564576 | Resetting the scheduling in transaction DB13 |
1056429 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: DB13 jobs in wrong subsystem |
795435 | DB2-z/OS: BW: RUNSTATS in DB13 not compatible |
1508839 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: Changed RUNSTATS handling for BW tables II |
1492808 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: DB13 RUNSTATS ALL ignores exception table |
170854 | DB13 - SQL server jobs fails - double entries in sql script |
104348 | DB2/390: Abort handling Jcl submission service. |
1564386 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: DB13: Default for RUNSTATS after BW REORG |
383498 | CCMS Support for SAPDB V7.2 |
1011864 | DBACOCKPIT - DBCON Connection is not working |
640994 | CCMS adjustments for SAP DB versions >= 7.4 |
931122 | DB6: Backup jobs for remote databases |
104215 | DB13-DB24: CPIC communication error |
1180845 | Actions displayed incorrectly in CCMS (runtime > 24 hours) |
1626584 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: External DB13 scheduling additional checks |
529548 | DB13: Actions are, incorrectly, displayed as failed |
164494 | DB2/390: Jobs scheduled by period are deleted |
181286 | DB2/390: Excluding tablespaces from RUNSTATS |
52673 | DB13: Scheduling Level 1 or 2 backup |
900182 | NW 2004S: No logs displayed in DB12/DB13/DB14 |
935968 | MSSQL: DB13/DBACOCKPIT overwrites backups on NW 2004s |
544582 | FAQs: NT/Win2000 cluster, DB13 |
1054689 | DB13-Sick MSG:Jobs are created with wrong backup parameters |
1146378 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: Changed RUNSTATS handling for BW tables |
1076756 | DBACOCKPIT - Job log for some steps not displayed correctly |
178797 | Y2K: Dbspaces are younger than last data backup |
1229938 | DB13- Checkdb job unable to open the output log file |
177312 | DB2/390: Update DB02 cannot be scheduled in DB13 |
884548 | DB2 z/OS: BW: Additional option for RUNSTATS using DB13 |
1376543 | DB6: OPTIONS parameters for backup jobs in DB13 |
163279 | DB2/390: Image, full copy jobs terminate |
166640 | DB2/390: Error when generating Full Image Copy Jobs |
515853 | BR905W No tables found to adjust NEXT extent |
64210 | New alert for Update Statistics |
407240 | DB2/390: Prim./Secon. Quantity too largefor COPY jobs |
651452 | DB13: No action log found for this action |
523679 | DB2/390: REORG/RUNSTATS in transaction DB13 and LOBs |
1327732 | DB6: Option is set incorrectly for tape archiving in DB13 |
62104 | infarcexe behaviour (Release 3.0D+ only) |
61674 | No Update Statistics when scheduling via DB13 |
113747 | Owners and authorizations for BR*Tools |
708625 | SQL error -3005 or -4005 with UPDSTAT (SAP DB 7.4 or higher) |
739565 | Error message: No application server found on database host |
166861 | Analysis of DB13 problems |
132503 | Update of threshold values for database system chck |
492238 | SKOM_CT_HEALTH_CHECK_READ cannot be called remotely |
1238487 | Update of threshold values of database system check |
1639631 | DBA Cockpit: Failed schedulings in DB13 |
1510231 | DB13: Backup for SAP MaxDB 7.8 in 4.6C, 6.20, 6.40 |
607354 | DB6: db6clp new parameter -db2clprc and SQL0104N |
207133 | Update statistics with SAP DB 6.2 and higher |
317876 | DB2/390:Incorr. space allocation in REORG INDEX jobs |
989616 | DB2-z/OS: Color encoding of job status in DB13 |
67239 | DB13: Update Statistics (SAPDBA) does not run |
988038 | External commands: Control flag "Wait for termination" |
866325 | DB2-z/OS: Configure JES joblog directory |
958182 | Update Statistics and table DBSTATC |
437648 | DB13: External program terminated with exit code 1/2 |
110069 | DB2/390: Correction for DB13, DB02 (CCMS) |
115422 | DB2/390: DB13 Backup, missing tablespaces |
1354557 | DB2-z/OS:CCMS: DB13 RUNSTATS: Removal of Corrective Update |
975352 | DB6: Using DB2 9 automatic REORG |
331608 | DB2/390: DB13: Maximum 400 DD statements per job step |
937377 | DB6: Activating row compression in the BW environment |
43499 | All collective notes concerning DBA Tools |
1451958 | DBA Cockpit: Incorrect start time for jobs |
1619636 | DBA Cockpit: Daily scheduling is not deleted |
652899 | Update statistics with tables without key and index |
716351 | Error messages when calling transactions DB50 and DB13 |
105429 | EXTSHM on IBM AIX |
1691569 | DB6: Fehler im REORGCHK_ALL bei Komprimierungsprüfung |
797667 | Performance problems in BW system require update statistics |
123694 | DB6: dmdb6srp ends with memory protection violation |
956214 | DB6: SQL0443N after upgrade to a new SAP release |
761432 | Error "program dbmrfc@sapdb not registered" |
1398258 | DB6: Job REORGCHK_ALL places load on package cache |
360822 | DB6: core dump in program dmdb6bkp |
1701785 | DB6: REORG-Job für Tabellenkomprimierung bricht ab |
1323797 | DBA Cockpit: Incorrect date selection in planning calendar |
135224 | DB2/390: JCL submission - process hangs |
378648 | Offline backup support with Oracle Fail Safe |
1128989 | "command timeout exceeded" with DBMRFC session mode |
334114 | DB2/390: New naming convention for DB13 Imagecopy |
619428 | DB6: dmdb6bkp error when importing parameters |
1452502 | DBA Cockpit: Jobs are missing in central planning calendar |
1387022 | DBA Cockpit: Month displayed incorrectly in DB13C |
1355260 | DB6: Option is set incorrectly for tape archiving in DB13 |
1706793 | DB6: Fehler beim Konvertieren von virtuellen Tabellen |
107577 | DB2/390: Problems with JCL submission service |
1242278 | DB6: Status 'Scheduling failed' in planning calendar |
543163 | DB6: REORG of tables in tablespace(s) not plannable |
453189 | DB6: dmdb6bkp always returns return code zero (0) |
101752 | DB2/390: Platform-specific errors in 4.0B |
1546866 | DB6: Runstats_DBSTATC interprets runtime param. incorrectly |
168946 | DB13 - Backup(Log) to DAT tape fails |
583759 | R/3 error when you start jobs from DB13 |
978717 | VERIX with MaxDB 7.6 and WebAS 6.* |
598767 | DB13 - SQL error 229 when creating new jobs |
573990 | DB6: brarchive/brrestore returns warning/error on DB13 |