SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
WAK19 Batch Promotion Announcement
WAK2 Change promotion
WAK20 Batch Supply Source Determination
WAK3 Display promotion
WAK4 Delete promotion
WAK5 Initial screen - Subseq. processing
WAK6 Initial scr.: overv. prices margins
WAK7 List promotion materials for plant
WAK8 Plant - materials in promotion
WAKC Maintain promotion themes
WAKN Output bundling promotions
WAKT_ARCHR Read Promotion Archive
WAKT_SARA Promotion archiving
WAKV Promotion announcement preview
WAM01 Create Disposal Documents
WAM02 Edit Disposal Documents
WAM03 Display Disposal Documents
WAM04 Find Disposal Documents
WAM05 Disposal Documents List Display
WAMC Number Range Maintenance: EWA_MNANOC
WAMI Number Range Maintenance: EWA_MNINO
WAMR Number Range Maintenance: EWA_MNANOR
WANP Number Range Maintenance: W_PARTNER
WAO_QA32WP QA32 -Call from Workplace/MiniApp
WAO_QM10WP QM10 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp
WAO_QM13WP QM13 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp
WAO_QPQA32 QM iView Selection Variant Insp.Lot
WAO_QPQM10 QM iView Selection Variant Notificat
WAO_QPQM13 QM iView Selection Variant Task
WAP1 Edit Appointments Worklist
WAP2 Change Appointments
WAP3 Display Appointments
WAP4 Appointments: Overview
WAP5 Appointment, Departure
WAP6 Change Appointment(Indiv. Maintnce)
WAP7 Appointments: Plnd/Actual Comparison
WAPRL Settlement Request List - ApplStatus
WAPZR Payment Docs for Application Status
WAR Worklist for Manual Corrections
WAREP001 Update Report for Quantity Update
WAREPL Material Replacement
WASM100 WA: Create Generator
WASM101 WA: Change Generator
WASM102 WA: Display Generator
WASM109 WA: Extend Generator
WASS100 WA Control: Applications
WASS101 WA Control: Field Groups
WASS102 WA Control: Views
WASS103 WA Control: Sections
WASS104 WA Control: Screens
WASS105 WA Control: Screen Sequences
WASS106 WA Control: Events
WASS107 WA Control: GUI Standard Functions
WASS108 WA Control: GUI Additional Functions
WASS110 WA Control: Matchcodes
WASS111 WA Control: Assgnmt Scrn Fld->DB Fld
WASS112 WA Control: Field Grouping Criteria
WASS113 WA Control: Role Categories
WASS114 WA Control: Role Category Groupings
WASS115 WA Control: Application Transactions
WASS116 WA Control: Tables
WASS117 WA Cust: Field Grouping - Activity
WASS118 WA Cust: Field Grouping - Role Cat.
WASS119 WA Cust: Authorization Types
WASS120 WA Cust: Field Groups for Authorizn
WASS121 WA Cust: Screen Configuration
WASS122 WA Control: Activities
WASS123 Field Control
WASS124 WA Control: Data Sets
WAST Copied to CBWABDT (Copy BP Config
WATR Number Range Maintenance: EWA_WAA160
WATREE Call Master Data
WB/0 Assignment partner / mess. promotion
WB/1 Sub. cond.,cr. tab, promo announ.
WB/2 Sub.cond.,change tbl, promo ann.
WB/3 Sub. cond., disp. tab, promo ann.
WB/4 Maintain sequence (mes.) promotion
WB/5 Maintain message types,promotion
WB/6 Maintain Message Deter.Schema,Promo.
WB/7 Assignment promotion type / schema
WB/8 Ass. mess.type/pr.proc. promotions
WB/9 Message requirements, promotion
WB/A Message deter. promo:create cond.rec
WB/B Mess.deter.Promo: chng conditon rec
WB/C display cond. rec.
WB/D Maintain output types promotion grp
WB/E Assmnt mess.type/ promo.
WB00 Subsequent settlement
WB01 Create plant
WB02 Change plant
WB03 Display plant
WB06 Archiving flag, plant
WB07 Change plant/customer assignment
WB08 Change plant/vendor assignment
WB20 Global Trade
WB21 Trading contract: Create
WB21_CS Trading contract: Create Settlement
WB22 Trading contract: Change
WB23 Trading contract: Display
WB24 Trading contract: Coll. status proc.
Lines 89501 to 89600 of 91333 entries
1 894 895 896 897 898 914