SAP Transaction VA41 - Create Contract

Related Notes
552192Technical objects are no longer copied
74612D07: Wrong Configuration after document save
609015NF metals not active in the value contract
140434Wrong order net value in AFS Line-entry screen
323255Default quantities not converted into sales unit
216251MILL: Endless loop during call of configuration
142434wrong rejected quantity during order list overview
393808Order is not saved
453740CS: Screen control in the contract
392214Some header fields are deleted in SD documents
100718Rel. 4.5A: Problem in single-level configuration
407134Incorrect account for non-billed receivables
331606ATP overview does not display reserved quantities
350816SD: Contract - no CS default values
128646BDBS work table not initialized
130144Short dump because of overflow in order processing
135004wrong open reference quantity to contract
101650Profit Center substitution does not run w/o plant
198806Release Standard Note 105512 for AFS
372765Account determination for down payment clearing conditions
132283Rejection of fully/ partially deliv. schedule lines
175550Update term. when you create sales order & contract
351498Incorrect reserved quantity in stock tables
319032Object dependencs n evaluatd in characteristic overview
133646Negative Open Reference Values in the Order List Overview
136480Dump with BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW during order list overview
338126Faster processing of different tables
84849Profit cent. not determ./unit of measure incorrect
146761SIS: No update for contract items
90262Partner info not transferred to profitab.
837653.1H: Incorrect component qty after configuration
302627Requested delivery date is checked unnecessarily
687030Incorrect language when calling SAPscript editor
331192Incor.allocatn rec.after deleting rel.schedule line
94347Settlement profile not updated
43551Rounding problem in billing plan
134924Partner functions AA or AW are lost in contracts
144229Performance of sales document processing
392392Select conditns + requrd characterstcs in charactrstc overvw
141502AFS Pricing error with auto batch determination
395117Performance problem while processing SD documents
139189Scrolling for multiple selection AA/AW
128090Wrong open quantity in order list overview
544705Assembly processing, popup appears despite parameters preset
73128Incorrect profitability segment in sales order
315463Improved reading of conditions (performance)
1122290Revenue event type is copied from predecessor
337299Better DB access fr control, revenue and reference table
122182VA01/VA02: Message V1260 not displayed
771604Performance problem when editing SD documents
436370Planned revenue translation by pricing date desired
1118991CVV field on the overview screen in the order
441692New revenue lines after setting back contract end (I)
509040New revenue lines after setting back contract end (II)
1124664VF44,FASB: Date incorrect if time zone differs
446516X:IS-MP: Activating user columns in characteristic overview
332115Problems when scrolling in AFS item overview
351143Accnt determntn f conditions in sales doc w/ value 0
198400No revenue line in fiscal year variant
411844Selectn condits +reqd characteristics in charactrstcs overvw
144241Collection of exchange corrections 4.0B - CRT11
459793M:IS-MP: ATP aft change of characterstc in charctrstc overvw
410674Contracts: Price agreements are lost (VA41/VA42)
323898Character fast entry: Creation: F4/check ag. objct dependncs
162514ITA: missg. Mode of Transp. in Output Determination
318250Incor transf of fields changed by configuration to doc
352984VA01: Planned revenue from sales order for internal order
481770Missing periods in VBREVE (Revenue Recognition Lines)
119006Copy SD-contract type at create with reference
383789Settlmnt period depnds on year-specific fiscal year variant
318801VA01:Termination due to incorrect currency translatn
101877Gross/Net rules not applied for first item
133939SIS: No update for contracts
508230Schedule lines without open refernce quantity are transferrd
1002664FAQ: Text determination problems after upgrade
442657Wrong german texts in sales documents
163252Exchange agreement allows assignment of sales orders
634867Incorrect account determination non-billed receivables
377241Order items with material variants
128239Manual settlement rule is deleted
188640Contract update terminates if no fee exists
127833Dump when computing an average currency rate
510681Pricing Time 00:00 was getting reset to System time.
454893CHECKLISTSD: Sales document output as an e-mail
356080External Details missing when plant entered manually
302835Partner dialog box in order only displays cust. no.
173532Order/Contr.: TAS data not filled after delete/cre. item
966625Dummy/phantom texts or unclear text origin
188083Update terminations after client copy (remote copy)
325052IS-Oil: Sales - Automatic update of Excise Duty values
311456Short dump creating contract with quantity schedule
72311Create contracts with reference to a contract
517713Corrections to FM OIK_TAS_DATA_MAINTAIN
181457Load ID assigned with Valid-to = 00:00:0000
1164434Loss of data in DGMSD when saving several docs. per batch
300869Split Indicator required in SD&MM Documents
412271Incorrect total of revenue amounts in Table VBREVE