SAP Transaction GVTR - FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward

Related Notes
338222 Balance carryfwd: DBIF_RSQL_ERROR: Snapshot too old
325824Balance carryforward: Deleting period 0
502232SAPFGVTR: Balance carryforward is accumulated not replaced
702351BW extractor: CALL_FUNCTION_PARM_MISSING dump in GVTR
384153SAPFGVTR balance carryforward: Field overflow with COLLECT
182201SAPFGVTR: EXTRACT_NO_MORE_PAGING (-> account modification)
501345Balance carryforward: SAPFGVTR, SAPF011 new as of 4.6C
156034SAPFGVTR:FU036 Cannot carry forwd balance for company code &
485112SAPFGVTR: No data available for processing
176067Balance carryforward: Not equal to prev year closing balance
402917Balance carryforward is not correct
156036SAPFGVTR: Avoiding error FU036 with a modification
110249SAPFGVTR:Secondary cost element/statist.key figures
755105Automatic balance carryforward: EXIT_SAPLGVTR_001 not called
729433Differences between SL and GL
328197BW-BCT: Delta extraction for FI-SL and EC-PCA