SAP Transaction FBRA - Reset Cleared Items

Related Notes
135448FBRA: no reset with an MM invoice reversal
526033FBRA: missing withholding tax information in case of reset
364406Resetting cleared items of a reversed down payment request
33208FBRA - update termination in REVERSE_CLEARING
352049Payment program: Dump SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC
34211FBRA - Update termination DBIF_RTAB_NO_MEMORY
83923MR8M: Cancellation for cleared item in FI
867233New deferred tax: Clearing reset
41733FBRA exchange rate differences although none exist
100615reversal of clearing document - Quantity unchanged
63484FBRA - Reset cleared items not possible due to reversal
98447FBRA - Reversal of open item documents in JVA
1233805Error message RW 016 in transaction FBRA
417093Profile 500 / 600: Message FI205 for 'Reset Cleared Items'
612858Reset Cleared Items sets PAYFLG incorrectly
591744Profile 500: Incorrect update date with FBRA
350919FI ALE: No Reset Cleared Items with Reversal
98326Diff.betw.balnce disply and item ttl, ZUONR incorct
640175Message FI741 with automatic commitments carryforward
146255FBRA: Resettng cleared items not poss.due to revrsl
52141FBRA - problems with currencies during reversal
121849New reset clearing in Cash Budget Management
116754Credit management:diff. after 4.0 upgrade:addendum to 116247
950773NewGL: Clearing lines with activated document breakdown
613222Undoing carryforward for zero amounts
610158FBRC - The difference is too large for clearing
190023Reset clearing after euro changeover
1119285Report: Several reversal documents for one invoice
447303INT: HR <-> FI Remittance acknowledgment update enhancement
417893Profit center is not transferred into the budgetary ledger
816976Documt volumes in Cash Budget Management (transfer postings)
159607F110: Reset clearing is not offset against
195107Clearing vendor: Update termination with F1 805
1172351Clearing information for subsequent NewGL and FI-SL posting
1178781FBRA for reversal documents using the interface
904936RFUMSV50:Collective note for changes in lower releases
1660511Steuermeldedatum bei Storno
65940FBRA - Reversed items cannot be cleared (F5673)
123457FBRA - Resetting converted documents
369313Bar code entry during cross-company code reversal
487725BUC: Removing clearing information from FI documents
183125Executing RFFMS200 after data conversion to 4.5B
91092Collective note Cash Budget Management 3.0D - 3.1H
1600667Transactions that conflict with themselves
649985Period lock in the automatic zero balance carryforward
1395410BAdI: No autom. clearings for advance payt transfer postings
213852Analysis of down payment processing with FI
13907System error in the block handler, overflow lock table
47596Update termination/data inconsistency/amounts missing
945272SCS, clearing, periodic posting, RERACA004, balance not zero
400924Recommendations and rules for the payment transfer in FM
1039752New G/L migration: Restrictions and important information
81374Compare receivables/payables with FI