Transaction | Text |
AT92 | Change Old Asset (old) |
AT93 | Display Old Asset (old) |
AT94 | Create Old Asset Sub-Number (old) |
ATC | ATC Administration |
ATC_A | ATC Administration |
ATC_F | ATC for FA |
ATC_FA | ATC for FA |
ATP01 | Cancel/Delete Prod. Avail. Req. |
ATPC01 | Maintain number range for PAR |
ATPS | ATP Check: Send Customizing |
ATRA | ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis |
ATRANSGRP | Transaction Group Maintenance |
ATRA_E2E | ABAP Obj. Runtime Analysis for E2E |
ATT_MIGR | Attachments Migration |
AUCREATE_RFC | Generate HTTP RFC for auto download |
AUFW | Maintain Revaluation Measures |
AUN0 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN1 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN10 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN11 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN2 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN3 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN4 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN5 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN6 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN7 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN8 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AUN9 | FI-AA Asset Summary |
AURETRY | Retry AUTOUPDATE after maintenance |
AUT01 | Configuration of Logging |
AUT02 | Configuration of Navigation Help |
AUT03 | Display Configuration |
AUT04 | Configuration of Long Text Logs |
AUT05 | Deletion of Long Texts |
AUT10 | Evaluation of Audit Trail |
AUTH_ASSISTANT | Role Authorization Assistant |
AUTH_DISPLAY_OBJECTS | Display Active Authorization Objects |
AUTH_SWITCH_OBJECTS | Switch on/off authorizations |
AUTOUPDATE | Auto Update function |
AUUSERS | AUTOUPDATE User-Maintenance |
AUVA | FI-AA Incomplete Assets |
AW01 | Asset Explorer |
AW01N | Asset Explorer |
AW01_AFAR | Asset Explorer |
AW01_OLD | Asset Master Rec: Display Val.Fields |
AWUW | Assignment LIS except/BOR event |
AXPD | Progress Tracking Evaluations |
AXTEXT | Extensibility Extension Types Reg. |
AXTOBJ | Extensibility Generation Registry |
AXTREG | Extensibility Registry |
AXTSHOW | Display and analyze Enhancements |
AXTSYS | Extensibility Tool System Info |
AXT_EXT_GEN_SESSION | Extension Generation by Session ID |
B1B2 | Create Magnetic Media files |
BA01 | Table T005BU |
BA10 | Subsystem Configuration |
BA11 | Config. Transceiver / Upload Files |
BALA | ALE Application menu |
BALD | ALE Development |
BALE | Area Menu for Administration |
BALM | ALE Master data |
BANKT_PAR_DETAIL_Y | Par.Process. Item Postings: Detail |
BANKT_PAR_MODE_Y | Par.Process. Item Postings: General |
BANKT_PAR_REALLOC_Y | Program to Create Interval Table |
BANK_CUS_CHDOC | Customer Setting Change Doc. Tool |
BANK_CUS_CHDOC_DEV | Developer Setting Change Doc. Tool |
BANK_CUS_JC | Definition of Job Nets |
BANK_CUS_MR_APCNT | Mass Run Assign Count. Cat. to Appl. |
BANK_CUS_MR_CNTCG | Mass Run Create Counter Categories |
BANK_CUS_MR_CNTRC | Mass Run Limit Individual Error |
BANK_CUS_PP | Settings for Parallel Processing |
BANK_CUS_PPC | Settings for Parallel Processing |
BANK_JC_OVRVW | Overview + Control of Job Nets |
BANK_JC_START | Start of a Job Net |
BANK_PP_APPLREL | Relationships betw. Applic. Types |
BANK_PP_CHECK | Check Customizing for Parall. Proc. |
BANK_PP_GEN | Generate Application Type |
BANK_PP_MONITOR | Call PPF Monitor |
BANK_PP_OVRVW | Overview of Current Mass Runs |
BANK_PP_SETTINGS | Current Settings for Par. Processing |
BAPI | BAPI Explorer |
BAPI45 | BAPI Browser |
BAPIPPLAN | Test Tool for Payment Plan BAPIs |
BAPIW | BAPI Explorer |
BASIS_CL01 | Call CL01 (if it exists) |
BASIS_CL02 | Call CL02 (if it exists) |
BASIS_O1CL | Call O1CL (if it exists) |
BATCHMAN | Transfer of External CO Data |
BAUP | Bank Data Transfer |
BBC1 | Procurement Card Company |
BBC2 | PCard Company: Company Codes |
BBC3 | Procurement Card: Blocking Reasons |
BBM1 | Create Procurement Card Master |
BBM2 | Change Procurement Card Master |
BBM3 | Display Procurement Card Master |
BBNU | Number Range Maintenance REQREQ |
BBP0 | Start Menu for SAP B2B Procurement |
BBPADDREXT | Maintain Vendor Address - External |
BBPADDRINTC | Maintain Addresses for Own Company |