataSources
1168114IS-H AT: P321 - Änderungen
1166761HR-BR: Validation of infotype 2001
1166480IS-H: Patientenleitsystem Erweiterte Suche
1165525Routines missing in BI_CONT 7.03 Support Package 09
1160987HBRRAIS0: correction in the processing of PPRP off-cycle
1158200IS-H: Patientenleitsystem
1157802CH: Änd. für in nicht-abrechenb. Honorarleist.
1157762IS-H CH: Erweiterung d. Leistungsregel C23 Spartenzuschlag
1155721HR-BR: Fields not available in the view V_T7BR06
1155459RPCIIDP0: layout correction of company title in PDF format
1154235RAIS: Employees without remuneration in the year.
1148345New processing method for handicapped and dependents
1146033New function module to get wage type list by an eval. class
1145684RPCAIDP0: other deductions for Soc. Sec. contributions.
1144912New customizing for Sit. Code 01,30,32 of CGA Magnetic File
1143618RR interface: SAMBA 4.11 adjustments (manually in advance)
1141615RPTSWAA0 Schwerarbeitsplatz §5 VO BMSG (diverse Anpassungen)
1137593HBRDIRF0: Layout adjusts for 2008
1133698BRPED: Simulation of a dismissal with vacation
1131677Kammerumlage- und IESG-Pflicht für freie Dienstnehmer
1129349RPCUBSA0RA: Erweiterungen für Hintergrundverarbeitung
1129009IS-H: Externer Auftrag - F4-Hilfe Auftraggeber
1127132New fields and records to Annual Income Declaration report
1126405IS-H: Initialization of field EXTAUF in table TN14B
1121452UNION: The discount is generated again when retrocalculated
1117928JW 2007/08: Lohnzettel 5 für ALV (Zusatzreport)
1116763HBRSEF00: validation error with especial characters
1114543Dienstgeberabgabe Wien (neue Version) Merkmal AUMGR fehlt
1114298Nursing: Missing prospective NSR classifications
1113730HR-PT: Update of Economical Activity Codes - T5PEA
1110882RR interface: SAMBA 4.10 modifications (manual in advance)
1109554Planning: Appointment, Movement not Linked with Appointment
1107922MANAD: Implementation of Blocks I and L
1106624IS-H: Externer Auftrag - Korrekturen ( Ext. AG, ...)
1101402IS-H: Externer Auftrag - TNEO_CHARFAC_DET - Abrechnungsver.
1099375IS-H: Externer Auftrag - TNEO_CHARFAC_DET - Keyerweiterung
1098253BRD0: Payment Wage Types of Extra Hours
1097370New parameter for BADI BR_VALUT_DATE
1096503Technical adaptation
1096367Documentation for the GRRF (HBRCGRRF) report
1093412Clinical Order: Order Templates
1090311RR interface: SAMBA 4.09 adjustments (manually in advance)
1088492JW 2007/08: Schwerarbeitsplätze nach §5 VO des BMSG
1087880Patient register: Correction report, data transfer
1086512Nursing: 'End Nursing Plan': Cycle end date (corr. report)
1085152Technical adaptations
1083464Clin. Patient Management: BAdI for Case Validity Check
1081156Accessible Simple Lists
1075750Technical adaptations
1073475HBRPAYR0 - corrections in alv list display
1071989ALV-Beitrag für Männer ab 56 (über Verrechnungsgruppen)
1071848Technical adaptations
1071837Clinical Order: Duplicatre Entries in Table N1COMPA
1064225Pendlerpauschale Anhebung ab 01.07.2007
1061550RR Interface: Adjustments due to SAMBAplus Release 4.08
1061374AV-Beitrag für Männer ab 56: Rückrechnung aus Folgeperioden
1057221IS-H CH: Kostenträgergruppen analog zu Leistungsgruppen
1051775IS-H AT: Wikraf - V01-Datensatz übersteuern
1051011IS-H AT: EDI Nachrichtenversand mit Kommentar
1049498IS-H CH: Fallartwechsel stat->amb - Prf alte Aufn. Lgen.
1049268TAX: No cross-company cumul. for million $ suppl. wages.
