Transaction | Text |
AIBW01 | Corp. IM: Def. Strat.Characteristics |
AIBW02 | Corp. IM: Check Strat.Char. Unique |
AICRM_PRD_SETUP_MAT | Product Setup for Materials |
AICRM_PRD_SETUP_MNRO | Product Setup for Materials |
AICRM_PRD_SETUP_SCAT | Product Setup for Materials |
AICRM_PRD_SETUP_SRV | Product Setup for Services |
AIC_IT_CAL_DELE | Delete IT Calendar Entries |
AIC_IT_CAL_INIT_LOAD | Initial Load for IT Calendar Entries |
AIDMM | Create Material Master Data IDocs |
AIDNR | Create EPC Number Range IDocs |
AIDNR_MASTER | Define EPC Serial Number Ranges |
AIIO | C AM Maintain List Version AuC |
AISAPCUSTNOS | Gets SAP Customer Numbers |
AISF | FX Exposure |
AISFSS | Single Value Analysis: FX Exposure |
AISGENKF | Key Figure Analysis |
AISGENKF_LAYOUT_DEF | SVA: Define Key Figure Layout |
AISPL | Einzelwertanalyse: Gewinn & Verlust |
AISS | Single Val. Analysis - Sensitivities |
AIST | Reverse Settlement of AuC |
AISUSER | SAP Support Portal User Maintenance |
AIS_FORMULA_DEF | Define Formulas for AIS |
AIS_LAY_DEF | Define Initial Layout |
AIS_STDREP | Standard Reporting on Results DB |
AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE | Copying/updating transaction types |
AI_CRM_CPY_PTYPE_LOG | Evaluate DB tab log |
AI_CRM_CPY_PTYPE_WEB | Copying/updating transaction types |
AI_CRM_NWS_REG | Networked Solution Registrations |
AI_ICC_MH_SYNC | Synchronize Message Headers from SAP |
AI_IMG_DISP | show IMG node |
AI_SDK_001 | Reported by Me |
AI_SDK_002 | Unsent Messages |
AI_SDK_003 | My Messages at Support |
AI_SDK_005 | Author Action |
AI_SDK_006 | Proposed Solution from Support |
AI_SDK_007 | Open Messages |
AI_SDK_009 | Escalated Messages |
AI_SDK_020 | For Processing by Me |
AI_SDK_022 | My Specialist Areas |
AI_SDK_024 | Messages at SAP |
AI_SDK_025 | Completed Today |
AI_SDK_026 | My Team |
AI_SDK_050 | Assignment to Specialist Areas |
AI_SDK_EFFORT | Calculate Effort in Messages |
AJAB | Year-End Closing |
AJRW | Fiscal Year Change |
AJT_MIGR | transaction code for AJ target |
AKAB | List purchasing arrangements |
AKE1 | Create Condition |
AKE10 | Transfer Prices: Display Overhead |
AKE2 | Change Condition |
AKE3 | Display Condition |
AKE4 | Copy Condition |
AKE5 | PCA Transfer Prices: Create Prices |
AKE6 | PCA Transfer Prices: Change Prices |
AKE7 | PCA Transfer Prices: Display Prices |
AKE8 | Transfer Prices: Create Overhead |
AKE9 | Transfer Prices: Change Overhead |
AKKO | Promotion pur. pr. conditions |
AKOF | C FI Maintain Table TAKOF |
AKVA | List sales arrangements |
AKVK | Promotion sales price conditions |
AL08 | Users Logged On |
AL08_OLD | List of All Users Logged On |
AL11 | Display SAP Directories |
AL11_OLD | Display SAP Directories |
AL12 | Display Table Buffer (Exp. Session) |
AL13 | Display Shared Memory (Expert Mode) |
AL15 | Customize SAPOSCOL destination |
ALLOC_BATCH_RUN | To run Allocation in the batch mode |
ALM99 | JBALMCTRL Control Tables |
ALM_01 | ALM: Assign CF Type to CF Indicator |
ALM_ME_DEBUG | MAM Debugging Settings |
ALM_ME_GENERAL | Smartsync Settings |
ALM_ME_INVENTORY | Inventory Management Profile |
ALM_ME_NOTIF | Notification Processing Profile |
ALM_ME_ORDER | Order Processing Profile |
ALM_ME_ORDER_STATUS | Change Mobile Status for Order |
ALM_ME_SCENARIO | Mobile Asset Management Scenario |
ALM_ME_USER | User-specific settings |
ALO1 | Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships |
ALRTCATDEF | Editing Alert Categories |
ALRTCATDEF_SEL | Define Alert Category |
ALRTDISP | Display Alerts |
ALRTINBOX | Alert Inbox |
ALRTMON | Alert Monitor |
ALRTPERS | Personalize Alert Delivery |
ALRTPROC | Process Alerts |
ALRTSUBSCR | Subscribe to Alert Categories |
ALVIEWER | ArchiveLink Viewer in the Web |
AM04 | Changes to Asset Classes |
AM05 | Lock Asset Class |
AMADEUS | Amadeus Direct |
AMC_LOG_ADMIN | Administration of ABAP Messaging Cha |
AMC_LOG_PROCESSING | Selection of AMC Log Entries |
AMC_SHOW_LOG_LIST | Show List of activated AMC Logs |
AMDP_UTIL | Run All AMDP Reports |