Transaction | Text |
VP01_SD | Maintain Print Parameters SD |
VP01_TC | Print Parameter Maint. Trading Cntr |
VP94 | Load Import Code No. for Japan |
VP94X | Load Import Code No. for Japan |
VPAR | Archiving Preference Logs |
VPBD | Requirement for Packing in Delivery |
VPE1 | Create sales representative |
VPE2 | Change sales representative |
VPE3 | Display sales representative |
VPM4 | Merge: Japan - Import Code Number |
VPN1 | Number Range for Contact Person |
VPNR | View of the active PNR in 1A |
VPP1 | Payment Service Provider: Worklist |
VPRE | PRICAT manual creation |
VPRICAT | Maintain and Create Price Catalog |
VPS2 | Maintain Partn.Det.Proc.f.eachActTyp |
VPSK | DisplPartnDetProc.f.each Activ.Type |
VPVA | Dunning Proposal Insurance |
VPVB | Dunning Activities |
VPVC | Activities End Dunning Procedure |
VPVE | Individual Dunning Notice |
VPW1 | Portal Workset Administration |
VPWL | Portal Target Administration |
VRAA | Maintain Coinsurer Specifications |
VRAB | Transactions Postings Coins. Shares |
VRCN | Posting Coinsurance Shares |
VRCNHIST | Coinsurance History |
VRLI | FT: Reorg. T609S Delivery |
VRRE | Returns Delivery for RMA Order |
VRWE | FT: Reorg. T609S Goods Receipt |
VS00 | SD Main Menu for Customer |
VS01 | Create Scale |
VS02 | Change Scale |
VS03 | Display Scale |
VS04 | Create Scale with Reference |
VS05 | List Scales |
VS06 | List Scales for Shipment Costs |
VS36 | Create Customer Conditions |
VS37 | Change Customer Conditions |
VS38 | Display Customer Conditions |
VS39 | Create Customer Conditions |
VS40 | Change Customer Conditions |
VS41 | Display Customer Conditions |
VS42 | Create Service Conditions |
VS43 | Change Service Conditions |
VS44 | Display Service Conditions |
VS45 | Create Conditions |
VS46 | Change Conditions |
VS47 | Display Conditions |
VS48 | Create Conditions |
VS49 | Change Conditions |
VS50 | Display Conditions |
VSAN | Number Range Maintenance: RV_SAMMG |
VSB1 | SB Proc. Inbound Monitor - Old |
VSB1N | Self-Billing Proc. Inbound Monitor |
VSBA | Archiving for Self-Billing |
VSBSMS | SBWAP Reporting |
VSC01 | Define Specifications for Reversal |
VSC02 | Define Specs for Scheduling Charges |
VSC03 | Define Specs for Payt Plan Change |
VSC04 | Define Specifications for Reversal |
VSC05 | Tax Specifications |
VSC06 | Early revenue posting |
VSC08 | Define Specifications for Reversal |
VSC09 | Payment Plans: Cash Mgmt Duration |
VSC10 | Transactions Early Ending |
VSC11 | Transactions Early Ending (Charge) |
VSCAN | Configuration of Virus Scan Servers |
VSCANGROUP | Configuration of Virus Scan Groups |
VSCANPROFILE | Configuration of Virus Scan Profiles |
VSCANTEST | Test for Virus Scan Interface |
VSCANTRACE | Memory Trace for Virus Scan Servers |
VSIP | Contract Selection |
VSK1 | Condition Type: Services (Sales) |
VSK2 | Access: Maintain (Services Price) |
VSK3 | Cond. Determ. Procedure f. Services |
VSK4 | Valid Services Fields |
VSK5 | Create Conditions Table (Services) |
VSK6 | Change Conditions Table (Services) |
VSK7 | Display Conditions Table (Services) |
VSK8 | SD Services: Exclusion |
VSM0 | Software Maintenance Process |
VSM4 | Assign rejection codes to SMP doc. |
VSTK | Picking Confirmation |
VT00 | Transportation |
VT01 | Old: Create Shipment |
VT01N | Create Shipment |
VT02 | Old: Change Shipment |
VT02N | Change Shipment |
VT02_MEM | Change Shipment (from Memory) |
VT03 | Old: Display Shipment |
VT03N | Display Shipment |
VT04 | Transportation Worklist |
VT05 | Worklist Shipping: Logs |
VT06 | Select Shipments: Materials Planning |
VT07 | Collective run in background |
VT09 | Number Ranges for Log VT04 |
VT10 | Select shipments: Start |
VT11 | Select Shipments: Materials Planning |