SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
VE31 Blocked SD Documents
VE32 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Ireland
VE33 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - U.K.
VE34 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien
VE35 Number of Market Organization
VE36 Group for CAP Products
VE37 INTRASTAT: File - France
VE38 INTRASTAT: Selection Simulation - EU
VE39 EXTRASTAT: Selection Simulation
VE40 KOBRA: Selection Simulation
VE41 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.
VE42 INTRASTAT: File - Denmark
VE43 SED: Selection Exp. USA Simulation
VE44 SED: Select Carrier USA Simulation
VE45 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Greece
VE46 INTRASTAT: File - Finland
VE48 Customs Quota Code
VE49 Code for Pharmaceutical Products
VE50 Legal Regulation
VE51 Legal Regulation/License Type
VE52 Country/Legal Regulations
VE53 Export Situation for a Country
VE54 Preference Determination: Collective
VE55 Preference Determination: Individual
VE56 Check Export Control for Consistency
VE57 Country Classification
VE58 Product Classification
VE59 Legal Regulations/Country Grouping
VE60 Exp.Ctrl Class Legal Reg.
VE61 Legal Regulations/Embargo Group
VE62 Material Group Legal Reg.
VE63 Customs Areas
VE64 Commodity Code/Customs Areas
VE65 Preference Reg./Percentage Rates
VE66 Preference Procedure
VE67 Aggregate Vendor Declarations
VE68 Request Vendor Declarations
VE69 Incompletion log
VE70 Place of manufacture
VE71 Preference: Determine Customs Area
VE72 Export - Billing Documents
VE73 Goods Catalog: Create Document
VE74 Goods Catalog: Create Diskette
VE75 Preference Code
VE76 Anti-dumping Code
VE77 Preference: Tariff Alternation
VE78 Plant Parameters for Vendor Decl.
VE79 Quota Code Determination
VE80 Assign Chapter to Section
VE81 Check Report: General FT Data
VE81X Incompleteness: FT Material Data
VE82 Check Report: Export Control Data
VE82X Incompleteness: Export Control Data
VE83 Check Report: Preference Data
VE83X Incompleteness: Preference Material
VE84 Monitoring: Purchasing Info Records
VE85 Change Statistical Value - Import
VE86 Display Statistical Value - Import
VE87 Change Stat.Value - Subcontracting
VE88 Change Statistical Value - Export
VE89 Display Statistical Value - Export
VE90 Change preference values
VE91 Display Preference Values
VE92 Create INTRASTAT tape Luxembourg
VE94 Load Commodity Code for EU Countries
VE94X Load Commodity Code for EU Countries
VE95 Create INTRASTAT papers: Portugal
VE96 EXTRASTAT Data Select.: Init. Screen
VE97 Create EXTRASTAT tape: Netherlands
VE98 Sales Invoice Values per Period
VE99 Create Document - Austria
VEA1 FT - Create commodity code import
VEA2 FT: Create commodity code export
VEA3 EXTRASTAT: File Version France
VEA4 EXTRASTAT: File Version France
VEA5 EXTRASTAT: File Version France
VEB1 Period-end Closings: Control
VEB2 DtA: Special Rule Countries/Regions
VEB5 Calculate Assemblies Individually
VEB6 Calculate Assemblies Collectively
VEB9 Customer Exits: Print Control
VECN Profitability and Sales Accounting
VECS Legal Control: Special Char. Code
VECZ INTRASTAT: File - Czech Republic
VED1 Print Parameters for Export Docs
VED2 Form Data Control
VEFU Foreign Trade: Add INTRASTAT Data
VEFUX FT-GOV: Change transaction INTRASTAT
VEG1 Handling Unit Group 1
VEG2 Handling Unit Group 2
VEG3 Handling Unit Group 3
VEG4 Handling Unit 4
VEG5 Handling Unit Group 5
VEGK FT: Comb. Bus Trans.Type - Procedure
VEGR Material Group: Packaging Materials
VEG_BATCHJOB Start conversion via batch job
VEG_JOBMONITOR Job log monitor
VEHU INTRASTAT: File - Hungary
Lines 88001 to 88100 of 91333 entries
1 879 880 881 882 883 914