Transaction | Text |
ISCN | Define System Default Search Type |
ISE0 | Funds Management |
ISHN1 | Create Shift Note |
ISHN2 | Change Shift Note |
ISHN3 | Display Shift Note |
ISHN4 | List Shift Notes for Tech. Objects |
ISHR1 | Create Shift Report for Techn. Obj. |
ISHR2 | Change Shift Report for Techn. Obj. |
ISHR3 | Display Shift Report for Techn. Obj. |
ISHR4 | List Shift Reports for Tech. Objects |
ISHRN | IMG Shift Report and Shift Note |
ISIPI_CP | Consignment processing (Web) |
ISIPI_CS | Display current schedules (Web) |
ISIPI_ESP | External Service Provider Service |
ISIPI_OEPM | Ordering packaging material (Web) |
ISIPI_POD | Proof of Delivery |
ISIPI_PUL | Display current pickup sheets (WEB) |
ISIPI_SM | Supplier Address maintenance |
ISIPI_SUMJIT | Display Summarised JIT calls(web) |
ISIPI_TRACK | Inbound shipment tracking (Web) |
ISISMN | Insurance Applications |
ISIT_PR | Testing Printing of SWP |
ISI_BCI | Message inbound via BC and SWP |
ISI_BCO | Message outbound via SWP and BC |
ISI_POD | Analysis of the POD View Flag |
ISI_PR | Maintain settings for SWP printing |
ISJP_CR | Invoice Summary Processing |
ISJP_MD | Master Data for Invoice Summary |
ISJP_PR | Invoice Summary Printing |
ISJP_SNRO | Number Range for Invoice Summary |
ISJP_STR | Invoice Summary Status Report |
ISJP_VA | Maintenance of Virtual Accounts |
ISMCA00 | Account Assgt for Main Transaction |
ISMCA01 | Account Assgt for Sub-Transaction |
ISMCA03 | Derive Transaction from IS-M |
ISMCA04 | Derive Document Type from IS-M |
ISMCA05 | Derive Document Type from IS-M |
ISMCA06 | Derive Document Type from IS-M |
ISMCA07 | Derive Document Type from IS-M |
ISMCA08 | Control Incoming Payment for Subs |
ISMCA10 | Default Settgs for IS-M Acct Display |
ISMCA700 | Record Doc. Type for Revenue Accrual |
ISM_PT_GAPS_AM | Portugal: M/AM Document Number Gaps |
ISM_PT_GAPS_SD | Portugal: SD Document Number Gaps |
ISM_PT_SIGN_AM | Check a. generate Digital Sig. M/AM |
ISM_PT_SIGN_SD | Check and generate Digital Signature |
ISNR | Number range maintenance: ISDB |
ISP4 | Text |
ISSR_DSUMB | Transfer Stat. Rep. Data |
ISSR_GEN_TOPINCL | Transaction to generate top include |
IST01 | Generate Phone Number Reconnect File |
ISTCA00 | Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts |
ISTCA01 | Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts |
ISTCA10 | IS-T Account Display: Specifications |
ISTCA31 | Cash Desk: Specifications |
ISTCA32 | Cash Desk: Specifications |
ISTCA40 | Data for IS-T collective bill |
ISTCAFHIST | Disconnec.and Reconnec.File History |
ISTCAXT900 | Mass Generate Tel. No. Reconn. File |
ISTCAXT910 | Generate Reconnection File |
ISTCA_T100 | Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID |
ISTMFCA | IS-U Contract Accounts R/P |
ISTMMF1 | IS-T Business Master Data |
ISTMNET | IS-T Network Manag. |
ISTMREG | IS-T Regional Structure |
ISTMSRV | IS-T Customer Service |
ISTMTLS | IS-T Tools |
ISTNBTDOC | Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTDOC |
ISTNBTELNR | Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTELNR |
ISTUNLT930 | Lock/Unlock Services Using XI |
IST_EBS_ARC | Link Documents with External Bills |
IST_EBS_ARC_E | Postprocessing Run: Link Bills |
IST_EBS_MRD | Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys. |
IST_EBS_MRD_E | Postprocessing Run: External Reversa |
IST_EBS_POI | Create Additional Information |
IST_EBS_POI_E | Postprocessing Run: Additional Info. |
IST_EBS_TOI | Transfer Documents from Billing Sys. |
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA | Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics |
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA_E | Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs |
IST_EBS_TOI_E | Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs |
IST_EVAL | Evaluate Reconnection Proposals |
IST_TC_FEAT | Define Service Attributes |
IST_TC_SRVC | Define Available Services |
IST_TDATA_DELETE | Delete Terminated Telephone Nos |
ISUBDMARK | Configuration marker function |
ISUCC | CIC customizing menu |
ISU_BOL_BROWSER | Browser for Business Object Layer |
ISU_BOL_TREE | Utilities BOL Tree definition |
ISU_CRM_IL_REMOTE | Dummy for Remote IL Access |
ISU_IL_MODEL | Utilities genIL-model definition |
ISU_IL_MODEL_C | Utilities genIL (Customer model) |
ISU_PPM_JOB_NR | Number Range Maintenance: PPM_JOB_NR |
ISU_SALES_ORDER | Create Order for Utility Products |
ISU_SALES_QUOTATION | Create Quotation for Utility Prods |
IT00 | Test IAC |
IT01 | Maintain IDES path for Internet |
IT03 | Test IAC: internal development |
IT12 | Test IAC language-dependent |
IT13 | Test IAC: language-independ template |
IT18 | Test IAC: start service via call TA |