Transaction | Text |
GRW_PORTAL_LAUNCHNEW | Start Report Group from Portal |
GS01 | Create set |
GS02 | Change Set |
GS03 | Display Set |
GS04 | Delete set |
GS07 | Exports sets |
GS08 | Import sets |
GS09 | Copy sets from client |
GS11 | Create Variable |
GS12 | Change Variable |
GS13 | Display Variable |
GS14 | Delete Variable |
GS17 | Export variables |
GS18 | Import variables |
GS19 | Copy variables from client |
GS32 | Create/Change Key Figures |
GS33 | Display Key Figures |
GSCD | Activate change documents |
GSFNR | Document Display for a GSFNR |
GSP_CD | Maintain constants |
GSP_KD | Maintain account determination |
GSP_KD1 | Maintain acct deter: 0 balance |
GSP_KD2 | Maintain acct deter: Additional rows |
GSP_LD | Define item type |
GSP_LZ1 | SAP internal item cat. assignment |
GSP_LZ2 | Allocation: acct number - item type |
GSP_MD | Define Splitting Method |
GSP_PD | Define business process |
GSP_RD | Define Split Rule |
GSP_VD | Define business process variant |
GSP_VZ1 | Transaction->process var. assignment |
GSP_VZ2 | MM movem. type->process var. assgmt |
GSP_VZ3 | FI doc type->process var. assignment |
GSTA | Subsequent Pstng of Stat.Key Figures |
GTDIS | General Table Display |
GTRBILLDOC_ARCH | Archive Grantor Billing Doc. (AP/AR) |
GTRBILL_DISP | Display Grantor Billing Doc. (AP/AR) |
GTRBILL_NR | Maintain Number Range: GTRBILL |
GTRDERIVE | GTR Object Assignment - Customizing |
GTRDERIVER | GTR Object Assignment - Maintenance |
GTRINV_MULTI_BP_S | Grantor Invoicing (multiple BP rec.) |
GTRINV_S | Individual Grantor Invoicing |
GT_ACT_DB | Activate New DB Configration |
GT_CUS | Set Customer Type for Golden Tax |
GT_DL | Upload Inbound File from GT |
GT_DLN | Upload Inbound File from GTS |
GT_IVL | Invoice List |
GT_UL | Create Outbound File for GT |
GT_ULN | Create Outbound File for GTS |
GUIBIBS | BIBS for GUI Tests |
GUIT | GUI Test |
GVAR | Maintenance of Fiscal Year Variants |
GVTR | FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward |
GVTR_NACC | FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward |
GWIPROFILE | GWI: Profile maintenance |
GWUG | FI-SL: Global Currency Translation |
GWUL | FI-SL: Local Currency Translation |
GZZG | Generate FI-SL completely |
HAP_TAB_CONF | Start Tab and Process Configuration |
HB01 | Create Business entity |
HB02 | Change Business entity |
HB03 | Display Business entity |
HB11 | Create Building |
HB12 | Change Building |
HB13 | Display Building |
HB18 | Sales mode building display |
HB21 | Create Sales units |
HB22 | Change Sales units |
HB23 | Display Sales units |
HB28 | Sales display "Sales units" |
HB31 | Create Lot |
HB32 | Change Lot |
HB33 | Display Lot |
HB38 | Sales driven display lot |
HBA2 | Change affected building list |
HBA3 | Display affected building list |
HBAG | Master data generation for re-scm |
HBCX | Order cancellation for RE-SCM |
HBF2 | Change Fit-List |
HBF3 | Display Fit-List |
HBIS1 | Building List Report |
HBIS2 | Business entity List report |
HBIS3 | Sales unit List report |
HBIS4 | Lot List report |
HBPF | Pre-Sales Browser (no splash) |
HBPS | Pre-Sales Browser |
HBR2 | Change Rules |
HBR3 | Display Rules |
HBS0 | (old) Create RE-SCM Sales Order |
HBS1 | (old) Create RE-SCM Inquiry |
HBS2 | (old) Create RE-SCM Quotation |
HB_CO44 | Enhanced project scheduling |
HCMWAOKOPL1 | Cost Planning |
HCMWAOROOM1 | Book Room |
HDBC | ERP Accelerators: Settings |
HDBHIER | Maintain Set Hierarchies for HDB |
HDBS | ERP Accelerators: Settings |
HDBS_ERROR | ERP Accelerators: Settings |