SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
AR09 Call Up Property List
AR10 Call Up Insurance List
AR11 Investment Grants
AR11N Investment Grants
AR12 Call Up Asset Directory
AR13 Call Up Prim. Cost Plan. Dep./Int.
AR14 Call Up Manual Depreciation List
AR15 Changes to Master Record
AR16 Changes to Asset Classes
AR17 Call Up Leasing Liability List
AR18 Call Up Depr.Simulation
AR18N Depreciation Simulation (New)
AR19 Call Up List of Origins
AR20 Retirement comparison
AR21 Mid-quarter Alert Report
AR22 Analysis of retirment revenue
AR23 Italy: Asset register
AR24 Italy: Assets at 3rd party
AR25 Depreciation posted
AR26 Call up special reserve list
AR27 Call up: Group asset list
AR28 Call up asset history
AR29 Re- and New Valuation of Assets
AR29N Re- and New Valuation of Assets
AR30 Display Worklist
AR31 Edit Worklist
AR32 Call Create Worklist
AR32N Call Create Worklist
ARAL Display Application Log
ARCHGUIDE Data Archiving Guide
ARCH_PROT Archiving Logs
ARCU_COIT1 Residence Times for CO Line Items
ARKO KOBRA: Archiving
ARMO Schedule Monitor: Asset Accounting
ARQ0 FIAA - Ad hoc reports
ARRAY_CREATE Generate Column Group
ART0 FIAA - Information System
ARTE Replace Articles in Layout Modules
AR_CUST Archiving Engine - Configurator
AR_ENGINE Archiving Engine
AR_FACTORY Archiving Factory
AR_HDS Assignment of Residence Times
AR_METRIC Definition of Residence Time
AR_MIGRATION Archiving engine migration launchpad
AR_SFLICONNAR_DISPL Flight Connections
AR_SFLIGHTAR_DISPLAY Display Flight Bookings from Archive
AR_TEST Test Archiving
AS01 Create Asset Master Record
AS02 Change Asset Master Record
AS03 Display Asset Master Record
AS04 Asset Changes
AS05 Block Asset Master Record
AS06 Delete Asset Record/Mark for Delet.
AS08 Number Ranges:Asset Number
AS100 Legacy Data Transfer using Excel
AS11 Create Asset Subnumber
AS11_FMIM Create AuC Subnumber
AS21 Create Group Asset
AS22 Change Group Asset
AS23 Display Group Asset
AS24 Create Group Asset Subnumber
AS25 Block group asset
AS26 Mark group asset for deletion
AS81 Create Old Group Assets Data
AS82 Change old group asset
AS83 Display old group asset
AS84 Create legacy group asset subnumber
AS91 Create Old Asset
AS92 Change Old Asset
AS93 Display Old Asset
AS94 Create Legacy Asset Subnumber
ASACT Activate Application Stat. Types
ASC1 Ascii adapter Temporay table trans
ASC2 Ascii Adapter Temporary Table Trans
ASCC Assets on My Cost Center - GUI Vers.
ASCC_GUI Assets on My Cost Center
ASEM My assets
ASEM_GUI My Assets - GUI Version
ASIM Simulation of asset posting
ASKB Periodic Asset Postings
ASKBN Periodic APC Posting Run
ASMN Asset Master Menu
ASOKEY Definition of SAP Function OPENKEY
AS_ADMIN SAP AS: Administration
AS_AFB Archive File Browser
AT01 Create Asset Master Record (old)
AT02 Change Asset Master Record (old)
AT03 Display Asset Master Record (old)
AT11 Create Asset Subnumber (Old)
AT21 Create Group Asset (old)
AT22 Change Group Asset (old)
AT23 Display Group Asset (old)
AT24 Create Group Asset Sub-Number (old)
AT81 Create Old Group Asset (old)
AT82 Change Old Group Asset (old)
AT83 Display Old Group Asset (old)
AT84 Display Old Group Asset Sub-No.(old)
AT91 Create Old Asset (old)
Lines 3801 to 3900 of 91333 entries
1 37 38 39 40 41 914