110325 | Selection by controlling area of the plant |
67913 | Selection by controlling area of plant |
307063 | Specific settlement of fund and function |
189989 | Batch input on settlement transaction |
138221 | Collective note: Cross-company code sales |
123726 | Batch input to settlement transaction is incorrect |
119961 | +/- sign of the invoiced quantity in CO incorrect |
61577 | Invoiced quantity not on sales order (CO) |
116718 | Settlmt inv.quantities to CO-PA with source assignments |
47321 | VA88: V1136 Sales order item x y is... |
38285 | KD206 when settl.in spec.period of short.fisc.year |
166725 | No display of the accrued values in settlement |
52546 | Status object does not exist in the sales order |
1524874 | Settlement: Determining settlement info from AUAK at runtime |
36978 | Settlement to CO-PA --> KD270 / missing variances |
352244 | Invoiced quantity missing in CO (table COSL) |
78544 | Cross-company-code sales with make-to-order prod.n |
655537 | Settlement: double list of delimited values in spool |
197561 | Information on settlemet: Messages despite zero balance |
98570 | PAOBJNR for order items relevant to intercompany billing |
498072 | CO-PA: Incorrect characteristic values for intercompany |
64677 | Quantities on sales orders are incorrect |
595590 | CO-PA: Incorr. characteristic values for intercompany II |
184919 | Information: Status update during settlement |
134036 | Revenue Recognition: Account assignment |
79847 | Updating profitability segment in SD document |
322564 | Different document numbers required for settlement |
172325 | RKOO7400 no longer exists as of Release 4.0 |
94918 | Invoiced quantity is not settled correctly |
398631 | INFO: CO-PC-OBJ (settlement) |
40408 | Info: Valuation for record types "B" and "C" |
125963 | Error message KD549 for settlement sales order |
505738 | Termination I_LOGNR_INVALID with settlement reversal |
23147 | Settlement: several errors w/ settlement by cost element |
134381 | Invoiced quantity is not settled correctly |
86447 | RWIN: Incomplete documents |
130745 | Settlement: missing fields in FI and SL document |
51366 | CO-PA: Actual data update with PERFORM ON COMMIT |
215107 | 'Check transaction data' after upgrade to Release 4.5 or hig |
118125 | Transfer billed quantity to CO |
486388 | VA01 -- Physical ship-to party into CO-PA |
83668 | Termin. Sales order: KD562 (200 % or similar) |
76354 | Information: Settlement after results analysis |
179533 | KD256: 'There are no accrued amounts' |
68279 | Information: settlement in background in Release 3.0/3.1 |
443404 | Performance: CE4xxxx tables on SQL server |
112600 | No quantity in CO for billing doc with value zero |
78993 | Transfer of further quantities during settlement in CO-PA |
204280 | Arch. SD_VBAK:Costs on the document (CO checks) |
122958 | KD549 after deleting the results analysis key |
61169 | Reversing settlements to profitability segment |
173909 | Information: Costs should not be settled |
68150 | Selection by sales organization in VA88 |
597012 | Advance shipment w/ customer consignment processing |
372630 | Information: Reversal for settlement |
425302 | Wrong settlement of results analysis data |
111309 | INFO: Transfer of quantities into CO-PA |
366864 | RA data when archiving production order for SD order |
38855 | Info on settlement: Performance improvements |
1320586 | Info: Currency translations in settlement to COPA |
115423 | Information: KD561 with debit type 0 for settlement |
367927 | Differences between results analysis and settlement |
330001 | Information: Settlement by amount |
193586 | Analysis program for settlement (RKA_SETTLE_TABLE _COMPARE) |