Transaction | Text |
EC_TUTORIAL_AUTH | eCATT Demo: Role Tests |
EC_TUTORIAL_TCD | eCATT Tutorial: TCD Command |
EC_TUTORIAL_TESTDATA | eCATT: Demo for Test Data Management |
EDATEXAGGR | Export Aggregated Messages |
EDATEXAGGRMON | Monitor Aggregated Messages |
EDATEXDELETE | Delete Data Exchange Task |
EDATEXEVENTDUE | Monitoring of Due Date of Task |
EDATEXEXECUTE | Execute Data Exchange Tasks |
EDATEXEXECUTEMA | Mass Act.: Execute Data Exch. Tasks |
EDATEXGEN | Generate Data Exchange Tasks |
EDATEXGENMA | Mass Act.: Generate Data Exch. Tasks |
EDATEXMON01 | Monitoring of Data Exchange Tasks |
EDATEXREVGEN | Generation Reversal of D.Exch. Tasks |
EDATEXSEND | Send Data for Due Tasks |
EDEREG_ANALYSE | Analyses for POD/Service Provider |
EDEREG_PODGROUP_GEN | Generate Point of Delivery Groups |
EDIT | Juergen's Editor |
EDM1 | Monitor Profile Import |
EDX_BALANCING | EDX: Message Comparison |
EDX_DEL | EDX: Delete Messages (Test) |
EDX_DUMP | EDX: Save Messages with Errors |
EDX_LINK | EDX: Link Document to Attachments |
EDX_LIST | EDX: Message Overview |
EDX_POLL | EDX: Polling List Web Dynpro |
EDX_PULL | EDX: Pulling Batch Program |
EDX_READ_FILES | EDX: Read Messages From File System |
EDX_RESET | EDX: Reset Message Status |
EDX_RESET_PARK | EDX: Update Messages stat. EDX_PARK |
EDX_RUN | EDX: Perform processing all messages |
EDX_SEND | EDX: Send Messages |
EDX_TRACE | EDX: Display Trace Messages |
EE25 | Budget Billing Amounts |
EE52 | IS-U: Change Notification |
EE53 | IS-U: Display Notification |
EE72 | IS-U: Change Work Order |
EE73 | IS-U: Display Work Order |
EE73_WM_NOTIF_1 | Detail Display for MiniApp WM_NOTIF |
EE73_WM_ORDER_1 | Detail display for MiniApp WM_ORDER |
EEAK | Employment equity - Canada |
EEDM00 | EDM Frame |
EEDM01 | Maintain Profile |
EEDM02 | Display Profile |
EEDM04 | Maintain Profile Allocation |
EEDM05 | Display Profile Allocation |
EEDM06 | Create Profile Header |
EEDM07 | Change Profile Header |
EEDM08 | Display Profile Header |
EEDM09 | Create Point of Delivery |
EEDM10 | Change Point of Delivery |
EEDM11 | Display Point of Delivery |
EEDM12 | Operand - Profile Role Allocation |
EEDMCALCWB | EDM Calculation Workbench |
EEDMCOPY01 | Copy a file with profile values |
EEDMCOPY02 | Copy File with Internal Data |
EEDMEXP01 | Download profile values via PoD |
EEDMEXP02 | Download Profile Values by Prof. No. |
EEDMFACTORCALC | Calculate Dynamic Modif. Factor |
EEDMFICALC01 | Start Formula Instance Calculation |
EEDMFICALC02 | Monitor Formula Instance Calculation |
EEDMFICALC03 | Compress Temporary Trigger |
EEDMFICALC04 | Analyze/Delete Calculation Run Info. |
EEDMFORMGRPSHOW | Define, Display Formula Groups |
EEDMFORMGRPUPDATE | Define, Change Formula Groups |
EEDMIDESERVPROV01 | Create Service Provider |
EEDMIDESERVPROV02 | Change Service Provider |
EEDMIDESERVPROV03 | Display Service Provider |
EEDMIDE_GRID01 | Create Grid |
EEDMIDE_GRID02 | Change Grid |
EEDMIDE_GRID03 | Display Grid |
EEDMIMP01 | Upload Profile Values via PoD |
EEDMIMP02 | Upload Profile Values by Profile No. |
EEDMPODCONSGEN | Generation of Consumption History |
EEDMRTPCODE | Generate Codes for RTP Components |
EEDMSENDPRO01 | Send Profiles |
EEDMSENDPRO02 | List of Sent Profiles |
EEDMSETTLANALYSE | Display Settled PoDs for Document |
EEDMSETTLANALYSEPOD | Documents for PoD Display |
EEDMSETTLCHANGE | Change Settlement Document |
EEDMSETTLCREATE | Create Settlement Document |
EEDMSETTLDISP | Display Settlement Document |
EEDMSETTLPARA_WZ | Wizard: Check and Create Parameters |
EEDMSETTLST | Start/Stop Settlement Run |
EEDMSETTLUNIT01 | Create Settlement Unit |
EEDMSETTLUNIT02 | Change Settlement Unit |
EEDMSETTLUNIT03 | Display Settlement Unit |
EEDMSETTLVAR01 | Create Selection Variant |
EEDMSETTLVAR02 | Change Selection Variant |
EEDMSETTLVAR03 | Display Selection Variant |
EEDM_CMP01 | Create RTP Component |
EEDM_CMP02 | Change RTP Component |
EEDM_CMP03 | Display RTP Component |
EEDM_FRM01 | Create RTP Formula |
EEDM_FRM02 | Change RTP Formula |
EEDM_FRM03 | Display RTP Formula |
EEDM_RTP01 | Create RTP Interface |
EEDM_RTP02 | Change RTP Interface |
EEDM_RTP03 | Display RTP Interface |
EEDM_SETTLPROFILE | Profile Template for Settlmnt Params |