1292730 | FB60 Error FF 796 - Tax cannot be withdrawn |
1501285 | Tax code check is inconsistent (BAPI, FB01/FB60) |
504784 | FI/MM: Problems with screen variants (composite SAP note) |
1248088 | FB60 has balance in amount of input tax for manual tax |
689449 | Note 605829: Enhancement to 'Net proposal' |
1564562 | F5 580 - second or third local currency, if tax base changed |
1551857 | FB60 - Error FF 716 if "Cancel" chosen after warning FF 707 |
377065 | FB60: Withholding tax is not updated for new vendor |
592914 | Incorrect dropdown box for tax code in EnjoySAP transactions |
304745 | Transaction Recorder and FB50, FB60, FB70 |
662668 | FB60: IMPORT terminates in user exit EXIT_SAPLFYTX_USER_001 |
926481 | FB60/FV60: Balance error with manual tax |
833303 | FB01, FB60 dump in case of cross-company-code postings |
376688 | Bank details branch in FB60 and FB70 |
398689 | MIRO Entry options |
328476 | FV60: tree Customizing not taken into account |
486587 | FB60 and so on (Enjoy): Saved tree settings |
772344 | FI-EnjoySAP: Final amount proposal incorrect |
512561 | FB60/MIRO: Restricting changes to tax base |
1479747 | Enabling VAT calculation in FB60 as per the standard access |
1163678 | FB60: entered tax amount is not displayed or is incorrect |
1614141 | Error F5060 in F-48 for vendor Down Payment with Service Tax |
310485 | Enjoy transactions in FI and previous posting transactions |
575336 | FB60: Width of the templates is not saved |
369330 | Warning: customer/vendor subject to w/tax version 2 |
1618818 | FB60 tax screen - net proposal incorrect for forgn currency |
975657 | SG 105: FI-Enjoy with foreign currency and calculate tax |
668768 | Line item w/ amount WRBTR = 0 then TXGRP incorrect |
323813 | FV60/FB60: document created without secondary index |
1589039 | Incorrect taxable values on tax tab page |
481161 | F5060 for posting with multiline tax |
500873 | FB50: Performance with many templates |
339666 | FB60: Document with initial vendor / G/L account |
564373 | FB60: Additional information for note 534225 |
1093088 | F5060 Direct tax balance on Tax screen in Argentina/Peru |
554902 | FB60: Installment payment with amount split |
578002 | F5060 due to second/third local currency |
597435 | Note 589301: FI documents w/o determine taxes line-by-line |
856749 | FB60: Displaying calculated taxable value on tax tab page |
660897 | ENJOYSAP: Japanese address screen layout incorrect |
1483296 | FF 796 when entering tax for the vendor and tax is zero |
1466572 | FB60: Alternative tax rate not considered |
1138229 | BAPI, IDOC: TXGRP incorrect in BSEG tax items |
632612 | F5061 due to balance in first local currency |
882213 | ENJOYSAP: Validation of G/L account items in displayed area |
420164 | Enjoy: Storing batch input session names in FB50/60/70 |
534225 | FB60: Too many roundtrips for front end with 'Enter' |
1458518 | Messages are not processed in intermode communication |
1629530 | FB60/FB70 dump BCD_ZERODIVIDE if net tax base |
1248566 | MIRO - credit memo w/ manual tax results in balance - AR/PE |
634835 | FB01: Dump w/ F1807: Error when inserting table BSET |
1162771 | FB02: No checks when changing tax reporting date |
575249 | MIRO: Derivation of value date via BADI |
1611321 | BSEG-TXGRP remains initial in tax line items |
702568 | FF804 with direct tax posting from MIRO |
516467 | FB60: Follow-up Note for 497854 |
1045412 | GL transaction <> RFBU in postings with AWTYP 'BKPFF' |
425554 | Enjoy:Improved handling of the account assignment templates |
863267 | FAQ: Validations in Enjoy transactions |
539451 | Enjoy: Installment payment with amount split |
376206 | Incorrect address display in FB60 and FB70 |
575644 | G/l account not in EXIT_SAPLFYTX_USER_001 with FB60 |
1093085 | FB60 - F5061 balance in 2nd/3rd loc currncy - Argentina/Peru |
330233 | RFEWUC1F:Error MQ523 |
628345 | FB60: One-time vendor with amount split |
430830 | EnjoySAP: Improved handling of the screen variants |
815629 | Incorrect period when posting to different ledgers |
403488 | No exclusion of users in bar code Customizing |
561817 | FB60: Setting of selection of tax codes |
495355 | BDC_ZERODIVIDE in program 'SAPLTAX1' form 'SKONTO_ERMITTELN' |
546889 | FAQ: Screen variants in FI Enjoy Transactions |
515239 | FV60: Tax amounts disappear or appear twice |
719340 | MIRO FB60 FB70 - tax base cannot be changed |
546625 | EnjoySAP message F5A060 in tab page 'Amount split' |
317022 | FB50: F5165 'Company code & is not defined' |
215964 | FB01/FB70: Cash discount base amount not set |
772949 | ENJOY: BADI for alternative branch to vendor master data |
201846 | FB60: Document posted in wrong fiscal year |
328623 | FB50: No check of posting date |
930859 | F5061 for tax change in LC |
997913 | Correction-relevant data not transferred during posting |
904652 | MIRO: Different from FB60 |
330945 | FI Enjoy transactions and screen variants |
605829 | SAP Note 598301: Supplementation for FI transactions |
576732 | FB60: Balance no longer zero after simulation |
447977 | Incorrect tax group with usage of tax jurisdiction codes |
902624 | F5407 incorrect if account is non-taxable |
675187 | FB01: IBAN entry w/ required entry field bank det. not poss. |
1171092 | F5 060 w/ direct tax in FB60/FB70 Argentina/Peru |
960639 | Tax rate is not transferred for FBVB and tax amount 0 |
841884 | Customer fields in the Enjoy entry transactions |
1492575 | EnjoySAP: Substitution is not performed for lines |
373529 | FB50 / FB60 : Lines missing in PCA document |
1404156 | F5 060 for parked documents w/ tax rate and tax calculation |
1112432 | F5 580: Balance in second/third local currency, manual tax |
1259117 | ENJOY/NewGL: F4 help triggers dump |
360390 | FI ENJOY parking: variant transaction loss |