1227236 | Planning values in COPA |
806953 | SETTLEMENT: Results are posted to special periods |
908928 | No result area in client TD05P_CUSTOMER_GEN_TABLES |
100800 | Check mass processing: error in the log |
782631 | Info KE 396: For cost distribution C and CO origin A |
1632506 | SAP ERP RDS for profitability analysis with SAP HANA |
140996 | Posting revaluation differences for GR for production order |
152232 | A/c assmt:old char.aft.deriv.err; prof.segmt twice |
213759 | Create move-in: Field EVER-COPAKONT not transferred |
180213 | Unnecessary zero line items |
419036 | Needless zero line items for document summarization |
1320586 | Info: Currency translations in settlement to COPA |
139705 | Cost conditions (VPRS) not transferred to COPA |
194869 | Scheduling agreements in subseq. posting to CO-PA |
178696 | SD: Revenue recognition document not posted |
721453 | No Co-PA document for stock transfers in TD |
76972 | Termination during transfer of planning data into SOP |
44501 | Client transport for CO-PA: Correction to 3.0D |
167156 | CO-PA: reposting incoming sales order incorrect |
87445 | E-message CZ140 during batch input to profitability segment |
170019 | VA02 - sales order item updated to zero quantity |
139237 | Error MQ613 f.financl statmnt area for Euro convrsn |
61744 | Format display '&01' with complicated key figures |
79747 | Transfer COPA --> SOP: wrong period unit |
61156 | Profit.segment not updated after header change |
106328 | Maximize deletion of application logs |
180477 | User exit actual data not processed (COPA0005) |
84787 | Batch input w. profitab. segment: RKEAK-Field(nn)... |
32878 | SD/CO-PA Transfer representative/sales employee |
60974 | Profit.segment determination with bill-to party |
62091 | Drill-down rep.: incorr. replaced number variables |
200999 | Unnecessary zero line items II |
46245 | Substit. for direct posting from CO does not work |
72487 | Performance with forms with hierarchy nodes |
1288853 | Planning data missing in COPA Tables after TDMS transfer |
72646 | Incorrect numbers for factual aggregation ne SUM |
540370 | Migration of R/3 beverages to IS Beverage |
209839 | No basic start date--> no settlement rule COPA |
144849 | Invalid error messg.f.subsequ.posting billing doc. |
166460 | Billing documt with other CO a/c assignment posted |
61714 | Drill-down reporting: no text for period on list |
746613 | INFO: => LE-TRA-FC-SET (transfer to FI/CO) |
47723 | Wrong figures: variable in several columns |
40554 | Drll-dwn rprtng: ter. UNKNOWN_VARIABLE in SAPLKYP1 |
72229 | Performance when navigating and with great forms |
1374165 | CO-PA tables do not get reduced in the required manner |
185535 | Sales order update incorrect credit memo |
674797 | KEAW: Reserves for imminent loss missing |
38107 | No. variables:Incorrect replacemnt (char. value) |
52332 | Incorr. numbers: Cells w. special key figure selec. |
351178 | Incor statistics drng update sales order fr plannd o. |
131405 | Error messge MA574 when transferring routing f.COPA |
191039 | Transfer prices: Foreign currency valuation missing |
34285 | Form: KH253 (recursive formulae) |
355310 | temporary/no order number in CO-PA |
175582 | Subsequent posting billing doc: another foreign cur |
549421 | No plant specif.for profitability segment derivation (CO-PA) |
110329 | Posting: billing document for SM order transferred |
139969 | MA505, MA120 problems when reading factory calendar |
48593 | Statist. condition with primary cost element |
500281 | FB70: FS861 with certain functions if manual tax |
205338 | CO-PA: Performance problem when updating CO-PA |
53354 | Drill-down rep., non-cumulative values, values = 0 |
105747 | Billing item: quantity is missing |
193487 | Incor.authorizatn of load items and cred.memo items |
415923 | ALLOCATION: Summrztn of COPA line itms for selctn by segmnt |
33308 | Drill-down reporting: Report printout not O.K. |
190671 | CO-short account assignments |
420166 | Syntax error during new installation or upgrade |
89989 | CC-RELEASE: 4.0A |
50650 | Runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_X for hierarchy choice |
379048 | Material number in COPA about customer exit IWO10030 |
332235 | Needless zero line items III |
300564 | SETTLEMENT: Document number assignment per receiver |
135647 | Redetermine profit. segment for subsequent posting |
100405 | FIPP: Fld DKACB-XERGO not in screen SAPLKACB 0002 |
1309619 | Process variants for PSA deletion cannot be saved |
862416 | VF11: Reversal PCA/CO-PA document not created |
766471 | Planning: Error in Note 702968 (no update) |
142150 | SD document: runtime error in RKEVRK2A_MULTICURR_2 |
383102 | Partner information as characteristic in COPA |
500556 | CJB1/CJB2: Information for settlement rule generation |
306583 | SD billng documnt only partially transfrrd to CO-PA |
1559994 | CO-PA accelerator |
205329 | SETTLEMENT: Variances |
319778 | Settlement rule to profit. segment is overwritten |
1224961 | KE21N: Unit of mesaure in lowercase causes error BM 305 |
160925 | Error in log when posting sales order subsequently |
186274 | FI cross-cmpny cde trnsctn: Docs missng, nt dsplyed |
127814 | Incorrect FI-SL-postings for non-del.-rel. billing |
361859 | Revenue Recognition: Determine profitability segm. |
185044 | KE396 for characteristic 'Plant' during shipment cost proces |
538968 | INFORMATION: ALV overview characteristic derivation |
188724 | Quantities missing in account-based CO-PA |
708883 | Planning: Maintaining activities in mass processing |
530911 | Migration from R/3 Beverages to IS-Beverage 4602 |
83318 | CC-TRNS: Direct selection not allowed... |
63935 | Caharact.derivation: coll. corrections for 3.0C |