541162 | IW31/IW32/IW34 - Dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER |
65465 | Collective note: Performance optimization IW32 IW38 |
318941 | System status printed in PM/SM order is not set |
65464 | Maintenance order: Create settlement rule |
539179 | IW31 - Several notifications generated for one order |
423398 | Graphic/network structure: Alignment of operations incorrect |
35465 | Reassigning a created component in network/order |
616644 | DCM release determination if version in process |
1584998 | CustConn EAM: Performance improvement for Note 1573936 |
103971 | Incomplete PReq cannot be saved |
413337 | Dump AVO_ALERADY_EXISTS when creating operation |
134523 | ME52: PReq created from order cannot be deleted |
35609 | No PReq after network/maintenance order release |
326079 | Incor. return code handling after Note 182798 |
704325 | Maintenance order as a subnetwork: bad performance |
559771 | Preq is not deleted in case of advance shipment |
143240 | PM orders, component, item text, long text |
626280 | AVO_ALREADY_EXISTS dump when Banf creation terminates |
451331 | Batch determination not possible after import of plug-in |
535318 | IW31: SAPLCOBH termination not_found (AUFK-func_area) |
83980 | Exception: no_settlement_allowed |
1040660 | Extension to note 1030162 |
205295 | Chrctrstcs of srvce mgnt ordr msng in prftbty sgmnt |
115093 | Comps w/o long text with description indicator set |
439009 | Object class Customizing for PM/CS orders |
96154 | Incorrect confirmed quantity |
71848 | Performance: K_SETTLEMENT_RULE_EXISTENCE |
611293 | Performance improvements CO_BO_OPR_OF_ORDER_GET |
150578 | Missing initializatn ATP server in maintenance ord |
40111 | Long text is not copied from component into PReq |
189407 | Profile values not transferred by batch input |
32961 | Order/network: No automatic source determination |
158759 | Too many DATA control blocks - SAPLCOBO |
86220 | IW31: Order created without operation |
709014 | PM/QM linkage: Insp. lot generated although release rejected |
141126 | MESSAGE_TYPE_X for scheduling maintenance order |
1642100 | Improving the access to the include LCOVGFZ5 |
52186 | Purchase requisition: long texts not adopted |
206273 | Storage location not copied from task list |
76620 | PM order: calendar for order start/order finish date |
1602709 | CustConn EAM:Op overview: PO no. & delivery date are initial |
618805 | Supply area or LGORT determined wrongly if wrk centr changed |
437907 | Work center calendar not taken into account |
103922 | Maintenance order: Calendar for order start/finish |
107769 | Setting 'Print online' does not work |
122668 | Maintenance orders, component, item text, long text |
457442 | No notification number in the order header |
1447078 | IW32: Update termination in FM MEDCM_UPDATE_REVISION |
851485 | Delete long text not copied into PReq |
903954 | Sending push alert to multiple recipients |
810374 | Missing authorization checks in the order |
192922 | Supplement to Note 182798, default rule on contract |
559704 | Advance shipment: Planned costs |
328517 | E06355 Purchas.organization & not allowed for plant |
48115 | Assignment PM order to WBS element despite status |
67963 | Changing mat./plant in component/order not in PReq |
484467 | Changes in the PReq are not copied to maintenance order |
209839 | No basic start date--> no settlement rule COPA |
901032 | IW32: Inspection lot is not created during the release |
48401 | Maintenance order / network: no scheduling / CK060 |
546860 | ME52/N: Texts in incorrect sequence from sales order |
120303 | Actual finish set incorrectly in orders/networks |
53959 | PReq for component without long text in order |
68262 | PM order: no outline agreement no. in header operat. |
700284 | Fund Accounting: Incorrect derivation at IW31 |
809444 | BAPI: No transfer of contract change |
389927 | Task list selection: Storage location not copied |
35399 | MM-SRV Acct assignment problem in PReq from network |
72451 | PM: PReq contains executing plant instead of PM plt |
878233 | No inspection lot for PM/CS order in creation mode |
358860 | Correct change to update |
427800 | Dump Commit without order data for VA01/VA02 |
69683 | Order: incorrect long text for component |
330023 | Termination generating service order in background |
384921 | Plant maintenance order: Header notification |
119701 | Plant cannot be changed in component list |
217155 | No interface design for char.s in maintenance ord. |
67767 | Operation has wrong dates in external processing |
124871 | Incorrect operation element number, Internal error |
101964 | TD607 when changing work center/standard text key |
88877 | Availability check in the order without components |
532665 | Dump COMPUTE_FLOAT_ZERODIVIDE in the availability check |
1067900 | VA01: No inspection lot created for PM order/service order |
161056 | BOM item text not copied to PReq |
1294959 | Short Dump when saving Sales Order |
216726 | Price, unit and desired vendor are not copied |
861682 | Relevancy for planning set incorrectly in the PM/CS order |
381792 | Inserting comp.:stor.location + backflush indicator |
63398 | Maintenance order: 'Incorrect' permits in order |
506146 | Directly manufactured material displayed as missing part |
441043 | Storage location customer exit EXIT_SAPLCOMK_007 |
414280 | IW31/IW32: Incorrect requirements date for the component |
1131008 | Incorrect split status in work order operation |
106681 | Error message GS004 when posting costs on project |
355310 | temporary/no order number in CO-PA |
105592 | No warning/error for locked cost center |
53496 | No PReq for non-stock components for services |
433664 | Error message CO312 instead of warning message CO312 |
84075 | Incorrect proposals from default profile |
182273 | No ATP check for non-MRP-relevant components |