SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
ISCN Define System Default Search Type
ISE0 Funds Management
ISHN1 Create Shift Note
ISHN2 Change Shift Note
ISHN3 Display Shift Note
ISHN4 List Shift Notes for Tech. Objects
ISHR1 Create Shift Report for Techn. Obj.
ISHR2 Change Shift Report for Techn. Obj.
ISHR3 Display Shift Report for Techn. Obj.
ISHR4 List Shift Reports for Tech. Objects
ISHRN IMG Shift Report and Shift Note
ISIPI_CP Consignment processing (Web)
ISIPI_CS Display current schedules (Web)
ISIPI_ESP External Service Provider Service
ISIPI_OEPM Ordering packaging material (Web)
ISIPI_POD Proof of Delivery
ISIPI_PUL Display current pickup sheets (WEB)
ISIPI_SM Supplier Address maintenance
ISIPI_SUMJIT Display Summarised JIT calls(web)
ISIPI_TRACK Inbound shipment tracking (Web)
ISISMN Insurance Applications
ISIT_PR Testing Printing of SWP
ISI_BCI Message inbound via BC and SWP
ISI_BCO Message outbound via SWP and BC
ISI_POD Analysis of the POD View Flag
ISI_PR Maintain settings for SWP printing
ISJP_CR Invoice Summary Processing
ISJP_MD Master Data for Invoice Summary
ISJP_PR Invoice Summary Printing
ISJP_SNRO Number Range for Invoice Summary
ISJP_STR Invoice Summary Status Report
ISJP_VA Maintenance of Virtual Accounts
ISMCA00 Account Assgt for Main Transaction
ISMCA01 Account Assgt for Sub-Transaction
ISMCA03 Derive Transaction from IS-M
ISMCA04 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA05 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA06 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA07 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA08 Control Incoming Payment for Subs
ISMCA10 Default Settgs for IS-M Acct Display
ISMCA700 Record Doc. Type for Revenue Accrual
ISM_PT_GAPS_AM Portugal: M/AM Document Number Gaps
ISM_PT_GAPS_SD Portugal: SD Document Number Gaps
ISM_PT_SIGN_AM Check a. generate Digital Sig. M/AM
ISM_PT_SIGN_SD Check and generate Digital Signature
ISNR Number range maintenance: ISDB
ISP4 Text
ISSR_DSUMB Transfer Stat. Rep. Data
ISSR_GEN_TOPINCL Transaction to generate top include
IST01 Generate Phone Number Reconnect File
ISTCA00 Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts
ISTCA01 Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts
ISTCA10 IS-T Account Display: Specifications
ISTCA31 Cash Desk: Specifications
ISTCA32 Cash Desk: Specifications
ISTCA40 Data for IS-T collective bill
ISTCAFHIST Disconnec.and Reconnec.File History
ISTCAXT900 Mass Generate Tel. No. Reconn. File
ISTCAXT910 Generate Reconnection File
ISTCA_T100 Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID
ISTMFCA IS-U Contract Accounts R/P
ISTMMF1 IS-T Business Master Data
ISTMNET IS-T Network Manag.
ISTMREG IS-T Regional Structure
ISTMSRV IS-T Customer Service
ISTNBTDOC Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTDOC
ISTNBTELNR Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTELNR
ISTUNLT930 Lock/Unlock Services Using XI
IST_EBS_ARC Link Documents with External Bills
IST_EBS_ARC_E Postprocessing Run: Link Bills
IST_EBS_MRD Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys.
IST_EBS_MRD_E Postprocessing Run: External Reversa
IST_EBS_POI Create Additional Information
IST_EBS_POI_E Postprocessing Run: Additional Info.
IST_EBS_TOI Transfer Documents from Billing Sys.
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs
IST_EBS_TOI_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs
IST_EVAL Evaluate Reconnection Proposals
IST_TC_FEAT Define Service Attributes
IST_TC_SRVC Define Available Services
IST_TDATA_DELETE Delete Terminated Telephone Nos
ISUBDMARK Configuration marker function
ISUCC CIC customizing menu
ISU_BOL_BROWSER Browser for Business Object Layer
ISU_BOL_TREE Utilities BOL Tree definition
ISU_CRM_IL_REMOTE Dummy for Remote IL Access
ISU_IL_MODEL Utilities genIL-model definition
ISU_IL_MODEL_C Utilities genIL (Customer model)
ISU_PPM_JOB_NR Number Range Maintenance: PPM_JOB_NR
ISU_SALES_ORDER Create Order for Utility Products
ISU_SALES_QUOTATION Create Quotation for Utility Prods
IT00 Test IAC
IT01 Maintain IDES path for Internet
IT03 Test IAC: internal development
IT12 Test IAC language-dependent
IT13 Test IAC: language-independ template
IT18 Test IAC: start service via call TA
Lines 22201 to 22300 of 91333 entries
1 221 222 223 224 225 914