1046190OLTP Reporting: Texts for Service Ticket Category
1044755IS-H CH: Prüfung Änderung der Patientenklasse nach Lstgen
1044189IS-H AT: PPR Einstufung - Auswertung RNWATPPR01
1044007The B2A process for DmfAPPL declarations is not supported
1040911HBRRAIS0 - 13th Salary advanced for the next year
1038939Archiving profitability segments II.
1038634HR-PT: Legal change, fiscal status table update
1037157HR-BR: General enhancements
1034838HR-PT: RPCGSRP0 changed to show error list
1029980RR interface: Adjustments due to SAMBA Release 4.07
1028682IS-H CH: RNLAUS01 - Bestandsauszug um CH-Daten erweitern
1025933New electronic file MANAD
1025461IS-H AT: Klinischer Arbeitsplatz (AT-Feldbefüllung)
1019028CATFORD CDP SPL-CA 1c: modifications via crosstransport
1017574IS-H AT: Einstellungen fürs Storno abhängiger Leistungen
1014911HBRRAIS0 Legal Changes 2007
1013196Enable Nursing Staff Regulation Transfer for Prospective Ser
1012649Legal change in HBRDIRF0 for year 2007
1011956IS-H CH: RNWCHSKH1 - hospital statistics
1010107RR Interface: Adjustments because of SAMBA Rel 4.06/4.062
1009718IS-H AT: PPR Einstufung - prospektive Daten
1009293New electronic file GRRF
1006767Jahreswechsel 2006/07 (öffentlicher Dienst): Änderungen BVA
997653IS-H AT: Standard implementation EDIVKA 5.0 (Delta)
996998JW 2006/07:Änderungen zum Lohnzettel Finanz (ab Rel ERP2004)
996997JW 2006/07: Änderungen zum Lohnzettel Finanz (Rel 46C-470)
990461Klin.Arbeitsplatz: Kundenspezifische Sichttypen
990227Clin order: Migration report N1_MIGPRG - Error Messages
988501Medication: Documentation BAdI N1_GENERATE_MEEVENT
985289IS-H AT: Intensivdaten - Prüfen bei OE-Wechsel
983299Medication: Missing BAdIs in the IMG
982031IS-H AT: Scoring - Anpassungen an das Modell 2007
981676Klin. Arbeitsplatz: Kundenspezifische Sichttypen
980828Medication: BAdI for Customer-Specific Drug Search
978380Loc Brazil: Decimal places for rounding on Tax amounts
977290Nursing: Nursing Plan - Determine Selection Period
976098RR interface: Adjustments due to SAMBA Release 4.05
975898Clin. Work Station: Form ISHMED_OPPLAN - Error Message
973701IS-H AT: Einzugsgebiete bei abweichenden Rechnungsadressen
971179Klin. Arbeitsplatz: Kundenspezifische Sichttypen erstellen
970127SEFIP: View V_T7BR07 not accesible through SM30
968363IS-H CH: Rechnung V4.0, Überschrift TG/TP Rechnung
965183CatMan - Missing property keys in view BBPV_CM_PROPVALS
963984Input tax correction: Prerequisite for DDIC objects
954447IS-H AT: ELDA - aktuelle Anpassungen (P321, ELDAL)
953877Hardcoded Address Subtype in W2 Reprint Application.
952103Clinical order: migrated order categories - runtime error
948649IS-H AT: Intensivdokumentation - Stornieren nicht möglich
945787HBRCAGED: Record type C and X - Layout changes
944647Infotyp 0632: Fehlermeldung: Geschuetzte Tabstrip Reiter...
