Transaction | Text |
EAMS13 | Delete Simulation Indexes |
EAMS20 | Define Simulation Periods |
EAMS21 | UIS Version: Create for Mass Simul. |
EAMS22 | Statistics for Billing-Rel. Proc. |
EAMS_LPD_MP_IK01 | Call IK01 |
EAM_USER | User Settings for EAM |
EAN1 | Create GTIN Mapping |
EAN2 | Change GTIN Mapping |
EAN3 | Display GTIN Mapping |
EAN4 | Create GTIN Mapping with Template |
EANC1 | Cond.: Field Cat. GTIN Mapping |
EANC2 | CondTab: Create (GTIN Mapping) |
EANC3 | CondTab: Change (GTIN Mapping) |
EANC4 | CondTab: Display (GTIN Mapping) |
EANC5 | Access sequences: GTIN Mapping |
EANC6 | Condition types: GTIN Mapping |
EANC7 | Procedure: GTIN Mapping |
EANC8 | Determine Procedure GTIN Mapping |
EANC9 | Customizing GTIN Variant Types |
EANCONSISTENCYCHECK | Change Materials Regarding EAN Attr. |
EANGLN | Maintain: Global Location Number |
EANPROCESS | IO Processes to be Mapped for EAN |
EANSIMULATE | Simulate GTIN Mapping |
EANUG | EAN.UCC (UoM Grouping criteria) |
EANVENDOR | Maintain Vendor EANs |
EAOUT | Display Outsourcing for Bill/Inv. |
EAOUTL | Cross-Contract Billing |
EAOUT_1 | Detail display MiniApp EMAP_OUTBIIN |
EAPDH | Archive Print Document Headers |
EAPDL | Archive Print Document Line Items |
EARDISP01 | Display Archive: Print Doc. Header |
EARDISP02 | Display Archive: Print Document Itms |
EARDISP03 | Display Archive: Billing Document |
EARDISP04 | Display Archive: Budget Billng Plans |
EARDISP05 | Display Archive: Billing Doc. Lines |
EARDISP06 | Display Archive: MR Results |
EARDISP07 | Display Archive: Inspection List |
EARDISP08 | Display Archive: EDM Profile Values |
EARELINVOICE | Release Billing in Background |
EARETPER | Define retention period |
EAROUND | Accts for Rounding Amnt Gross Price |
EAR_CHECKER | Verify legal rep. cust. consistency |
EASIBI | Create Individual Bill |
EASICH | Individual Overall Check |
EASIM | Simulation Scenarios |
EASIM01 | Simulation f. Backbill. and PE Bill. |
EASISI | Create Individ. Simulation |
EASY | Tool:Search For/Call-Up Transactions |
EASYDMS_CUS | Customizing Easy Document Management |
EATAXROUND_JP | Amount Rounding for Jap. Tax Calcul. |
EATB | ISU: Turbo Billing |
EATR | Mass Activity: Create Bill/Part.Bill |
EAXX | IS-U Billing |
EA_DOWNLOAD | Download Billing Master Data |
EA_TRANSPORT | Complete Transport of Master Data |
EA_UPLOAD | Upload Billing Master Data |
EBAA | Connection object overview |
EBO1 | Create boleto for bills |
EBPMSG | Create Message in EBP for Sol.Mgr. |
EBPP | EBPP - Demo |
EBPP_APAR_SUPPORT | Support Transaction for Bill. Direct |
EBPP_AR_CONTACTS | EBPP: Remarks Created |
EBPP_AR_MATCH | EBPP: Assignmt of User to Accounts |
EBPP_AR_T042ICC | Account Determination Payment Cards |
EBPP_AR_T042ZEBPP | EBPP: Maintain EBPP Payment Methods |
EBPP_CREATE_USER | Create a new user |
EBPP_CUST_CHNG | Change Notification Data |
EBPP_CUST_DISP | Display Notification Data |
EBPP_LOG_CUST | Customizing for Log Categories |
EBPP_LOG_DISP | Display of Log Categories |
EBPP_LOG_ORGA | Reorganize Log Entries |
EBPP_RI | Biller Direct Bill Receipt |
EBPP_RIC | Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Settings |
EBPP_RICONN | Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Links |
EBP_DEFAULT_COUNTRY | Maintain DefaultCountry for EBP User |
EBP_RECORDING | Recording EBP Services |
EBP_TOOLTIPS | Definition of Tooltip Texts |
EBP_USER_MACROS | Recording User Macros |
EBP_USER_RECORDING | Recording User Macros |
EBR_CATCFOP | CFOP Category Determination -ISU |
EBR_COMPROVRET | Yearly discounted IRPJ by customer |
EBR_LIVICMS | Update EBRLIVICMS table for Brazil |
EBR_MATCATCFOP | Mat Categ Determination CFOP - ISU |
EBR_TE011BR | Quantity dependent tax determination |
EBR_VALRETIR | Monthly discounted IRPJ - Customers |
EBW_DQ_CS | Marketing: Consumpt. -> Delta Queue |
EBW_DQ_SS | Sales Statistics -> BW Delta Queue |
EBW_SS_MON | Analysis of BW Extraction Orders |
EC01 | Org.Object Copier: Company Code |
EC02 | Org.Object Copier: Plant |
EC03 | Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area |
EC04 | Org.Object Copier: Sales Organizatn |
EC05 | Org.Object Copier: Distribution Chnl |
EC06 | Org.Object Copier: Division |
EC07 | Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point |
EC08 | Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point |
EC09 | Org.Object Copier: Warehouse Number |
EC10 | Org.Object Copier: Personnel Area |
EC11 | Org.Object Copier: Personnel Subarea |