431437 | 1KE0:planning data transfer for shortened fiscal year |
94259 | Planning data transfer uses incorr. posting periods |
202258 | Incorrect objects for posting subsequ. CO plan data |
136401 | TA 1KE0 - Short dumps with error RSQL 13 |
530404 | 1KE0: Short dump DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL |
322103 | Log for transfer of plan data |
779558 | 1KE0: time_out for plan data transfer from class. RE |
88988 | Duplicated plan values for internal orders |
326703 | 1KE0: Plan values are copied several times |
453529 | 1KE0:program termination TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED |
303288 | KC019 for posting CO plan data subsequently |
182642 | Performance - planning data - posting subsequently |
322134 | Plan data transfr profit.segments + network activts |
143310 | 1KE0: RSQL error 22 for access to table GLPCP |
46050 | Posting a plan version deletes other versions |
330676 | 1KE0: Error during transfer of networks |
606440 | No functional area with planning data transfer CO->PCA |
305700 | 1KE0: incorrect data and cancellation for networks |
42168 | Functional area missing when copying planning data |
320301 | Transfer of plan data for object types OR and OP |
118870 | Account group/order group not found |
150660 | CO object n/found posting subsequently planningdata |
210331 | Posting plan data does not write reverse line items |
124197 | 1KE0: Statistical key figures are deleted |
119114 | Planning of Real Estate objects: transfer to Proft.Ctr |
90184 | Selective CO transfer of planned data |
67763 | Transfer planning data of int. orders/WBS elements |
62716 | KS020 when changing company code, business area |
130730 | Error KM354 and performance of sub. post plan data |
126826 | Error w. subsequent posting of plan data |