943354Resolution 1964/2005- Correction
936235Clin. Work Station: Form ISHMED_OPPLAN - Overlaps
935683Gemeindetabelle für Kommunalsteuer (aktualisierte Einträge)
931569Performance Improvements Environment
929353Changes to the Home and Area page customizing for LWE
925164HBRRAIS0 Legal Changes 2006
921823Transactions NT32 and NT33 not Executable
920491ESS:Change Own Data enhancement to allow multi record update
917854New DDIC objects: GPS and SEFIP Compensation
9171991099R Correction Processing Forms
916939Planning Grid - Appt Start Time Grid or Time Slot
916260Planning: Appointment Template - Caller for BAdI N_APP_CONST
916232Termination in Cuotas- Class CL_HR_TERMINATION_IN_CUOTASAR
915555Elec tax return special advance pymt and permanent extension
913171Adapter enhancements for Allowed Infotype/subtype
913024HBRSEF00 8.0 fixes
912286Planning: Planning Grid - Documentation N1PTTAGE / N1PTRNO
911049IS-H AT: Report RNWATKUELIST um "ohne VV/SV" erweitern
910766Form 940 is incorrect when employee has tips
910338Form 940: Year End 2005 changes
907191W-2 magnetic media for Puerto Rico
906756Service Management: Synchronization Correction Appointment -
902951Invalid SSN range in W-2 self-sealer form
902210Jahreswechsel 2005/06 (öffentlicher Dienst): Änderungen BVA
902033Resolution 1964/2005
892401STM: Termination of DART extraction on DB2 systems
890833U.S. Tax Reporter: Year End 2005 Phase II
890572Clinical Order: Transport Order Types - Various Adjustments
886984Wichtige Korrekturen zu E-Card
882093HBRRAIS0 to run on all companies at once
875109SEFIP: code updates
874686HBRCFER0 - new BAdIs available for customer specific process
873326CE Enablement of Benefit Confirmation Form
868660Inconsistencies between CRM Server and Mobile Client
864234Clinical Order: Enhancement and Documentation of BAdIs
860908Clin. Order: BAdI N1_CORDER_USER_COMM - Insufficient Docu BAdI Quick Service Entry
856110HFILTALEL0 - use percentage stored in V_T7FI02.
853134Tax Reporter legal changes for 2nd Quarter 2005.
852199Verteilte Umgebung: Feld Gesetzliche Grundlage versenden
850954IS-H CH: MEDIDATA 4.0 - neue Version
847797Clinical Order: Pregnancy Indicator
845320Lohnkontenverordnung 2005 zum Kinderzuschlag v. 28.04.2005
839054Clin.Order/Prereg.: Migration - Context Data Correction
838704HR-PT: Social balance - Absences introduced by CATS
838401HR-PT: RPCOVCP0 - List employees with or w/o membership fees
836813IS-H AT: Intensivdaten - Online-Dialog
831875HR-PT: Minimum wage for Madeira
831538IMG text missing in release 4.6C for object PAY_BR_AU020
831275SEFIP: collective agreement and other enhancements
827099HR-PT: Leave Annual Summary - Compensation not displayed
826402IS-H AT: Änderungen an Bearbeitung der Intensivdaten
824630IS-H CH: Rechnungsdruck verhindern wenn EDI
824539Account Management (AM) - TRBK 3.0 - BAFin §24c KWG
824473Savings Plan (403b): Customer Exit for Investments
823641Preregistration, Clinical Order: Create Surgery Preregistrat
822882Accident Data: Create Movement - Acc. Data not Transferred
822568IRRF: 21 years old dependent
821434VAKEY parameters deleted
818359Legal change in HBRDIRF0 for year 2005
818019IS-H AT:Scoring:RNWAT_SCO_MSG_LOAD-neues Feld "akzeptierbar"
816605Loss of data during date confirmation processing
813531RAIS: Legal change 2005
813518IS-H AT: Probleme mit "temporären Adressobjekten"
811311HR-PT: Annual Income Declaration - Electronic file
809424Account group field not updated on Mobile Client
808266IS-H/IS-H*MED: Klin.Auftrag: Auftragstyp - Verbucherabbruch
808187IS-H*MED: Clin. Order: Error Message in Transaction St11
801104IS-H/IS-H*MED: Clinical Order/Prereg.: Correction Report
798398HR-BR: Discount percentage of 100% could not be reported
796169Transaction J2IUN CENVAT Utilization with Service Tax Credit
