644507 | Reversal - budgetary ledger |
377929 | Field object key (BKPF-AWKEY) not filled for reversal frm TR |
66831 | Fix for missing JV document from FB08 |
1642709 | FB08: Tax reporting date |
319486 | FB08: Update termination in FB REAL_ESTATE_DOC_UPDATE |
352049 | Payment program: Dump SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC |
336557 | Settlmnt to asset: reversl only undoes finl sttlmnt |
1408702 | Tax reporting date is not transferrerd during reversal |
1567029 | Badi VATDATE_RULES: VF11 w/ new cancellation, FB08 w/ input |
1495466 | Reversal of TBB1 postings with taxes |
581278 | Reversals are not updated |
63484 | FBRA - Reset cleared items not possible due to reversal |
938165 | Incorrect document number for OBJ_TYPE= 'BKPFF' |
585525 | Reference number of reversal documents is missing |
1060901 | Doc number gaps caused by dialog module FI_REVERSE_DOCUMENT |
169102 | Reversal:KI286 f. more t. one CO follow-on document |
350919 | FI ALE: No Reset Cleared Items with Reversal |
408913 | Reversal of an FI document from a request |
86319 | FI ALE: FB08 reversal of FI documents not possible |
1005440 | Reversal of accounting documents with AWTYP='BKPFF' |
1415526 | Cancellation of FI Sales documents - /BGLOCS/VATREPORT07 |
561599 | Account assignmnts and amounts are incorrect during reversal |
75411 | Data incons. in gen.ledger / secrts subs.led. F3.03 |
42124 | Reversal problems with AB08/FB08 |
202078 | FS216 when reversing a vendor invoice |
1079819 | Analysis report for Note 965987 |
1070073 | Doc number gaps due to dialog module FI_REVERSE_DOCUMENT 2 |
86364 | Reconciliation FI gen. ledger/Securities subledger |
640252 | Real Reversal not possible, if budgetary ledger is active |
1660511 | Steuermeldedatum bei Storno |
875484 | FAGL_FC_VAL: Addition to the report documentation |
385567 | FB08: Trading partner business area not transferred |
417893 | Profit center is not transferred into the budgetary ledger |
573548 | Error message AA628/AA629 with limited transaction types |
1172351 | Clearing information for subsequent NewGL and FI-SL posting |
1178781 | FBRA for reversal documents using the interface |
1331317 | EhP3: Authorization check for profit center |
66333 | Stat.autom.rec.acct entry Ret.Curr.acquis.Old asset |
84423 | Business Area Balance |
359818 | Post/clear expiring currencies |
815520 | Problems with reversal documents in online update |
28958 | Link to follow-on documents is lost |
569193 | ISPSe402D019: Correcciones sobre ISPSe402D018 |
1029426 | ERP: No distribution information with reversed documents 2 |
965987 | ERP: No distribution information for reversed documents |
90512 | Postings TR-TM / TR-LO / FI: field transfer |
358487 | Actl data in plan: initl/increasd primry csts rcrds |
593178 | FI ALE: AWREF_REB not filled during reversal + invoice ref |
988238 | FAQ New depreciation calculation |
158953 | Settlement in parallel currency not the same as FI debit |
801318 | Prorata VAT Solution |
837531 | ISPSe462_016: Correcciones sobre ISPSe462_015 |
42615 | Substitution in FI |
793522 | ISPSe462_014: Correcciones sobre ISPSe462_013 |
47410 | ALE FIDCMT01: FI distribution questions & problems |
1039752 | New G/L migration: Restrictions and important information |