Transaction | Text |
HRBEN0055 | Overview Adjustment Permissions |
HRBEN0056 | Standard Plans Overview |
HRBEN0071 | Eligible Employees |
HRBEN0072 | Participation |
HRBEN0073 | Health Plan Costs |
HRBEN0074 | Insurance Plan Costs |
HRBEN0075 | Savings Plan Contributions |
HRBEN0076 | Vesting Percentage |
HRBEN0077 | Changes in Benefits Elections |
HRBEN0078 | FSA Contributions |
HRBEN0079 | Change of Elibility Status |
HRBEN0081 | Employee Demographics |
HRBEN0083 | Change in general benefits |
HRBEN0085 | Costs/Contributions for Misc. Plans |
HRBEN0086 | Stock Purchase Plan Contributions |
HRBEN0087 | Benefit Election Analysis |
HRBEN0088 | Contribution Limit Check |
HRBEN0089 | Enrollment Statistics |
HRBEN00ADJRSN | Create adjustment reasons |
HRBEN00CEWB | Conc. Employment Benefits Workbench |
HRBEN00ENSTATUS | COBRA Employer Notice |
HRBEN00GENSTATUS | Status of General Notice |
HRBEN00PAYRQ | Create Payment Requests |
HRBEN00RETIDOCIN | Retirement plan data transfer: in. |
HRBEN00RETIDOCOUT | Retirement plan data transfer out |
HRBEN00RETPAYCUM | Payroll cumulations retirement plans |
HRBEN00RETSRV | Service calculation retirement plans |
HRBEN00TERMSTATUS | Status Report for Termination |
HRBEN00UNASTATUS | Status of Unavailibility Notice |
HRBENUS02 | FSA claim |
HRBENUSCOB01 | Collect COBRA Events |
HRBENUSCOB02 | Create COBRA Letters |
HRBENUSCOB03 | COBRA Participation |
HRBENUSCOB05 | COBRA Cost Overview |
HRBENUSCOB06 | COBRA Enrollment Form |
HRBENUSCOB07 | COBRA Election Period |
HRBENUSCOB09 | COBRA Confirmation Form |
HRBENUSCOB10 | COBRA Data Transfer to Provider |
HRBENUSCOBERASSIS | COBRA Employer Premium Assistance |
HRBENUSCOBOVERDUE | COBRA overdue payments |
HRBENUSCOBREGEND | COBRA end of max. cov.cont. period |
HRBENUSFSACLM | FSA Claims Monitor |
HRBPS0001 | Generate benefit point account(IT717 |
HRBPS0002 | Display general request information |
HRBPS0003 | Create obligatory request |
HRCCEAU_CADV | Display of Advance pay results |
HRCCEAU_PU01 | Delete Advance pay results AU (Q4) |
HRCLM0001 | Claims processing data entry |
HRCLM0002 | Record Claims |
HRCLM0010 | Jump from IMG to maintenence views |
HRCLM0015 | Display Entitlements and Claims |
HRCLM0020 | Enroll into Benefit Claims Plan |
HRCMP0000 | Compensation management |
HRCMP0001 | Compensation Administration |
HRCMP0001C | Change Compensation Adjustment |
HRCMP0001D | Display Compensation Adjustment |
HRCMP0001_A | Compensation Adj. Reasons (Tree) |
HRCMP0002 | Comp. Adjustment over Org. Structure |
HRCMP0003 | Compensationi Adj.: Employee Selec. |
HRCMP0004 | Submit Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0005 | Approve Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0006 | Reject Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0007 | Activate Compensation Adjustments |
HRCMP0010 | Compensation Management: Budgeting |
HRCMP0011 | Budget Structure Maintenance: Create |
HRCMP0012 | Budget Structure Maintenance: Displ. |
HRCMP0013 | Budget Structure Maintenance: Change |
HRCMP0014 | Budget Administration: Display |
HRCMP0015 | Budget Administration: Change |
HRCMP0016 | Initialize Compensation Budget |
HRCMP0020 | Report selection |
HRCMP0021 | HR PA-CM: Access Ad Hoc Query |
HRCMP0022 | HR PA-CM: SAP Query Access |
HRCMP0030 | Change Matrix Catalog |
HRCMP0031 | Display Matrix Catalog |
HRCMP0041 | Pay scale Increase |
HRCMP0042 | Pay Scale Reclassification |
HRCMP0043 | Pay Scale Reclassification by Hours |
HRCMP0050 | Job Pricing |
HRCMP0051 | Maintain Job (Compensation Mgmt) |
HRCMP0052 | Maintain Position (Comp. Mgmt) |
HRCMP0053 | Display Salary Survey Data |
HRCMP0060 | Long-term incentives: granting |
HRCMP0060C | Change award granting |
HRCMP0060D | Display award granting |
HRCMP0061 | Long-term incentives: Exercising |
HRCMP0061C | Change award exercising |
HRCMP0061D | Display award exercising |
HRCMP0061ESS | Exercising Employee Options |
HRCMP0062 | Life events for long-term incentives |
HRCMP0063 | Expiration/forfeiting of ltis |
HRCMP0064 | Cancellation of long-term incentives |
HRCMP0065 | Stock Split |
HRCMP0070 | Workflow Custom. Comp. Adjustment |
HRCMP0071 | Workflow Custom. Awards Exercising |
HRCMP0072 | Workflow Custom. Award expiration |
HRCMP0073 | Workflow Customizing Life Events |
HRCMP0080 | Display Total Compensation Statement |