325461 | Deleting versions from within CN22 |
96571 | PS: Long runtime in update2 |
882538 | Short Dump in BDC/Batch Input session in "background" mode. |
526252 | Project System, material: Consulting notes |
35399 | MM-SRV Acct assignment problem in PReq from network |
456526 | CN22: Undo user settings in the Gantt chart |
644635 | Gantt chart: Text of pushbutton 'Adjust/Extend' incorrect |
325681 | Termination in OCM or whn changng config in network |
140106 | Network: Classification data not deleted |
198567 | Performance improvements in the network |
119010 | Message CN669, positioning not possible |
88061 | Deletng system status 'Date set by external system' |
145758 | Incor. planned independent reqmnts qty from network |
390520 | No price from info record after BOM explosion |
376815 | CJ2B: Legend is ready for input |
36601 | Copying text from network into PReq with > 1 item |
542039 | CJ2B/CN22: Several problems with sorting |
34924 | Component status after BOM explosion |
48838 | Goods movement Reservation to Direct procurement |
308382 | Sorting the milestones by date in the PPB |
312957 | OCM:Missg check during change of valuation network |
48690 | Transfer BOM item text in purch. requ. |
325444 | Functional area in the network not ready for input |
382492 | Double F3 for settlement rule for header |
451915 | Runtime error when changing a production order |
125500 | Requirement qty component in transfer standard network |
572377 | Network: call EXIT_SAPLCOMK_007 for direct procurement |
603095 | CN22/CN33: Incorrect main assembly on 'Assignments' tab page |
393954 | Syntax error in LCOKOFC1 after Note 386676 |
597870 | CJ2B/CNS41: Graphics profile - user-specific settings |
586868 | CJ2B: User-specific time scale settings |
391213 | Source determination in spite of material substitution |
32900 | Allocating source of supply f. PReq in network & prod. order |
210232 | Incorrect activities in GANTT chart for sub-network |
167136 | Missing components for transfer of standard network |
35465 | Reassigning a created component in network/order |
86713 | No convrsn to local currency f.ext.processd actvty |
46247 | 'Activate PReq/reserv.' funct. executed incorrectly |
616644 | DCM release determination if version in process |
132493 | Many i-messages when deleting PReq or component |
107994 | CN22: No transfer of outline agreement number |
49580 | CN22 Long text is not transferred to PReq |
761865 | FM account assignment error when deleting network activities |
521842 | CN22: Gantt Chart: performance when calling |
109522 | Splits are deleted during change to activities |
338715 | Order with zero duration: basic dates incorrect |
83592 | Copying item text to PReq from standard network |
484520 | CJ2B: Undo user settings |
61249 | Update termination with ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC |
35609 | No PReq after network/maintenance order release |
592267 | You change the configuration in the network. |
177520 | Change of activity element not taken into account |
456996 | CJ2B: Time scale settings and time fences |
190634 | Purchase requisitions for deleted components |
858846 | Duplication of Settlement Rules for subnetwork activities. |
46808 | Message 06461 when changing material component |
365988 | No settlement rule created for subnetwork |
191166 | Update termination in table VSKBKO_CN |
451331 | Batch determination not possible after import of plug-in |
65961 | Network: Activity dates on date limit |
152559 | CN22: Flag 'Capacity reqmts' reset for PCNF |
104953 | Commitments for purchase requisition is not reduced |
387063 | Update termination in CY_BT_KBED_POST_IN_OTHER_TASK |
548993 | CN22: Performance improvement in the network |
380396 | Structure planning: Reset of deletion flag for WBS element |
217589 | CN22:Deleting acty despite of missing authorization |
522830 | Allocating source of supply for PReq in network II |
117896 | Component: required fields not transferred frm PReq |
69238 | Control key Internal --> External: No PReq long txt |
140233 | Storage location from BOM is not transferred |
155703 | Delete WM provision and component: no warning |
386676 | WBS element (CRTD) can be assigned to network header (REL) |
50256 | Goods movement reservation for individual stock |
121644 | Dump when including standard network |
449709 | No source determination during standard network transfer |
518674 | Termination CONVERT_NO_NUMBER in SAPLPSSV_CHECK |
117543 | CN22: Overwriting material number with other POSTYP |
116530 | Sub-operation/element: dates one day too early |
72058 | Missing req.-entry flds when creating PReq for comp. |
102687 | Forecast set of dates: activity on non-working day |
712745 | Fund Accounting: Unnecessary access of overhead processor |
625857 | 351451: Work breakdown structure BOM is not transferred |
43370 | Goods movement n. allowed for network reservation |
32961 | Order/network: No automatic source determination |
452080 | Components from standard network not contained in network |
158759 | Too many DATA control blocks - SAPLCOBO |
52186 | Purchase requisition: long texts not adopted |
44965 | No goods issue after reallocation |
375506 | CN21/22:Mandatory fields in batch input give error |
566465 | Message 06 555 when updating PReqs in the network |
139685 | Performance problems w/ orders w/o header material |
72791 | Operation: Finish date is before the start date |
206273 | Storage location not copied from task list |
139469 | "PERSON_NOT_FOUND" "SAPLMP05" |
543643 | Missing account assignmnt check for PReq creation in network |
356990 | Message from budget check for BAPI / OpenPS |
159319 | Dump 'NOT_FOUND' after inserting ref. operation set |
437907 | Work center calendar not taken into account |