82514 | Settlement of investment measure in following year: AW624, K |
303741 | Final sttlmnt/inv.measure: Amount in settlement rule not pos |
769818 | Settlement: Amount rule only in controlling area currency |
370828 | Settl rule: KD104 after copying groups more than once |
65906 | Procedures for settlement of investment measures |
893961 | Falsche ungarische Übersetzung für 'Abrechnungsdaten' |
212146 | Line item after settlement investment measure |
400858 | Settlement of down payments with capitalization key |
362232 | Investment measure: settlement reversed line items |
412580 | Settlement investmnt measure: line item settled with value 0 |
459730 | Missing columns in line item reports |
35309 | Final settlment inv. measure: AA341, AW605 for down payments |
31721 | KD032: Maximum number of distribution rules < 1000 |
202673 | Inv.meas.w/ LI sttlmt:Cent diffnce aft.euro chngovr |
744194 | AuC settlement to G/L account plus CO add. account assignmen |
23814 | Retirement of capital inv. measure -> error AK005 |
198931 | KD549, KD574 with full settlement of an investment measure |
111187 | DBIF_RSQL_NO_MEMORY when accessing table AUAS |
495088 | Evaluation of archives in the Project Information System |
317806 | RAFABNEW: No new depreciation area for investment measures |
425601 | AW624 with investment measure with line item settlement |