SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
VF48 Revenue Recognition: Compare Report
VFAE Archive EXTRASTAT Documents
VFAI Archive INTRASTAT Documents
VFBS Next screen control
VFBV Reorganization of discount-rel. data
VFBWG Bulkiness and minimum weights
VFBZ Scale Basis for Pricing
VFLI Log tax exemption
VFP1 Set Billing Date
VFRB Retro-billing
VFS3 Adjusting info structure S060
VFSN Reorganization info structure S060
VFUN Reload
VFX2 Display Blocked Billing Documents
VFX3 List Blocked Billing Documents
VF_VPRS Update Costs
VG01 Create Group
VG02 Change Group
VG03 Display Group
VGK1 Create Group for Delivery
VGK2 Change Group for Delivery
VGK3 Display Group for Delivery
VGL1 Create Group for Delivery
VGL2 Change Group for Delivery
VGL3 "Display Group for Delivery"
VGM1 "Create Group for Freight List"
VGM2 "Change Group for Freight List"
VGM3 "Display Group for Freight List"
VGW1 Create Picking Wave
VGW2 Change Picking Waves
VGW3 Display Picking Waves
VHAR Maintain/Create Packaging Matl Types
VHZU Allowed Packaging Material Types
VI00 Shipment costs
VI01 Create shipment costs
VI02 Change shipment costs
VI03 Display shipment costs
VI04 Create shipment cost worklist
VI05 Change shipment cost worklist
VI06 Collective run in background
VI07 Collective run in background
VI08 Display FT data in purchasing doc.
VI08X Display FT data in purchasing doc.
VI09 Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.
VI09X Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.
VI10 Display FT Data in Billing Document
VI10X Display FT Data in Billing Document
VI11 List shipment costs: Calculation
VI12 List shipment costs: Settlement
VI14 Change FT Data in Billing Document
VI14X Change FT Data in Billing Document
VI15 Display logs (appl. log)
VI16 Logs for worklist shipment
VI17 Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI17X Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI18 Display Anti-dumping
VI19 Display Third-country Customs Duties
VI20 Display Customs Quota
VI21 Display Pharmaceutical Products
VI22 Display Customs Exemption
VI23 Display Preferential Customs Duties
VI24 Code Number Information - Import
VI24X Import Code No. Information
VI25 Display Gross Price - Customs
VI26 Display Surcharge/Discount - Customs
VI27 Display Freight - Customs
VI28 EDI: Customs ID Number - Vendor
VI29 Incompletion - Foreign Trade Data
VI30 Declara. to Authorities: Exclusion
VI31 Code Determin. - Pharmaceut.Products
VI32 Code Determination - Anti-dumping
VI33 Customs Exemption
VI34 Preferential Customs Duty Rate
VI35 Third-country Customs Duty Rate
VI36 CAS Number
VI37 Import Simulation Control
VI38 Determination of Verification Docs
VI39 Authority for Verification Docs
VI40 Preference Type
VI41 Verification Document Type
VI42 Document Type (Export/Import)
VI43 Definition of Section
VI44 Assign Chapter to Section
VI45 Export --> Import Conversion
VI46 Conversion: Mode of Transport
VI47 Conversion of Business Transact.Type
VI48 Conversion of Customs Offices
VI49 Foreign Trade Data Control in Doc.
VI50 Conversion: Import/Export Procedure
VI51 Define Payment Guarantee Procedure
VI52 Define Form of Payment Guarantee
VI53 Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI53X Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI54 Customs Approval Numbers
VI55 Approval Number per Plant
VI56 EDI: Customs ID Number - Customer
VI57 Legal Control - Order Header
VI58 Legal Control - Order Item
VI59 Legal Control - Delivery Header
VI60 Legal Control - Delivery Item
Lines 88201 to 88300 of 91333 entries
1 881 882 883 884 885 914