SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
VL60PM4 Maintain Column Profiles
VL60PM5 Maintenance of Filter Profiles
VL60PM6 Maintenance of Config. Profiles
VL60V Edit Document
VL64 Worklist Inbound Deliveries
VL65 Inbound Delivery Purge Report
VL66 Inbound Delivery Delete Report
VL70 Output From Picking Lists
VL71 Output from Outbound Deliveries
VL72 Output from Groups of Deliveries
VL73 "Confirmation of Decentr.Deliveries"
VL74 Output from Handling Units
VL75 Shipping Notification Output
VL76 Output from Rough Goods Receipt
VLAL Archive Deliveries
VLBT Plan Delivery Creation as a Job
VLE1 Picking with Picking Waves
VLIDAR Display inbound dly from archive
VLK1 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK2 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK3 Picking with Picking Waves
VLLA RWE: Picking/Goods Issue Analysis
VLLC RWE: Archive Data
VLLD Rough Workload Forecast: Delete Log
VLLE RWE: Goods Receipt/Putaway Analysis
VLLF Picking Waves: Archive Data
VLLG RWE: Analyze Complete Overview
VLLP Rough Workload Forecast: Display Log
VLLQ RWE: Returns to Vendor Analysis
VLLR RWE: Customer/Store Return Analysis
VLLS Var. Stand. Analyses Setting App 42
VLLV W&S: Control RWE/Picking Waves
VLMOVE HU Goods Movements
VLODAR Display outbound dly from archive
VLPOD POD - Change Outbound Delivery
VLPODA POD - Display Outbound Delivery
VLPODF Worklist: POD Subsequent Processing
VLPODL Worklist: POD Deliveries
VLPODQ Automatic PoD Confirmation
VLPODW1 Proof of Delivery (Communicator)
VLPODW2 Proof of Delivery via WEB
VLPP Packing Req. for Item Categories
VLRL Reload Delivery
VLSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
VLSPS Outbound Delivery Split via HU Scan
VLUNIV Change Delivery (General)
VL_COMPLETE Completion of Deliveries
VM01 Create Hazardous Material
VM02 Change Hazardous Material
VM03 Display Hazardous Material
VM04 Filling Haz. Substance Table MGEF
VMCDBG VMC NewDebugger
VMCDBG_ALT_CONTROL VMC Debugger: Alternative Controller
VMCDBG_LAUNCH VMC NewDebugger with Port Selection
VMCJDB VM Container Mini Debugger
VMG1 Create Material Group 1
VMG2 Create Material Group 2
VMG3 Create Material Group 3
VMG4 Create Material Group 4
VMG5 Create Material Group 5
VMIMG Value Mapping Customizing
VMP_EXECUTE Visual Manufacturing Planner
VN01 Number Assignment for SD Documents
VN03 Number Assignment for Doc.Conditions
VN04 Number Assignment for Master Conds.
VN05 No.Assignment for Address List(SSup)
VN06 Create No.Interval-Sales Activities
VN07 Maintain number range for shipments
VN08 Number range for shipment costs
VN09 Number range for proc. shipment cost
VN10 Number range maintenance: SD_SCALE
VNE1 Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif.
VNE2 Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.
VNE4 Access Sequences (Ship.Notification)
VNE5 View V_TNAPN Appl. E1
VNE6 Output Determ.Procedure-Ship.Notif.
VNE7 View V_TVLK_NLA (Ship.Notification)
VNE8 View V_TVLK_NGW (Rough GI)
VNE9 Conditions: V_T681F for B E1
VNEA Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough GR
VNEB Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.
VNEC Output Types (Rough Goods Receipt)
VNED Access Sequences (Rough GR)
VNEE View V_TNAPN Appl. M1
VNEF Output Determin.Proced. - Rough GR
VNEG Conditions: V_T681F for B M1
VNEH View V_TNAPR Appl. E1
VNEI View V_TNAPR Appl. M1
VNKP Number Range Maintenance: RV_VEKP
VNPU Partner Conversion
VN_TP02 Salutation
VN_TP04 Marital property regime
VN_TP05 Employee Group
VN_TP06 Rating
VN_TP07 Credit Rating Institute
VN_TP10 Loan to manager
VN_TP11 Employment Status
VN_TP12 German Banking Act Credit Info.
Lines 88601 to 88700 of 91333 entries
1 885 886 887 888 889 914