Transaction | Text |
IW73 | Display Service Order |
IW74 | Change Contract for Serviceable Item |
IW75 | Display Serviceable Item Contract |
IW81 | Create Refurbishment Order |
IW8W | Goods Receipt f. Refurbishment Order |
IWBK | Material availability information |
IWCS | |
IWP01 | Audit Package Handling |
IWP_AREA | Define Audit Area |
IWP_CALLBACK_DEFINE | Define Callback Destination |
IWP_COMPARE_AREA | Compare Audit Area with Meta-Data |
IWP_CREP | Content Repos. Retention Warehouse |
IWP_DATA_TRANSFER | Transfer Data |
IWP_DP_CUST01 | Parallelization For Acc. Reporting |
IWP_IMG | IMG of Retention Warehouse |
IWP_LOAD_REPOS | Load Repositors from Metadata |
IWP_LOG_DISPLAY | Display Logs |
IWP_LOG_DISPLAY_EXT | Display Logs - extended |
IWP_LPD_AP_ADM | Launchpad for AP Administration |
IWP_LPD_PRODLIAB | Launchpad for Product Liability |
IWP_LPD_TAX | Launchpad for Tax |
IWP_OBJECTS_GENERATE | Generate Objects |
IWP_QUERY_EXPORT | Export Query Results |
IWP_REPOS | Maintenance of Repository |
IWP_REPOS_OT | Repository Structures f. Object Type |
IWP_REUSE_DEFINE | Define InfoObjects to Be Reused |
IWP_VC_AREA_SF | Maintanance of the Audit Areas |
IWP_VC_WPP | Maintanance of the AuditP. Template |
IWP_VIEWLOG | Data View Files |
IWP_VPROV_CREATE | Create a VirtualProvider |
IWP_VPROV_DEFINE | Define Content of VirtualProvider |
IWP_WP_DELETE | Delete Content of an Audit Package |
IWP_WP_GENERATE | Generate Content for Audit Package |
IWR1 | Create / Change Revision |
IWR2 | Display Revision |
IWWW | Create Service Notification (WWW) |
I_GRAPH_MONITOR | Monitor for Jobs |
J&00 | IS-M: Views/Clusters for Cond.Tech |
J&S0 | IS-M: Create Output |
J&S1 | IS-M: Create Output w/Reference |
J&S2 | IS-M: Change Output |
J&S3 | IS-M: Display Output |
J-01 | Update Maintenance for MDIS |
J-02 | Std Analyses Std Settings MDIS |
J-03 | Media Info System: Mtn.Requirements |
J-04 | Media Info System: Maintain Formulas |
J-05 | MDIS: Overview of Field Catalogs |
J-20 | MDIS: Update Settings |
J-31 | IS-M: Access Std Analyses for MDIS |
J-33 | IS-M: Var.Std Analyses - User MDIS |
J-34 | IS-M: Perform Eval.of Info System |
J-35 | IS-M: Create Eval.of Info System |
J-36 | IS-M: Change Eval.of Info System |
J-37 | IS-M: Display Eval.of Info System |
J-38 | IS-M: Create Evaluation Structure |
J-39 | IS-M: Change Evaluation Structure |
J-40 | IS-M: Display Evaluation Structure |
J-50 | IS-M: Exception Analysis MDIS |
J-61 | IS-M: Create Selection Version MDIS |
J-62 | IS-M: Change Selection Version MDIS |
J-63 | IS-M: Display selection version MDIS |
J-64 | IS-M: Sel.Vers.: Schedule Job MDIS |
J-6A | IS-M: Selection Version Tree MDIS |
J-6B | IS-M: User-Spec.Sel.Vers.Tree MDIS |
J-A1 | IS-M/SD: Customer Anal. - Selection |
J-A4 | IS-M/SD: Sales Off.Anal. - Selection |
J-A7 | IS-M/SD: Product Anal. - Selection |
J-AA | IS-M/SD: Plant/Ctry Anal. -Selection |
J-AD | IS-M/SD: Sales Agent Anal. - Sel. |
J-AG | IS-M/SD: Promotion Anal. - Selection |
J-AJ | IS-M/SD: AR Cat.Analysis - Selection |
J-AM | IS-M/SD: Carrier Route Anal.-Sel. |
J-C1 | IS-M/SD: Std Settgs f.Customer Anal. |
J-C2 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Sales Off.Anal. |
J-C3 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Product Analysis |
J-C4 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Plant/Ctry Anal. |
J-C5 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.for Sales Ag.Anal. |
J-C6 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.for Prom.Analysis |
J-C7 | IS-M/SD: AR Category Statistics |
J-C8 | IS-M/SD: Std.Sett.f.Carr.Route Anal |
J-F1 | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data f.Sales Ord. |
J-F2 | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for CorrOrd. |
J-F3 | IS-M/SD: Update LIS Delivery Data |
J-F4 | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for Billing |
J-FA | IS-M/SD: LIS Upd.Simul.f.Sales Order |
J-FB | IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.Corr.Order |
J-FC | IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.for Delivery |
J-FD | IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.for Billing |
J-FL | IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for Delivery |
J-FU | IS-M/SD: Indicator Delivery Updated |
J-IX | IS-M/SD: Initialize Gen.LIS Data |
J-K1 | IS-M/AM: Business Partner Analysis |
J-K2 | IS-M/AM: Order Simulation |
J-K3 | IS-M/AM: Restructure Order Update |
J-K5 | IS-M/AM: Analyse BU, Cont.Component |
J-K6 | IS-M/AM: Maintain TJHMC1 |
J-K7 | IS-M/AM: Maintain TJHMC3 |
J-K8 | IS-M: Order Sales Agent Assignment |
J-K9 | IS-M/AM: LIS Restructure Billing |