SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
VT12 Select Shipments: Transpt Processing
VT13 F4-Help Shipment Number
VT14 Select Shipments: Utilization
VT15 Select Shipments: Free Capacity
VT16 Select Shipments: Check In
VT17 Extended Help (F4) Shipment Number
VT18 Start F4 Help Shipping
VT19 Shipment Tendering Status Monitor
VT20 Overall Shipment Process Monitor
VT22 Display Change-Document Shipment
VT30 Initial internet tran for shipment
VT30N Tendering Events for Carriers
VT31 Shipment tendering
VT31N Selection Variants for Fwdg Agents
VT32 Shipment Status list
VT33 Ship.Planning for Carriers
VT34 Event Reports for Carriers via HTML
VT34M Event Reports for Carriers via WML
VT60 Transfer Location Master Data to TPS
VT61 Ext. transport. planning deliveries
VT62 Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent
VT63 Freight Plng Status from Deliveries
VT68 Deallocate delivery from TPS
VT69 Plan Deliveries from Freight Plng
VT70 Output for Shipments
VTAA Order to order copying control
VTAF Bill. doc. to order copying control
VTAR Archive shipments
VTBT Report for Definition of Batch Run
VTBW Reorg.: Shipment Data in BW
VTCI Ctr.Control: Screen Configuration
VTCM List of Continuous Moves
VTCU Customizing Version types
VTCU_AKT Customizing Version types
VTCU_SAKT Customizing Version types
VTDB Assignment screen name - field name
VTDOCU Tech. documentation transportation
VTFA Order to bill copying control
VTFAKT Bill Deliveries
VTFF Bill to bill copying control
VTFG Field groups material versions
VTFL Delivery to bill copying control
VTLA Order to delivery copying control
VTR1 XSI: Master Data: Service Codes
VTR2 XSI: Master Data: Routing Info
VTRC XSI Cockpit
VTRC_VVTR0011 Delivery Tracking - Collective Reqst
VTRK Tracking
VTRL Reload shipments
VTRT XSI: Carrier
VTS1 Ctr. Control: Applications
VTS2 Ctr. Control: Field Groups
VTS23 Ctr. Control: Data Sets
VTS3 Ctr. Control: Views
VTS4 Ctr. Control: Sections
VTS5 Ctr. Control: Screens
VTS6 Ctr. Control: Screen Seq. Variants
VTS7 Ctr. Control: Events
VTS8 Ctr. Control: CUA Standard Functions
VTS9 Ctr. Control: CUA Addit. Functions
VTSB Ctr. Control: Asgn Scrn Fld->DB Fld
VTSB_DI Ctr. Control: Asgn DI Fld->DB Field
VTSC Ctr. Control: Fld Modific. Criteria
VTSD Ctr. Control: Role Cat. Grouping
VTSE Ctr. Control: Role Categories
VTSF Ctr. Control: Application Transact.
VTSG Ctr. Control: Tables
VTSH Ctr. Control: Ext. Applications
VTSI Ctr. Control: Activities
VTSJ Ctr. Control: Field Mod. Activity
VTSN Ctr. Control: Fld Groups Authoriz.
VTSO Ctr. Control: Authorization Types
VTSP Ctr. Control: Fld Mod. Ext. Applic.
VTWABU Post goods issue
VUA2 Maintain Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.
VUA3 Display Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.
VUA4 Assignm. Deliv. Type Incompl.Proced.
VUA5 Disp. Assignm.Del.Type to Incom.Proc
VUC2 Maintain Incompletion Log
VUE2 Maintain Sched.Line Incompletion Pr.
VUE3 Display Sched.Line Incompletion Proc
VULI Unilife Incoming Payment
VUP2 Maintain Item Incompletion Procedure
VUP3 Display Item Incompletion Procedure
VUP4 Assignm. Deliv.Items to Incom.Proc.
VUP5 Display Assignm. Del.Items IncomProc
VUPA Display Partner Incompletion Proc.
VV11 Create Output: Sales
VV12 Change output: Sales
VV13 Display Output: Sales
VV21 Create Output: Shipping
VV22 Change output: Shipping
VV23 Display Output: Shipping
VV31 Create Output : Billing
VV32 Change output: Billing
VV33 Display Output: Billing
VV51 Create Output for Sales Activity
VV52 Change Output: Sales Activity
VV53 Display Output: Sales Activity
Lines 88901 to 89000 of 91333 entries
1 888 889 890 891 892 914