795492Transaction J2IUN CENVAT Utilization with Service Tax Credit
791983STM: CML connection to the Data Retention Tool
791743IS-H CH: ELACH/MEDIDATA - Mehrwertsteuersätze
788591IS-H*MED:Clin Order: N1SCRM Memory Effect -Correction Report
787916IS-H*MED: Radiology: Call Radiology Work Station
787665IS-H*MED transfer function master data cl. order
786687RAIS: reporting brazilian-naturalized employee
785055Generic Note Released for all Mobile Client Companion Fixes
781711Uploading the Mobile Component Descriptor ISDFPS 1b SP2
781265IS-H*MED: Service Management: Quick Service Entry
779702Required Customizing on the MI Server for ISDFPS SP2
772616BCO Idoc INVCON02
768257IS-H CH: MEDIDATA - Alternativen Leistungscode übermitteln
762639IS-H*MED: plan. board: plan appointmt - movemt for appointmt
761420Delta load exchange rates
760161IS-H/IS-H*MED: Clinical order - correction report context
758213IS-H/IS-H*MED: Clinical order - detailed print
758054UCAS import - Reprocessing logic changes
757121IS-H*MED:Clin.Order: Surg. Admission Order Item Correction
756058Views of tables T7BR93 and T7BR94 did not allow update
755527IS-H*MED: Correction Report for Order Types
753315IS-H*MED: Authorization for Planning Authority
751753IS-H*MED: Correction Reports after Migration Execution
750279Withholding tax reporting legal changes for Philippines
748933IS-H/IS-H*MED: Clin. Order: Invalid Order Initiator/Filler
748486IS-H*MED: Day-Based Planning: Appointment OU Missing
744693Incorrect rounding of compulsory CPF for employee
743367CRM 4.0: Encryption issue with Crypting.dll
743036Selection of Multiple BO attributes for FIELD GROUPS
742650IS-H*MED: Clin. Order: Correction Report Tables N1FATTR*
736945HTHCSSD1 - Code for the prefix in download format
735508IS-H CH: Leistungsregel C18 - Umschlüsselung "in sich"
734636IS-H CH: Rechnungsformular V4.0 - NIF-Nummer
732660IS-H CH: Rechung Version 4.0 4.63B/19
731755IS-H CH: Summe TARMED AL in der Rechnung Version 4.0
731753HR-PT: Article 220º "Efeitos da suspensao do contrato ..."
731503IS-H CH: Summe TARMED AL in der Rechnung TARMED
730328IS-H CH: Int. Skalierungsfaktor Rechnung TARMED
730327IS-H CH: Int. Skalierungsfaktor Rechnung Version 4.0
722215IS-H CH: TARMED Rechnung mit filled Square
72163630SP16: Authorization Rules with EditGroups
721418CRM 3.0:Drag and Drop of Appointments leads to crash
721081HR-PT:Legal Changes to the Social Security number(11 digits)
718103CH: Erweiterungen für Assistenzärzte und Prozente
717747IS-H CH: Aufschlüsselung Gesamtbetrag und 5-Rappenrundung
717565IS-H CH: Leistungsregeln - Anpassen an akt.Entwicklungsstand
713355MV-Übertragungsbetrag - Eintragung auf Lohnzettel
712898Performance problems to extract the purchasing information
712368HR-PT: New table T5P1P for IRS since 2004
712333HR-PT: Upload of IRS tables 2004 into T5P1P
710689IS-H CH: BAPI-Leistungsschnittstelle: Fehlerhandling Vers. 2
708384Nachtrag für RPCL16A2 zum Jahreswechsel 2003/04
708330ISH CH Leistungsregel Abrechenbarkeit Materialien
707539Neue Dienstgeberkontonummern Finanz ausgegeben -> Anpassung
706324CRM 4.0 Junck characters in spanish language
706262IS-H CH: ELACH - Medidata-Rechnungs-Antwort
704587IS-H CH: ELACH - Medidata-Rechnungs-Antwort
702496SV- Beitragsgruppen: Customizing unvollständig
702367IS-H CH: Rechnungsformular TARMED
701392W-2: New MMREF-1 layout for Port Huron, MI
700160IS-H CH: Rechnungsformular TARMED
699131IS-H CH: Rechnungsformular TARMED
698677Neue Dienstgeberkontonummern SV ausgegeben -> Anpassungen
697600PY-SG:Incorrect alignment of IR8A/IR8S forms for year 2003
696846PMAA: Recording time segments in the asset
696417IS-H §21:Neuerungen bei RNAP21K01/F01 zu 4.63B/18 u. 4.71/10
695686Drilldown reporting: Error reading cluster table COIX ...
