Transaction | Text |
AR09 | Call Up Property List |
AR10 | Call Up Insurance List |
AR11 | Investment Grants |
AR11N | Investment Grants |
AR12 | Call Up Asset Directory |
AR13 | Call Up Prim. Cost Plan. Dep./Int. |
AR14 | Call Up Manual Depreciation List |
AR15 | Changes to Master Record |
AR16 | Changes to Asset Classes |
AR17 | Call Up Leasing Liability List |
AR18 | Call Up Depr.Simulation |
AR18N | Depreciation Simulation (New) |
AR19 | Call Up List of Origins |
AR20 | Retirement comparison |
AR21 | Mid-quarter Alert Report |
AR22 | Analysis of retirment revenue |
AR23 | Italy: Asset register |
AR24 | Italy: Assets at 3rd party |
AR25 | Depreciation posted |
AR26 | Call up special reserve list |
AR27 | Call up: Group asset list |
AR28 | Call up asset history |
AR29 | Re- and New Valuation of Assets |
AR29N | Re- and New Valuation of Assets |
AR30 | Display Worklist |
AR31 | Edit Worklist |
AR32 | Call Create Worklist |
AR32N | Call Create Worklist |
ARAL | Display Application Log |
ARCHGUIDE | Data Archiving Guide |
ARCH_PROT | Archiving Logs |
ARCU_COIT1 | Residence Times for CO Line Items |
ARKO | KOBRA: Archiving |
ARMO | Schedule Monitor: Asset Accounting |
ARQ0 | FIAA - Ad hoc reports |
ARRAY_CREATE | Generate Column Group |
ART0 | FIAA - Information System |
ARTE | Replace Articles in Layout Modules |
AR_CUST | Archiving Engine - Configurator |
AR_ENGINE | Archiving Engine |
AR_FACTORY | Archiving Factory |
AR_HDS | Assignment of Residence Times |
AR_METRIC | Definition of Residence Time |
AR_MIGRATION | Archiving engine migration launchpad |
AR_SFLICONNAR_DISPL | Flight Connections |
AR_SFLIGHTAR_DISPLAY | Display Flight Bookings from Archive |
AR_TEST | Test Archiving |
AS01 | Create Asset Master Record |
AS02 | Change Asset Master Record |
AS03 | Display Asset Master Record |
AS04 | Asset Changes |
AS05 | Block Asset Master Record |
AS06 | Delete Asset Record/Mark for Delet. |
AS08 | Number Ranges:Asset Number |
AS100 | Legacy Data Transfer using Excel |
AS11 | Create Asset Subnumber |
AS11_FMIM | Create AuC Subnumber |
AS21 | Create Group Asset |
AS22 | Change Group Asset |
AS23 | Display Group Asset |
AS24 | Create Group Asset Subnumber |
AS25 | Block group asset |
AS26 | Mark group asset for deletion |
AS81 | Create Old Group Assets Data |
AS82 | Change old group asset |
AS83 | Display old group asset |
AS84 | Create legacy group asset subnumber |
AS91 | Create Old Asset |
AS92 | Change Old Asset |
AS93 | Display Old Asset |
AS94 | Create Legacy Asset Subnumber |
ASACT | Activate Application Stat. Types |
ASC1 | Ascii adapter Temporay table trans |
ASC2 | Ascii Adapter Temporary Table Trans |
ASCC | Assets on My Cost Center - GUI Vers. |
ASCC_GUI | Assets on My Cost Center |
ASCI | ASCII Adapter |
ASEM | My assets |
ASEM_GUI | My Assets - GUI Version |
ASIM | Simulation of asset posting |
ASKB | Periodic Asset Postings |
ASKBN | Periodic APC Posting Run |
ASMN | Asset Master Menu |
ASOKEY | Definition of SAP Function OPENKEY |
AS_ADMIN | SAP AS: Administration |
AS_AFB | Archive File Browser |
AT01 | Create Asset Master Record (old) |
AT02 | Change Asset Master Record (old) |
AT03 | Display Asset Master Record (old) |
AT11 | Create Asset Subnumber (Old) |
AT21 | Create Group Asset (old) |
AT22 | Change Group Asset (old) |
AT23 | Display Group Asset (old) |
AT24 | Create Group Asset Sub-Number (old) |
AT81 | Create Old Group Asset (old) |
AT82 | Change Old Group Asset (old) |
AT83 | Display Old Group Asset (old) |
AT84 | Display Old Group Asset Sub-No.(old) |
AT91 | Create Old Asset (old) |