SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
VCAR Archiving
VCC1 Payment Cards: Worklist
VCFCL Clarif.Processing: Money Laundering
VCH1 Create Batch Search Strategy
VCH2 Change Batch Search Strategy
VCH3 Display Batch Search Strategy
VCHECKBONUS Customizing Checks for Rebate
VCHECKT683 Customizing Check Pricing Procedure
VCHECKT685A Customizing Check Condition Types
VCHECKTVCPF Customizing Check Copying Control
VCHECKVOFA Customizing Check Billing Types
VCHP C SD Table TVLP Deliveries: Items
VCOMP Completed SD Documents
VCPE_CRM_CUS Commodity Pricing Customizing for SD
VCPE_CUS Commodity Pricing Customizing for SD
VCPE_DOC Commodity Pricing in SD Documents
VCPE_FA_ACC_SEQ Access Sequence for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_COND_TYPE Condition Types for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_CT Cond. Tables for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_DET_PROC Det. Procedure for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_FC SD Field Catalog
VCPE_FA_GCM Formula Master Data Maintenance
VCPE_FA_MNTGRP_1 CPE: define maint. groups for SD
VCPE_FA_MNTGRP_2 CPE: assign maint. groups for SD
VCPE_FA_PRIORITY Priorities for Formula Assembly (SD)
VCPE_MD Commodity Pricing Master Data for SD
VCPE_WB CPE Formula Workbench for SD
VCPH1 Perform Policyholder Change
VCPH2 Delete Data for PH Change
VCPH3 PH Change: Transfer Posting Specs
VCR1 Competitive products
VCTP Maintain Allocation Structure
VCU3 Display Incompletion Log
VCUAC Display Anti-dumping - Qty-dependent
VCUAE Display Anti-dumping - Weight-depend
VCUDC Display 3rd Country - Qty-dependent
VCUDE Display 3rd Country - Weight-depend.
VCUN Reload
VCUP1 Display Preference - Qty-dependent
VCUP2 Display Preference - Weight-depend.
VCUPC Display Pharma.Prod. - Qty-dependent
VCUPF Display Pharma.Prod. - Weight-depen.
VCUST Customer List
VCUZ1 Display Ceiling - Quantity-dependent
VCUZ2 Display Ceiling - Weight-dependent
VCUZC Display Quota - Quantity-dependent
VCUZE Display Quota - Weight-dependent
VCUZP Display Ceilings - Percentage
VC_2 Customer Fact Sheet PDF Version
VC_ADSPCIPSTAT SPEC2000: User Status Maintainence
VD01 Create Customer (Sales)
VD02 Change Customer (Sales)
VD03 Display Customer (Sales)
VD04 Customer Changes (SD)
VD05 Block customer (sales)
VD06 Mark customer for deletion (sales)
VD07 Ref. doc. det. for ref. customer
VD51 Maintain Customer-Material Info
VD52 Maintain Cust-Mat.Info w/Select.Scrn
VD53 Display Customer-Material Info
VD54 Display Customer-Material Info
VD59 List customer-material-info
VDBLOCK Documents Blocked for Delivery
VDDI EMU currency conversion cust. master
VDF1 Display Format Date Type/Period
VDH1 Customer Hierarchy Maintenance (SD)
VDH1N Display/Maintain Customer Hierarchy
VDH2 Display Customer Hierarchy
VDH2N Display customer hierarchy
VE01 INTRASTAT: Selection Dispatch to EU
VE02 INTRASTAT: Create Form - Germany
VE03 INTRASTAT: Create File - Germany
VE04 EXTRASTAT: Data selection for export
VE05 EXTRASTAT: Create File - Germany
VE06 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien
VE07 Create INTRASTAT Form for France
VE08 Create INTRASTAT File for Italy
VE09 Create INTRASTAT file for Belgium
VE10 Create INTRASTAT file for Holland
VE11 Create INTRASTAT file for Spain
VE12 Create INTRASTAT form for Holland
VE13 KOBRA data selection: export Germany
VE14 Create KOBRA file for Germany
VE16 Create INTRASTAT form for Austria
VE17 Create INTRASTAT form for Sweden
VE18 SED data selection for USA exporters
VE19 Create SED form for USA
VE20 Create AERP file for USA
VE21 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.
VE22 Create VAR form for Switzerland
VE23 V.A.R.: File - Switzerland
VE24 Comm. Code Number Information (old)
VE24X Commodity Code Information
VE25 SED: Selection: USA Carriers
VE26 Number of CAP Products List
VE27 HMF: Selection - USA
VE28 Name of Market Organization
VE29 Assigned Documents for Each License
VE30 Existing licenses
Lines 87901 to 88000 of 91333 entries
1 878 879 880 881 882 914