SAP Note 32878 - SD/CO-PA Transfer representative/sales employee

Component : Profitability Analysis -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
For copying the representative/sales employee (partner function PE) from SD to COPA in the SAP R/3 System, where this function is not pre-defined, use the specified user exits. First, populate the KOMK-VRTNR field in order and billing document processing using the exits provided in MV45AFZZ and RV60AFZZ respectively. Then, assign the VRTNR field to a characteristic in the COPA structure PAPARTNER before generating the operating concern. If VRTNR is already a characteristic, execute only the first two steps. Refer to SAP Note 26763 for earlier releases.

Key words :
've'        <------   insert                                        vbap-posnr <------   insert                                        sy-tabix, member mv45afzz    clear tkomk-vrtnr, <------  insert      tkomk-vrtnr = xvbpa-pernr, <------   insert    tkomk-vrtnr = xvbpa-pernr, member rv60afzz    perform xvbpa_select, additional key words vrtnr, xvbpa-updkz <> 'd', <------  insert    perform xvbpa_lesen, komk-vrtnr field, representative/sales employee

Related Notes :

411005Name for sales executive characteristic is missing
119074Unsorted partner table XVBPA
93658SD/CO-PA info: partner function transfer to CO-PA
36557Info SD/CO-PA: Transferring partner roles to CO-PA
36406SD/CO-PA: No text for (personnel) partner function
26763SD-COPA: Fields from PAPARTNER not supplied