SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
INSO0016 BDT Control: Tables
INSO0017 BDT Control: External Applications
INSO0018 BDT Control: Field Modif. Activities
INSO0019 BDT Ctrl: Field Mod. IO Categories
INSO0020 BDT Control: Authorization Types
INSO0021 BDT Control: Ass. DI Field->DB Field
INSOARCH FS-CD: Insurance Object Archive
INSOCHANGE Change Insurance Object
INSOCREATE Create Insurance Object
INSODISP Display Insurance Object
INSONR Number Range Maint.: INSOBJECT
INSOSN Cust: Field Groups for Authorization
INTERV Installn Interval for Backlog Set
INVADV01 Payment Advice Note Dialog
INVDOC01 Bill Dialog
INVDOC02 Bill Dialog - Sales Tax Statement
INVMASSPROC Mass Act: Bill/Paym.Adv.Note Proc.
INVMON Inbound Bill Monitoring
INVRETPER Define Retention Period
INVSARA01 Archiving: Bill Documents
INVSARA02 Archiving: Transfer Lines
INVSARJ01 Activate ArchInfStruct. for Bill Doc
INVSARJ02 Activate ArchInfStruct f. TrnsfrLine
INV_DISPLAY_MAT Display Material Master/Price Analys
IOBJATTR_IDL Iobjects attr - attr val Download
IOCI_FCON2 OCI:Convert HTML Field Values
IOCI_FUNCM OCI: Conversion Functions
IOCI_ORGU OCI: Assign Catalogs to Order Type
IORD Create SM/PM Order IDoc
IP00 Maintenance Planning Menu
IP01 Create Maintenance Plan
IP02 Change Maintenance Plan
IP03 Display Maintenance Plan
IP04 Create Maintenance Item
IP05 Change Maintenance Item
IP06 Display Maintenance Item
IP10 Schedule Maintenance Plan
IP11 Maintain Maintenance Strategies
IP11U Rescheduling of Maintenance Plans
IP11Z Maintain Cycle Set
IP12 Display Maintenance Strategies
IP12Z Display Cycle Set
IP13 Package Order
IP14 Where-Used List by Strategy
IP15 Change Maintenance Plan
IP16 Display Maintenance Plan
IP17 Change Maintenance Item
IP18 Display Maintenance Item
IP19 Maintenance scheduling overview
IP20 Maintenance plan number assignment
IP21 Maintenance item number assignment
IP22 Maintain number range: OBJK_NR
IP24 Scheduling overview list form
IP25 Set deletion flag for maint. plans
IP30 MaintSchedule Date Monitoring
IP31 Maintenance Plan Cost Display
IP40 Add Service Plan for Purchasing
IP41 Add single plan
IP42 Add strategy-controlled plan
IP43 Add multiple counter plan
IP50 Create ref. for maint. contract item
IP51 Maintenance contract item lists
IP62 Material Where-Used List: Task Lists
IPCS Maintenance Planning
IPM2 Change Permit
IPM3 Display Permit
IPMACT Calculate and Post Accruals
IPMADCONT01 Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01
IPMADMETASGL Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules
IPMARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run
IPMCARRYFORWARD Balance Carryforward
IPMCRMITEM Display CRM Contract Data
IPMD Maintain/Display Permits
IPMDSITEMS Reporting Accrual Objects IPM
IPMDSPARAMS Reporting ACE Object Parameter IPM
IPMFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation
IPMFISCYEAR Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE
IPMIMG IMG for CRM Accruals
IPMOACT Calculate and Post Provisions
IPMOADCONT01 Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01
IPMOADMETASGL Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules
IPMOARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run
IPMOCARRYFORWARD Provisions OR: Balance Carryforward
IPMODSITEMS Reporting: Accrual Objects: IPMO
IPMODSPARAMS Reporting: ACE Object Parameter IPMO
IPMOFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation
IPMOPSDOCITEMS Display Posting Line Items IPMO
IPMOPSITEMS Display Posting Totals Values IPMO
IPMOREVERS Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs
IPMOTRANSFER Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting
IPMOTREE03 Display / Change OR Accruals
IPMPSDOCITEMS Display Line Items in IPM
IPMPSITEMS Display Totals Values in IPM
IPMREVERS Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs
IPMTRANSFER Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting
IPMTREE01 Create IPM Accruals
IPMTREE03 Display/Change IPM Accruals
Lines 22001 to 22100 of 91333 entries
1 219 220 221 222 223 914