692596AT: Erfassung von Intensivdaten für Datensatz Intensiv
691711IS-H CH: ELACH - Medidata-Anpassungen
691525PY:SG Changes in Tax forms (IR8A and IR8S) for year 2004.
689598ELDA-Lohnzettel Finanz: Feld FANRL für Finanzämter 01 - 09
689549PY-SG:New limit for additional wages w.e.f. 01.01.2004
689238NY 4th QTR SAPscript: Incorrect amount in Line #12
688054HR-PT: Overtime Communication - UNION
687704IS-H CH: Rechnungsformular TARMED
687491HR-PT: Corrections to generic statistical (RPCGSRP0)
682286HR-PT: Overtime Record - RPCOVRP0
677661IS-H CH: (+)%-Zuschlagsleistungen (Bastarde)
676684PY:SG CPF salary ceiling of $5,500 wef 01 Jan 2004.
676589IS-H CH: XML-Leistungsschnittstelle
673550Error in CL_CRM_IC_TEXTEDIT
673207IS-H/IS-H*MED: Priority of Prereg. Types Ignored
672949HR-PT: Legal changes in Personnel Summary
666915IS-H CH: RNWCHNTPK00 - neues Selkrit. "Code Lim. Maxregel"
666495Record not getting delimited in table T5R1G for 45B.
663952US Tax Reporter - YE 2003 Phase II
663128CPF rate changes effective from 1st Oct. 2003.
660836CCR: User-exits in Cost Center Report.
657549HR-PT: TemSe functionality for RPSSESP0
656481CPF rate changes effective from 1st Oct. 2003.
656437CRM Survey Tool: Unicode ability in CRM 3.1
650889Drilldown reporting: Include LKYPRF32 is missing in Rel.4.70
650326HR-PT: Complete company/subareas data in printed version
649978HR-PT: Legal changes in Structured Employment Survey report
646853CRM 3.0:Data not displayed in Mobile Application
643843Adv. Correction for Note 639072 (Parallel Processing)
641507Display variants: Incorrect display of crcy & qty fields
640295Nonexistent BW characteristics, variables or keyfigures
638170IS-H AT: Korrekturreport für Leistungen ohne NLLZ => LR A3
632906IS-H*MED: Incorrect Planning Object
632713IS-H CH: RNWCHNTPK00 - Einspielen TARMED-Leistungsstamm
627439Incorrect check of the Formular Result-Score Assignment
625544CRM MAS 3.0 SP14 - Activate UI Event Handler - Crash in MAS
622567Generic usability issues in ESS Scenarios
6211953.0 SP12: Newly generated TileSet not visible
621083Short dump when saving graphic during measure maintenance
620283HR-PT: New tax report RPCTAXP0
617096CD: Archiving programs for archiving object CHANGEDOCU
612965RMP(EA200): Retrofit reference measuring points
612170Switching to another tile causes the application to crash
610422CD:Archiving obj. CHANGEDOCU not complete in standard system
60552630SP14: AutomationError on creating service order
604962IS-H DE: P21 - Unterstützung individueller Datenermittlung
604784IS-H DE: KHStatV 2002 - Vorabauslieferung
602415LC2003 : Gross remuneration system vol.3 correction files
602168Neu: Report RPCL16A2 für Lohnzettel Finanz überarbeitet
601765Configuration of report/report interface incomplete
600229ZV-Vorabtransport: DATÜV-ZVE, ATZ, Nettozusage,...
599218MB5B: Composite SAP Note for Release >= 4.0B 03/2004
590609Check of material document using report MBCKMDOC
571473XXX MB5B: Composite SAP note for Releases >= 4.0B 12/2002
552326Preventive maintenance project warranties
538580Compression of data during Data Exchange in CRM 3.0
497748Middleware HOTFIX for Mobile Clients: CRM 3.0 SP00 - SP18
480671The Text Language Flag of LANG Fields
359375DB2/390: RSDB2FIX - Better Performance
306908DB2/390: Primary index created without CLUSTER
184399DB2/390: DDIC corrections (Releases 4.6A,4.6B,4.6C,4.6D)
183311DB2/390: Automated PTF Check
180541CC-INFO: Performance problem when copying text
122599DB2/390: Performance of the update
96732CC-INFO: DB2/390 - client copy is very slow
13719Preliminary transports to customers (note for customers)