SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
WB56 PG AllTbl, maintain plants in class
WB57 PG AllocTbl display plants in class
WB58 PG Alloc tbl display class to class
WB59 PG AllocTbl display plants in class
WB5N Stock in Transit (Consignment)
WB60 Plant group, create promotions
WB61 Plant group, change promotions
WB62 Plant group, display promotions
WB63 Plant group, delete promotions
WB64 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class
WB65 PG Promotion, maint. class to class
WB66 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class
WB67 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class
WB68 PG Promotion, displ. class to class
WB69 PG Promotion, displ. plants in class
WB70 Create assortment class
WB71 Change assortment class
WB72 Display assortment class
WB73 Delete assortment class
WB74 Maintain assortments to classes
WB75 Maintain classes to classes
WB76 Maintain assortments in class
WB77 Display assortments to classes
WB78 Display Class for Classes
WB79 Display assortments in class
WB80 Create plant group Other
WB81 Change plant group Other
WB82 Display plant group Other
WB83 Delete plant group Other
WB84 PG Other, maint. plant to classes
WB85 PG Other, maint. class to classes
WB86 PG Other, maint. plant in class
WB87 PG Other, displ.plant to classes
WB88 PG Other, class to class
WB89 PG Other, displ. plants in class
WBB0 Assortment list applicatiom menu
WBBA Assortment List: Analyze Dates
WBBR Reorganize Assort. List Versions
WBBS Display Assortment List Versions
WBBS_ALV Display Assort. List Versions
WBBV_HPR Assortment List: Version Management
WBBV_HPR_ALV Assortment List: Version Management
WBDEMO Workbench Demo: Template Interface
WBF1 IS-R: Stock Overview, Empties
WBF2 Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans.
WBG1 Maintenance
WBGT_SLG2_INDEX Delete Log Global Trade Management
WBL1 Create posting list manually
WBL2 Change posting list
WBL3 Display posting list
WBL4 Release blocked posting lists
WBLFDETSIM VBD Determination Simulation
WBLMC Mass Change to Posting Lists
WBLR Create posting lists using report
WBLRB Posting Lists for Remuner. List
WBLRN Create Posting Lists Using Report
WBLRN_DISP Dispatcher: Create Posting Lists
WBLRO Create Posting Lists Using Report
WBLRO_DISP Dispatcher: Create Posting Lists
WBLS Posting List Cancellation
WBOLI Condition Overview
WBRP Repricing of Trading Contract
WBST SAP Retail: Inventory Management
WBSXPD Progress Tracking:WBS
WBTE Export plant data (file transfer)
WBTI Import plants (file transfer)
WBUDG01 Activate Budget Type
WBUDG02 Transport Budget Type
WBUDG03 Reorganize Budget Type
WBVK Subsequent settlement
WBWF Trading Contract: Workflw Workbench
WB_NEW_WINDOW Workbench: Opens new window
WC01 Edit Characteristic
WC02 Number Range for SP Calculation
WC03 Number range, allocation rule
WC04 Number ranges, Promotions
WC05 Number ranges, allocation table
WC06 Number Ranges Status Tracking
WC07 Number ranges for free goods
WC08 Number ranges layout promo/plant
WC10 Batch Worklist for Pricing
WC11 Batch Changes, Assortments
WC12 Batch Settlement for Arrangements
WC13 Batch List Output for Arrangements
WC14 Batch Vendor Bus. Volume for Arrngmt
WC15 Batch Detailed Stmnt for Arrangement
WC16 Batch Extension Val. Period/Arrngmnt
WC17 Batch Update Vendor Business Volume
WC18 Batch Check Open GR Qty for Arrngmnt
WC19 Batch Stat. Recomp. Vendor Bus. Vol.
WC20 Batch Stat. Recom. on Individ. Lev.
WC21 Batch Reorg Data in LIS
WC22 Batch List Rtl Changes for Material
WC23 Batch IV, Immediate Cyclic Check
WC24 Batch POS Outbound
WC25 Batch Assortment List/Shelf-Edge Lab
WC26 Batch Forecast
WC27 Batch Requirements Planning per Plnt
WC28 Batch Set Central Block
WC29 Batch, Alloc Tbl Message Bundling
Lines 89701 to 89800 of 91333 entries
1 896 897 898 899 900 914